Wake up black men.

Originally Posted by JuJu

yall cats aren't reading i said its obvious other races do it whether i see it or not, all im saying is you cannot deny that it happens more among young black men thats it. jesus people need to stop skiming and look at the context clues. i aint never seen a white dude slang crack but i wouldnt say no white people sell crack cocaine but ill be damned if you gonna tell me crack slangning doesnt happen more often then not in the black community its all just in how you look at it. im not talking absolutes here im talking things the way I see it.
Originally Posted by lemurkicks23

Originally Posted by JuJu

Originally Posted by Thugnificence

Originally Posted by JuJu

yall cats saying black cats aren't the main ones doing this are kidding yourselves. i have never ever seen any other race do this !%%+ ever. its so ******ed too cause you just messing the game up for everyone. theres a reason there are whole facebook groups filled with chicks who hate this !*+. if a chick is feeling you at all a simple hello will do if she says hi back great if not oh well. i swear when i was in college this one white girl was talking to class about being disrespected. her example was being disrespected at clubs and what now i swear to you someone asked her what club her story was from and as soon as she said it was the local majority black club in tampa everyone white and black was like b. thats your fault for going to that club like its just expected of black dudes and its your own fault for not knowing so smh
just because you havent seen other races do it, doesnt mean that other races dont do it. that just means that you dont live in a very diverse place & dont hang out with a diverse group of people

so your saying because i dont see white people or asians or hispanics feeling up and disrespecting women i live in plainsview idaho? dunny ive lived in two places my whole life NYC and south florida and ive had friends from every corner of the earth and actually hang out with a majority of white cats all my life so dont tell me im sheltered or some !@#. black cats just get mad cause its something negative being brought to light.

Since you've had black friends you know how we act and live? For you to say this I give you no creditbility... The black population is less to none compared to the majority right? What I am trying to understand is why is your comment relevent? From what I read you must be white. The comparison to other races were to shed light on other groups who does this as well. Stating that we aren't the bad guy always. That's the problem with being apart of the oppressed group in an opressive society. You'll never understand, this is nothing more than to set us back and continue the self and social hate that your people has inflicted on us. I wish there was something that I can do for my people but we must individually get better amongst ourselves. As far as you go continue to like sneakers, hip hop, and other things that black people like. You're not one of us so stay at a distance, this is nothing more than just analyzing stereotypes. You're living up to one in opinion.

SON I AM BLACK JESUS CHRIST. another thing black people like to do is discredit people because they dont have any cred in the community please.
oh and since when did sneakers become something for black folk? far as i know a white man invented all the shoes you love so much. ONCE AGAIN READ WHATS SAID.ill even give you a tagged pick word to green eyes cause im sure you think that a white devil such as myself would lie to get my evil white agenda across.sorry if i dont blame the +$**$@*# in OUR community on everyone but US doggie.
Originally Posted by JuJu

yall cats aren't reading i said its obvious other races do it whether i see it or not, all im saying is you cannot deny that it happens more among young black men thats it. jesus people need to stop skiming and look at the context clues. i aint never seen a white dude slang crack but i wouldnt say no white people sell crack cocaine but ill be damned if you gonna tell me crack slangning doesnt happen more often then not in the black community its all just in how you look at it. im not talking absolutes here im talking things the way I see it.
but the way you see it, is not necessarily the way things actually are. your experience is most likely not an accurate reflection on reality
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by thaisativa1

Originally Posted by Definition Of Dopeness

Originally Posted by H4ppyTime Harry

Originally Posted by Thugnificence

your late. and why dont you direct it towards all men.
cuz all men dont do it. its mostly the urban black male who has this attitude/behavior.
word. I dont see white dudes doin this crap... nor any other ethnicity besides maybe some puerto ricans lol furthermore, did you even watch this video???
Seriously.... I pretty much have never seen any white dudes doing stuff like this.... maybe a RARE few occasions... and I think I'd know better then the average person on NT seeing as I live in an area where the population is like 90% white

I don't even know if white dudes (myself included) have the balls to say stuff like that
Besides the fact that it's disrespectful.

Originally Posted by Definition Of Dopeness

Originally Posted by thaisativa1

Originally Posted by Definition Of Dopeness

Originally Posted by H4ppyTime Harry

Originally Posted by Thugnificence

your late. and why dont you direct it towards all men.
cuz all men dont do it. its mostly the urban black male who has this attitude/behavior.
word. I dont see white dudes doin this crap... nor any other ethnicity besides maybe some puerto ricans lol furthermore, did you even watch this video???
If you've never seen white guys doing this type of $+$%, you've got to get out more. You ever been around them college frat boys? Get a group of young white boys and send them cats to a hooters, Becky is going to be getting it from all angels.
They might not go as hard as others, but they do the $+$% as well.
I get out tons, I go to all white frat parties, etc etc....
And I just don't see it in the same way, so I'd have to disagree for the most part.
Of course ALL young men are horny so that causes some % of ALL young mean to do things...


that was racist as hell
Why is "cred" relative? You dont need it. Plus black jesus christ, where are you getting at? The "Green Eyes" comment was uncalled for.Dude dont limit it just to us. Look at women in the middle east and china. I know it's an issue at home but why only us here in the U.S. we take the blamefor most, shouldn't you want to change that?
JuJu is on point

All races do it but it seems to be mostly black dudes that do it and get the biggest rap for it.

