Wanna know who Satan really is?

Yes its a terrible thing but Bigger yields are the ONLY THING THAT MATTER because its means cheaper foods and cheaper food is all people want. People will always op out for cheaper food or their brand of their choice even if you SLAM THE ORGANIC CLEAN SEED WHATEVER in their face. Yea organic food is overall better but organic foods can not feed the population we have nowadays.

I fully understand what yall are trying to say but even my ecology and agricultural people know this is how it is gonna have to be done.
Originally Posted by 59 Piffy

didnt know we had so many disinfo agents/monsanto employees on NT 

LMAO this is your response to everything I said? This is your rebuttal?

Sigh... I think, why do I waste my time sometimes, but then I remember why I am in the sciences, to help others.

I didn't even disagree with you about toxic chemicals being dumped or sprayed, nor did I disagree with your comments about evil corporations, but YOU, can't be the one spreading misinformation about how "evil" scientists are just trying to kill all of us with their GMO killer tomatoes.

We ain't all jokers who just want to "watch the world burn" lol.

For the most part science is SERIOUSLY in need of support and it saddens me that it is constantly being trampled and spit on by the very people it's trying to help and save. Ingrates lol.
Originally Posted by milestailsprowe

Yes its a terrible thing but Bigger yields are the ONLY THING THAT MATTER because its means cheaper foods and cheaper food is all people want. People will always op out for cheaper food or their brand of their choice even if you SLAM THE ORGANIC CLEAN SEED WHATEVER in their face. Yea organic food is overall better but organic foods can not feed the population we have nowadays.

I fully understand what yall are trying to say but even my ecology and agricultural people know this is how it is gonna have to be done.

Precisely, you guys think we have the luxury of feeding the entire planet of 8 billion people "green and organic foods."

LARGER and CHEAPER yields are what we need first and foremost, it is priority, no matter what the sacrifice is on nutrition at this point (there will be a time when we can have both if you keep supporting science) because there are millions of people starving to death.

So remember that as you sit at home eating your $10 "organic health" food burger, remember that some people in third world countries dont even make $10 in a month.

Also, don't forget the environmental scientists, zoologists, and botanists, who are the greenest mofos in the world lol.

LOL ecologists are OD when it comes to nature and the environment/
Originally Posted by PleasurePhD

Originally Posted by milestailsprowe

Yes its a terrible thing but Bigger yields are the ONLY THING THAT MATTER because its means cheaper foods and cheaper food is all people want. People will always op out for cheaper food or their brand of their choice even if you SLAM THE ORGANIC CLEAN SEED WHATEVER in their face. Yea organic food is overall better but organic foods can not feed the population we have nowadays.

I fully understand what yall are trying to say but even my ecology and agricultural people know this is how it is gonna have to be done.

Precisely, you guys think we have the luxury of feeding the entire planet of 8 billion people "green and organic foods."

LARGER and CHEAPER yields are what we need first and foremost, it is priority, no matter what the sacrifice is on nutrition at this point (there will be a time when we can have both if you keep supporting science) because there are millions of people starving to death.

So remember that as you sit at home eating your $10 "organic health" food burger, remember that some people in third world countries dont even make $10 in a month.

Also, don't forget the environmental scientists, zoologists, and botanists, who are the greenest mofos in the world lol.

LOL ecologists are OD when it comes to nature and the environment/
Well being green is in their good description and sadly on the sly they get payed off alot but that's another story. What subject do you study in science? 
Originally Posted by milestailsprowe

Originally Posted by PleasurePhD

Originally Posted by milestailsprowe

Yes its a terrible thing but Bigger yields are the ONLY THING THAT MATTER because its means cheaper foods and cheaper food is all people want. People will always op out for cheaper food or their brand of their choice even if you SLAM THE ORGANIC CLEAN SEED WHATEVER in their face. Yea organic food is overall better but organic foods can not feed the population we have nowadays.

