VIDEO: Pauly Shore Hating On Black Comedians

wow dude is wasted

"like literally.. white people will be picking cotton in the next 3 years"
Charlie Murphy is working cause hes Eddie Murphys brother... not cause hesblack
plus hes funny anyways. he came to my school a couple years ago,hilarious.

Shore is just not funny, at all.
btw i know someone thought of the one episode of the Office... the one where Michael tries to retell the Chris Rock joke and wonders why everyone got offendedand he was like "how come Chris can say it and i can't? is it because i'm white?"
well there are a LOT of really bad black comedians who are not even remotely funny.

That said there are even more white comedians who are not even a little bit funny.

Both asian comedians are not funny while we are at it.
Black comedy is at its lowest point in i cant remember how long(in terms of material), the majority of black comedians do the "black people do this butwhite people do it like this" jokes along with just throwin a whole string of cusswords together. Only black comedians im checkin for at the moment areChappelle and Rock
What a prick. Him of all people having the nerve to complain about not having a fair opportunity to do what he does while coming from an extremely privilegedbackground that's set him up with all the gigs he's ever gotten in life. Bum
all the people he named are hillarious, but most white comediens get the sitcoms and black comediens do vh1 commentary.
this dude is an idiot...Im sure he's on to something as far black comedians being more "in-demand", but uh, white people picking cotton in 3years & black people being on top? Where the $%$! is he living? I need to be there...

what he has f'ed up is black culture are being highly profitable in entertainment in general, and actual economic standing...Im sure Pauly Shore aintmaking less than 20K a year, dude is straight.
Im sure he's on to something as far black comedians being more "in-demand"

^ Truth. Charlie Murphy though? Please...dude's funny. Throw in Damon Wayans and we have a deal. I've never been more pissed off at wasting money inmy whole life until I paid to see Damon Wayans live. It seriously was just like dude rolled out of bed, got high, came out and just walked around making funof white people in the crowd. It's a shame people like that dude. With that said, Pauly Shore is an absolute idiot. Anyone see him on Wildin Out? Whenit got to the freestyle/diss part at the end of the show, dude just flipped out and walked off stage saying that he wouldn't diss other people (aka dude istoo coked out to think fast enough to freestyle). He is one of the most worthless people in the world. How does this guy still end up on tv?
I pray Black America, or America period doesn't blow this out of proportion. Storyline should read "Washed up bitter Comedian takes anger out onsuccessful comedians of our time". however, it just may read "Racially motivated comedian Pauly Shore attacks Black comedians". The fact of thematter is, Funny reigns supreme. Of course cultural influence may have a slight impact on a comedian's success or failure, however, the fact remains - ifyou're funny, you will always be around.

I hate to strife from my initial point, but as a Black man, I do not find a majority of Black comedians funny. Their subject matter is based off of a range of6 issues at best, and they rely more so on theatrics, as opposed to jokes. However, two of the funniest comedians are black - Chris Rock, and Dave Chappelle.
All those comedians he named are funny except for Mo'Nique...i dont' really like female comedians of any race cuz all they seem to talk about are sexand female problems...
Pauly Shore. Genetrally though, there ARE a lot of unfunnny black comedians who overdo the whole "black people do this, white people do this,"jokes while most of the unfunny white comedians are just anecdotal jokes that just aren't funny.
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