I'm mixed (black/white) if that matters and I've lived all around (Army brat)
Originally Posted by lemurkicks23

Why is "cred" relative? You dont need it. Plus black jesus christ, where are you getting at? I cant take a stand for my own just as you did for yours? Hmm, pretty biased.

are you ******ed son? you told me i HAD TO BE WHITE based on what you read and then when i let you know that you ASSumption was completely wrong you still dontget it? yours and mines are the same thing you idiot IM BLACK we are the same. well only in skin color cause you obviously arent on my level comprehension wise
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

juju your avy is straight comedy...

yea i had to make one of me doing it for the myspace

chicks love my Dougie heh.
Originally Posted by JuJu

Originally Posted by lemurkicks23

Why is "cred" relative? You dont need it. Plus black jesus christ, where are you getting at? I cant take a stand for my own just as you did for yours? Hmm, pretty biased.

are you ******ed son? you told me i HAD TO BE WHITE based on what you read and then when i let you know that you ASSumption was completely wrong you still dont get it? yours and mines are the same thing you idiot IM BLACK we are the same. well only in skin color cause you obviously arent on my level comprehension wise
why resort to insults?
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

i find it funny how so many of you are getting offended...
Seems to me like minorities just get tired of always being generalized based on the worst, when that worst doesn't even represent a highenough % to make it justified (since generalizing is rounding, shouldn't it have to be >50% otherwise you'd generalize down?), whilst other groupsget the benefit of being seen as individuals.
Originally Posted by Thugnificence

Originally Posted by JuJu

Originally Posted by lemurkicks23

Why is "cred" relative? You dont need it. Plus black jesus christ, where are you getting at? I cant take a stand for my own just as you did for yours? Hmm, pretty biased.

are you ******ed son? you told me i HAD TO BE WHITE based on what you read and then when i let you know that you ASSumption was completely wrong you still dont get it? yours and mines are the same thing you idiot IM BLACK we are the same. well only in skin color cause you obviously arent on my level comprehension wise
why resort to insults?

im sorry its just so frustrating. and i know it doesnt do much for my superior comprehension and intellect claims but come on that youll never know what wewent through thing is so played out. i just find it amusing that since im not offended by the truth of this video and willing to deny it happens regardless ofreality i must be white. i just dont see why so many people still use the cruch of blaming others for their situation in life
Originally Posted by Robby Valentino

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by thaisativa1

Originally Posted by Definition Of Dopeness

Originally Posted by H4ppyTime Harry

Originally Posted by Thugnificence

your late. and why dont you direct it towards all men.
cuz all men dont do it. its mostly the urban black male who has this attitude/behavior.
word. I dont see white dudes doin this crap... nor any other ethnicity besides maybe some puerto ricans lol furthermore, did you even watch this video???
Seriously.... I pretty much have never seen any white dudes doing stuff like this.... maybe a RARE few occasions... and I think I'd know better then the average person on NT seeing as I live in an area where the population is like 90% white

I don't even know if white dudes (myself included) have the balls to say stuff like that
Besides the fact that it's disrespectful.

Originally Posted by Definition Of Dopeness

Originally Posted by thaisativa1

Originally Posted by Definition Of Dopeness

Originally Posted by H4ppyTime Harry

Originally Posted by Thugnificence

your late. and why dont you direct it towards all men.
cuz all men dont do it. its mostly the urban black male who has this attitude/behavior.
word. I dont see white dudes doin this crap... nor any other ethnicity besides maybe some puerto ricans lol furthermore, did you even watch this video???
If you've never seen white guys doing this type of $+$%, you've got to get out more. You ever been around them college frat boys? Get a group of young white boys and send them cats to a hooters, Becky is going to be getting it from all angels.
They might not go as hard as others, but they do the $+$% as well.
I get out tons, I go to all white frat parties, etc etc....
And I just don't see it in the same way, so I'd have to disagree for the most part.
Of course ALL young men are horny so that causes some % of ALL young mean to do things...


that was racist as hell
If the truth is racist then you are 100% correct.
Originally Posted by Gregory House

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

i find it funny how so many of you are getting offended...
i can see how some people could get offended when the title of the thread says " Wake up BLACK men" i could see why some would getoffended
Only people getting offended are those who have been called out in the video. Stop acting like trash and maybe this video wouldn't exist.
lol good point^^^why are ya'll getting offended....isnt this about the women????

yet again this proves how selfish us males can be.

in any event.....where i'm from this is how it goes......

dude: eyy gal what yo name uzz?.....
girl: "no response"
dude: well F*** you then.....you aint even look that good

**that was my "black/white/puerto rican/asian...etc." example

as someone already said its not really about race because all men do it. whether it be subtle or not depends on alot of factors.....

it honestly boils down to this......
it is a fathers responsibility to teach his son, mostly by example, how to treat women.....and since a number of youths do not have fathers or father figures,they have to learn from other sometimes bad examples.....

even at that, a good mother can teach a son how women should be treated and respected if she respects herself.
if a single mother is disrespecting herself by dating some loser who treats her like crap then her children will see that and naturally have no other exampleto follow and will think that that is right until they are taught differently.

with that being said, as long as these men don't know better, then they won't do better.
all of those girls need a slap.....................none of them look good, the first two need to go comb their hair, and the rest of them juss talk too muchfoolishness. all of them think too much.
I don't know what kind of white dudes you see/hang around....
Must be some poor unintelligent ones.
Come to where I live where it's all rich white people & you definitely won't be seeing any of that.

WOWWWWWWWWW no shame in that blatant display of ignorance

You don't know what kind of white dudes degrade women? Why don't you look at the white dudes who have exploited black women since the birth of thiscountry. **@+@%$@@#%@.

... and remember, it only takes a few to ruin a reputation of many.
If you think a cliche, unoriginal, saying like that is applicable to an entire race of people in this situation, off yourself.
<-- Like the name says.

keep in mind that these are all statements by females and are their experiences, not yours.
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