I fully understand what yall are trying to say but even my ecology and agricultural people know this is how it is gonna have to be done.

Precisely, you guys think we have the luxury of feeding the entire planet of 8 billion people "green and organic foods."

LARGER and CHEAPER yields are what we need first and foremost, it is priority, no matter what the sacrifice is on nutrition at this point (there will be a time when we can have both if you keep supporting science) because there are millions of people starving to death.

So remember that as you sit at home eating your $10 "organic health" food burger, remember that some people in third world countries dont even make $10 in a month.

Also, don't forget the environmental scientists, zoologists, and botanists, who are the greenest mofos in the world lol.

LOL ecologists are OD when it comes to nature and the environment/
Well being green is in their good description and sadly on the sly they get payed off alot but that's another story. What subject do you study in science? 
I assume you are referring to monosanto, well yes, I never said large corporations didn't have their corrupt side. 

Anyway, I study biomedical science, cell and mol bio. My focus is in stem cell biology.
Originally Posted by PleasurePhD

Originally Posted by milestailsprowe

Originally Posted by PleasurePhD

Precisely, you guys think we have the luxury of feeding the entire planet of 8 billion people "green and organic foods."

LARGER and CHEAPER yields are what we need first and foremost, it is priority, no matter what the sacrifice is on nutrition at this point (there will be a time when we can have both if you keep supporting science) because there are millions of people starving to death.

So remember that as you sit at home eating your $10 "organic health" food burger, remember that some people in third world countries dont even make $10 in a month.

Also, don't forget the environmental scientists, zoologists, and botanists, who are the greenest mofos in the world lol.

LOL ecologists are OD when it comes to nature and the environment/
Well being green is in their good description and sadly on the sly they get payed off alot but that's another story. What subject do you study in science? 
I assume you are referring to monosanto, well yes, I never said large corporations didn't have their corrupt side. 

Anyway, I study biomedical science, cell and mol bio. My focus is in stem cell biology.
I'm referring to just ecologist in a general term because according to my teachers greasing palms so they can build on land and such happen often. I'm working on a bio degree, no real focus right now as I have no idea what research I want to do yet. 
Originally Posted by PleasurePhD

Originally Posted by 59 Piffy

sad that no one cares our food system has been poisoned

all you care about is mass, smashing, ugly *$! shoes that came out 20 years ago, a logo on your shirt, and whatever trend a homosexual rapper started

we have young NTers posting about getting cancer, people getting diabetes and heart conditions at 35, different "diseases" showing up each day yet think its all just a big coincidence.


even china is rejecting GMO : http://digg.com/newsbar/t..._modified_rice_gmo_crops

we are cattle......like henry kissinger stated "useless eaters"
The problem though is that it IS necessary to go GMO. I mean it really cracks me up when people push "go vegan" "go organic" "natural meds" etc... yet do they not realize all that stuff is coming from somewhere and where does it come from?  It's all harvested form earth still, not matter whether its "organic" or not they are all products from earth? And, how do you expect the planet to sustain 8 billion people, and growing, forever using these methods? The Billions of people that need food and medication...You suggest we keep pillaging and plundering the earth for all of it's natural "organic and  go green, vegan etc... BS" resources until there is absolutely nothing left and we all die?

It kinda cracks me up cause the same effers who support "go green""go organic" etc, etc, they dont realize they are raping the earth of resources just and much as anyone else, we just call it "green and healthy" and "environmentally safe" because there are not chemicals added, which isn't 100% true, it just has to pass a certain list of chemicals.  All the while the EVIL scientist are trying to make us less dependent on the earth.

I mean, imagine being able to synthesize all of our medicine, food, etc... instead of having to get everything from the earth. A TRUE sustainable lifestyle where we can live clean and truly environmentally healthy.

