Vote for your Niketalk President 2008 The Winner Is...... PG 1 ....

@ purple johnson

og and purp all the way
Originally Posted by Ebonics

Originally Posted by miamib30514

i wanna hear which candidate has a plan to fix this yuku crisis before i cast my vote
Why? why does that matter, they are not getting any special privileges, this is just for teh funz. but i had my original vote for wally, but OG's vice prez pick made me sway my vote to purple johnson even though this whole president thing is stupid

word? then why vote, i thought they were actually gonna make a difference.
where's iblink? i actually went in already wanting to vote for him...ah well ogbobbyjohnson got my vote.
No hate, but is whywesteppin even aware of what's going on?
Originally Posted by FlyNY

Yo i have a question for the candidates..
How will you address to a hypothetical unfortunate event of an aspiring NT presidential Nominee(who was on his grind) who was in 2nd place in the primaries, and was booted from the election beacause a hater couldnt stand to see the young brotha shine?And was booted without any PROOF of corruption?? I just want to know

"Senator Odrama - Maria Rodriguez, How do you respond to your detractors who say that you're not ready to lead should Senator Haze face anotherassassination attempt by the NikeTalk staff?!?"

"Well Maria, Let's talk about experience...Let's talk about leadership. Myopponents...uhhh...WhyWeSteppin, OGBobbyJohnson773, And Purple Face would have you believe I'm an experienced and incapable leader, When in all actuality,It's their leadership abilities that should be called into question..."

"Let's take this WhyWeSteppin individual. He...uhhh...To my knowledge at least, Is only knownfor posting in threads dedicated to the Emmy award-winning drama: Lost...He hasn't participated in the countless epic threads that I have throughout myallustrious NT career. Senator Steppin's track record is spotty at best. His presidential campaign is a lot like his favorite televisionshow...Lost."



"But in all seriousness Maria, I come from humble beginnings onChicago's rugged SouthSide, And I've risen like a Phoenix from the ashes to become a fly, strapping, and educated young man. I've seen the worst ofthe worst, And I've been able to overcome. I think I can speak for Senator Haze when I say that he also shares the same background as I do. NYC andChicago, The best of both worlds (No Kellz). As my opponent's screenname would have you believe, OGBobbyJohnson773 is an OG from Chicago.But...Uhhh...Don't be misled NikeTalkians, This "OG" is from a more trendy and affluent area of Chicago...He doesn't understand the hardshipsand humility of working class NikeTalkians...Senator Johnson is clearly out of touch."

I think the real issue that needs to be addressed here is Senator Face's questionable relationship with the terrorist organization known as"4chan", And their leader "Pedo Bear". I don't believe that Senator Face has been very forthcoming and honest about his ties to thisdiabolical terrorist cell that could in fact, Wipe NikeTalk off the face of the interwebz with the push of a button. I have in my hands documents thatirrefutably link Senator Face to this vile monster known as Pedo Bear..."

*Warning: These pictures may be considered graphic to someviewers*


"We need to know the extent of your relationship with this terrorist sir...This is NOT the change NT needs. Vote Swagocratic. VoteHaze-Odrama."
question for the candidates: what are your thoughts on foreign policy and NT's recent occupation/invasion into jjb? how can NT become less dependant onforeign resources(e.g. the females on jjb)?
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