So as you sit there in your cozy house in front of your cool computer, chowing down on your "sustainable" "organic" veggie burger, screaming about the devil and GMO realize that you are contributing to an ever growing problem (the extraction of limited resources on earth), and the only way to fix that problem is to support science and genetic engineering, which I might add, will save millions of lives and already is saving lives everyday not just by GMO foods.

What's funny is that if you knew anything about genetic engineering and plant/animal physiology you would realize that although there can be draw backs to GMO products we can not be sterilized by them. You would also realize CANCER arise in the young all of the time and has been for a LONG, LONG time. It's a genetic abnormality that come naturally to some individuals during development and because of random mutations, which has allowed us to evolve, but can cause harm because that's the way our cells and DNA work, and also is why kids usually get leukemia. It has nothing do to with the trend of food and GMO products. People are getting diabetes and heart disease at a "young" age, but I remind you that 35 wasn't very young back 100 years ago. It was actually considered older because people were dying younger. We can living to a much older age because of the advances in food and science and medicine. YOU think that is a coincidence? LOL if you do. Also people are getting those specific disorders because they are FAT, EAT BAD and DO NOT EXERCISE. NOT because of GMO products or chemicals in their food. There is NO coincidence there, those are the FACTS and reasons. There is a health problem with the abundance of food and lack of concern with health and lifestyle, it's laziness. Not some crazy conspiracy where these evil corporations make these deadly foods that will kill you and then they themselves eat them and allow their families and friends and children to eat them. Yes, that makes a lot of sense.

As far as chemicals being dumped or sprayed, I'll give you that, but those aren't exclusive to GMO those chemicals can be sprayed or dumped on anything. From any corporation which manufactures things.

YOU sir need to focus your attention on other things such as how to rid the world of hunger (don't forget as you're sitting there eating your "organic burger" there are tons of kids starving to death), WITHOUT the use of GMO products, or other science created foods, which can be cheap, nutritious, and truly sustainable.

Enlighten me on how you propose to do this without using science and just good old harvesting of crops and herbal medicines from the earth.
@ dude shutting this down from all angles. "She blinded me with sciiieeence."
Originally Posted by milestailsprowe

Originally Posted by PleasurePhD

Originally Posted by milestailsprowe

Well being green is in their good description and sadly on the sly they get payed off alot but that's another story. What subject do you study in science? 
I assume you are referring to monosanto, well yes, I never said large corporations didn't have their corrupt side. 

Anyway, I study biomedical science, cell and mol bio. My focus is in stem cell biology.
I'm referring to just ecologist in a general term because according to my teachers greasing palms so they can build on land and such happen often. I'm working on a bio degree, no real focus right now as I have no idea what research I want to do yet. 
OH yes, I know that happens too.

Are you planning to go to grad school or med school or....?

Don't worry about it, choosing a focus as an undergrad that is (if that's what you are). I started undergrad as a microbiologist determined to work for the CDC (still think about it now and again lol). Then by my junior/senior year I was all about cancer biology and into my masters, and now in my PhD I am all about stem cells and regenerative medicine. So ya lol, your interests and passions will come with time and exposure.
Originally Posted by PleasurePhD

Originally Posted by buggz05

They don't yield more nutrition. They yield more quantity.

Do yall really think stripping a crop of its vitamins, and then replacing them with the same vitamins but manufactured this time, is a good idea? Enriched? You guys actually see benefits in that?

I'm the biggest transhumanist/transgenics supporter on this board. This is not "upgrading" your food supply. It's downgrading it to provide more profit, less nutritional value.
I still don't understand how you can say this and at the same time say the other crap that you believe. About science in general and genetic engineering or synthesis of novel medications.

Humans are the common denominator my friend. There is not one thing that humans haven't corrupted. A lot of this should just seem obvious imo. Yes eventually our bodies may be able to consume everything in sight. But today is not that day, and I don't want to be the guinea pig really. Yet we have to overcome these downfalls if we want to survive. My way of overcoming our FDA is through information and enlightenment. We will have to do the same with nuclear etc. Look at anon, something so fulfilling to desires tho it has yet to cause any mass harm. There's that human factor again. Except doing something evil and mischievous, yet attempting to make a situation something better out of it. #typedoncellphone
BS....BS. Farmers are paid to not grow food in certain regions. We have destroyed local genetics of multiple strains of food, juts so we can have assembly line efficiency with food products. Why is everybody in the world eating the same cloned strain of banana? There are other flavors of bananas that I will never taste in my life, because economics says that we need one genetically supped up clone from one strain that is probably the least best tasting of all the variety of banana that ever existed in the world. Why do we need this? So that it can sit in a truck long enough and reach the market and "appear" to be fresh. Because it's resistant to one virus from one region of the world at one point in time?

To me, it just seems like mans attempt at controlling nature ends up giving birth to a beast in the long run...
Originally Posted by PleasurePhD

Originally Posted by milestailsprowe

Originally Posted by PleasurePhD

I assume you are referring to monosanto, well yes, I never said large corporations didn't have their corrupt side. 

Anyway, I study biomedical science, cell and mol bio. My focus is in stem cell biology.
I'm referring to just ecologist in a general term because according to my teachers greasing palms so they can build on land and such happen often. I'm working on a bio degree, no real focus right now as I have no idea what research I want to do yet. 
OH yes, I know that happens too.

Are you planning to go to grad school or med school or....?

Don't worry about it, choosing a focus as an undergrad that is (if that's what you are). I started undergrad as a microbiologist determined to work for the CDC (still think about it now and again lol). Then by my junior/senior year I was all about cancer biology and into my masters, and now in my PhD I am all about stem cells and regenerative medicine. So ya lol, your interests and passions will come with time and exposure.
I'm a Junior undergrad and I'm thinking of CDC work so I might wanna do immunology but I don't know. I just really wanna work in the research field. 

Originally Posted by Wr

BS....BS. Farmers are paid to not grow food in certain regions. We have destroyed local genetics of multiple strains of food, juts so we can have assembly line efficiency with food products. Why is everybody in the world eating the same cloned strain of banana? There are other flavors of bananas that I will never taste in my life, because economics says that we need one genetically supped up clone from one strain that is probably the least best tasting of all the variety of banana that ever existed in the world. Why do we need this? So that it can sit in a truck long enough and reach the market and "appear" to be fresh. Because it's resistant to one virus from one region of the world at one point in time? 

To me, it just seems like mans attempt at controlling nature ends up giving birth to a beast in the long run...
Certain foods do NOT grow in certain regions for humidly, land conditions and more. Some strains of foods are just NOT GOOD ENOUGH. Assembly line efficiency is VERY IMPORTANT because we have for sure amounts of food so people WILL BE fed. Yea you might not eat those old strains but so what at least you know you pick up bananas easily. If not for thenefficiency you can lose the crops to insects, animals, too much rain and all sorts of stochastic events that can hurt a crop yield. So we go with the best and stick with it. Corn used to be very small till we killed off the weak and now we have BIG EARS of the stuff each and every time we grow it. As I said before efficiency, yield and cost are all that matter. We have spices and more for taste. A hunger kid does not care for the worlds tastiest fruit but only to have eaten at least some fruit that day
Like it or not, Monsanto controls a mass amount of the global flow of food. Monsanto has the worst ethics history, ever. They freely dumped/burried nuclear waste without permission etc. They threaten families that they suspect are using their seeds without permission. And I don't mean threatened legally. This is what were dealing with. And this is what reflects on the gmo market. I personally believe I can eat anything and my body will consume it like a beast. But imagine how beastly one becomes without all of that crap energy spent. Also, I put world hunger on social norm. We have the resources to feed everyone if we actually implemented a plan, especially if we were more conservative as a society. But we are the exact opposite. Consume, consume, consume. Me, me, me. Instead of bringing ourselves down a notch for the greater good and maintain a more sustainable and healthy diet, we corrupt and corner the market in the name of profit, and at the sacrifice of wholesome.
Originally Posted by buggz05

Like it or not, Monsanto controls a mass amount of the global flow of food. Monsanto has the worst ethics history, ever. They freely dumped/burried nuclear waste without permission etc. They threaten families that they suspect are using their seeds without permission. And I don't mean threatened legally. This is what were dealing with. And this is what reflects on the gmo market. I personally believe I can eat anything and my body will consume it like a beast. But imagine how beastly one becomes without all of that crap energy spent. Also, I put world hunger on social norm. We have the resources to feed everyone if we actually implemented a plan, especially if we were more conservative as a society. But we are the exact opposite. Consume, consume, consume. Me, me, me. Instead of bringing ourselves down a notch for the greater good and maintain a more sustainable and healthy diet, we corrupt and corner the market in the name of profit, and at the sacrifice of wholesome.
bolded for emphasis.

could you direct me to some material on transhumanism? also singularitarianism if possible.
Originally Posted by milestailsprowe

Originally Posted by PleasurePhD

Originally Posted by milestailsprowe

I'm referring to just ecologist in a general term because according to my teachers greasing palms so they can build on land and such happen often. I'm working on a bio degree, no real focus right now as I have no idea what research I want to do yet. 
OH yes, I know that happens too.

Are you planning to go to grad school or med school or....?

Don't worry about it, choosing a focus as an undergrad that is (if that's what you are). I started undergrad as a microbiologist determined to work for the CDC (still think about it now and again lol). Then by my junior/senior year I was all about cancer biology and into my masters, and now in my PhD I am all about stem cells and regenerative medicine. So ya lol, your interests and passions will come with time and exposure.
I'm a Junior undergrad and I'm thinking of CDC work so I might wanna do immunology but I don't know. I just really wanna work in the research field. 

Originally Posted by Wr

BS....BS. Farmers are paid to not grow food in certain regions. We have destroyed local genetics of multiple strains of food, juts so we can have assembly line efficiency with food products. Why is everybody in the world eating the same cloned strain of banana? There are other flavors of bananas that I will never taste in my life, because economics says that we need one genetically supped up clone from one strain that is probably the least best tasting of all the variety of banana that ever existed in the world. Why do we need this? So that it can sit in a truck long enough and reach the market and "appear" to be fresh. Because it's resistant to one virus from one region of the world at one point in time? 

To me, it just seems like mans attempt at controlling nature ends up giving birth to a beast in the long run...
Certain foods do NOT grow in certain regions for humidly, land conditions and more. Some strains of foods are just NOT GOOD ENOUGH. Assembly line efficiency is VERY IMPORTANT because we have for sure amounts of food so people WILL BE fed. Yea you might not eat those old strains but so what at least you know you pick up bananas easily. If not for thenefficiency you can lose the crops to insects, animals, too much rain and all sorts of stochastic events that can hurt a crop yield. So we go with the best and stick with it. Corn used to be very small till we killed off the weak and now we have BIG EARS of the stuff each and every time we grow it. 
Immunology is a wonderful field, I absolutely love it. So interesting and crazy to think about. You will learn a lot about molecular biology (specifically gene recombination and similar topics), cell signaling and interaction as well as cellular differentiation. It's all part of immuno. It's hard stuff, but you will have good knowledge in a lot of fundamental cell and molecular biology too, not only immuno specifics.  If you are already a junior and somewhat unsure I would recommend applying to a program which is an interdisciplinary dept. because that will allow you to choose from many different fields of study and you can end up doing immunology or microbiology, or virology, etc...

You have some time still, but just make sure you get into a lab which studies pathogens if you wanna go into the CDC, virology or bacteriology. It can still be in immunology but the lab should specialize in microbial pathogens.

Originally Posted by Wr

BS....BS. Farmers are paid to not grow food in certain regions. We have destroyed local genetics of multiple strains of food, juts so we can have assembly line efficiency with food products. Why is everybody in the world eating the same cloned strain of banana? There are other flavors of bananas that I will never taste in my life, because economics says that we need one genetically supped up clone from one strain that is probably the least best tasting of all the variety of banana that ever existed in the world. Why do we need this? So that it can sit in a truck long enough and reach the market and "appear" to be fresh. Because it's resistant to one virus from one region of the world at one point in time? 

To me, it just seems like mans attempt at controlling nature ends up giving birth to a beast in the long run...
Also another reason why you only eat that one strain is because most fruits which CAN be eaten are seedless, meaning they don't reproduce sexually, and therefore you need to propagate them using another method. And we take advantage of this strain being seedless and therefore edible, and so we propagate lots of it to harvest. If they weren't seedless they would be less desirable to eat by most individuals.
Originally Posted by buggz05

Like it or not, Monsanto controls a mass amount of the global flow of food. Monsanto has the worst ethics history, ever. They freely dumped/burried nuclear waste without permission etc. They threaten families that they suspect are using their seeds without permission. And I don't mean threatened legally. This is what were dealing with. And this is what reflects on the gmo market. I personally believe I can eat anything and my body will consume it like a beast. But imagine how beastly one becomes without all of that crap energy spent. Also, I put world hunger on social norm. We have the resources to feed everyone if we actually implemented a plan, especially if we were more conservative as a society. But we are the exact opposite. Consume, consume, consume. Me, me, me. Instead of bringing ourselves down a notch for the greater good and maintain a more sustainable and healthy diet, we corrupt and corner the market in the name of profit, and at the sacrifice of wholesome.
Certain parts of your last two posts make no sense at all, especially in regards to my initial comment about your support in transhumanism, but lack of support in science. Very contradicting. I mean you do realize that transhumanism is the physical and mental alteration and modification of humans with NO LIMITS to advance the human species to uninhibited levels of power. And, transgenics are GMOs. LOL... so....

Like I said before, enlighten me with that "go green" plan to stop world hunger, WHICH will sustain all 8 billion, and growing, people on earth forever without depleting the earth of it's resources. Can't use GMOs or any other scientific advances, only "green" methods.
How does sustainable farming strip the earth of resources?

PleasurePhD just said a lot of stupid s_ and y'all are lapping it up.

Totally offbase on the agribusinees rant and some more BS about long life and the inevitability of cancer.

Sustainable farming is just that...sustainable. It requires putting nutrients back into the soil and monitoring the health of the environment in which food is grown.

And there are several rural communities throughout the globe, which have longer life spans than those afforded to Western societies. They also happen to have the extremely low rates of cancer. The more "modern" and 'industrialized" they become, the lower their life expectancy and higher the cancer rate.

The rate of cancer diagnosis and increases in life expectancy are not in lockstep.

Typical brainwashing that comes from conventional education and sources of info.

SMH @ the "Drill baby, drills" of the agriculture and nutrition world.

Y'all are hellbent on destroying the Earth and healthy modalities of natural existence.
Originally Posted by goldenchild9

How does sustainable farming strip the earth of resources?

PleasurePhD just said a lot of stupid s_ and y'all are lapping it up.

Totally offbase on the agribusinees rant and some more BS about long life and the inevitability of cancer.

Sustainable farming is just that...sustainable. It requires putting nutrients back into the soil and monitoring the health of the environment in which food is grown.

And there are several rural communities throughout the globe, which have longer life spans than those afforded to Western societies. They also happen to have the extremely low rates of cancer. The more "modern" and 'industrialized" they become, the lower their life expectancy and higher the cancer rate.

The rate of cancer diagnosis and increases in life expectancy are not in lockstep.

Typical brainwashing that comes from conventional education and sources of info.

SMH @ the "Drill baby, drills" of the agriculture and nutrition world.

Y'all are hellbent on destroying the Earth and healthy modalities of natural existence.

There is one hand of people who ACTUALLY STUDY THIS STUFF...
and the other is a group of people who read news articles and assume they understand biology and ecology while sounding sophomoric about it

Which group are you in?

And I can independently verify PleasurePHD's credentials via PM's we've shared. 

Oh, and you know literally NOTHING about cancer rates.

The only reason you're seeing a spike in cancer is because:

A. People live longer

B. We have better cancer detection methods. i.e. Finding more roaches under the mattress, doesn't mean that there are just MORE roaches that exist, you just discovered more of the ones that exist. 

People like Norman Bourlag has saved more lives (to the tune of billions) through his revolutions in agriculture than you will eating your grass fed beef. And you don't even know his name.  

Your only defense is "you sound like you've been conventionally educated and think the world can't sustain itself"...and fail to produce a single name, or fact based quote to support your claims. These are responses that sound like you're only defense is an emotional one thats formed in your head. Not one collected by observing data and drawing reliable references. 

As if watching documentaries will circumvent an actual degree in the stuff or learning how GMOs actually work. 

Now, I shop at "green" stores all the time. I like the mental placebo of wood and "organic" foods. I'll never honestly know the difference but I guess its worth it. Who knows. 

But I would be selfish to think that everyone buying food from larger chain stores is losing in life. 

GMOs are good...and bad... There is some benefit in some cases and there is no benefit in others.

Without GMOs you'd be forced to eat bananas in the side they normally look like...which is something like a small item half the size of your fist. Do you know anything about strains like Gros-Michel or Cavendish Bananas? 

GMOs have changed the world.

...its the BUSINESS of GMOs that introduce certain problems though.

Remember, this has been less than 100 years of our foray into GMOs. We're still working the kinks out, but don't for a second think that we would be better without them. You and everyone else around you would die off within a year. 

I come from a family of farmers that have been planting and selling food for over a century.

I farm and sell crops 3 months out of the year, read everything I can on the subject and go to as many seminars as I can. Just did a 3 week permaculture training in the Caribbean in November.

Which group are you in?

Go somewhere with your credentials and banter.

Olivier de Schutter, the United Nations’ special rapporteur on the Right to Food, presented a report entitled “Agro-ecology and the Right to Food.
Originally Posted by goldenchild9


I come from a family of farmers that have been planting and selling food for over a century.

I farm and sell crops 3 months out of the year, read everything I can on the subject and go to as many seminars as I can. Just did a 3 week permaculture training in the Caribbean in November.

Which group are you in?

Go somewhere with your credentials and banter.

Olivier de Schutter, the United Nations’ special rapporteur on the Right to Food, presented a report entitled “Agro-ecology and the Right to Food.
Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by goldenchild9
People like Norman Bourlag has saved more lives (to the tune of billions) through his revolutions in agriculture than you will eating your grass fed beef. And you don't even know his name.  
University of Minnesota grad.
Originally Posted by goldenchild9

Its kinda sad how hard you work, trying to convince people that you're smart...

Maybe if GMOs weren't indirectly taking money out of your pocket you wouldn't be blinded to the fact that they are more simply more IMPORTANT than your relatively small farming outfit.

Like I said, I have my issues with how certain companies handle their GMOs with things like patenting strains and heavy handed lawsuits and buying out small competitors. 

But nothing you're saying actually challenges the sheer benefit of GMOs

Its like you saying we should get rid of big pharma because they force only their drug option as your medication. 

I have problems with the system, I don't want to eliminate it. 

Oh, and are you willing to say something ridiculous about cancer again? 

Originally Posted by goldenchild9

Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by goldenchild9


I come from a family of farmers that have been planting and selling food for over a century.

I farm and sell crops 3 months out of the year, read everything I can on the subject and go to as many seminars as I can. Just did a 3 week permaculture training in the Caribbean in November.

Which group are you in?

Go somewhere with your credentials and banter.
Well thats great. 

And how many people do you sustain with the crops you grow?...cause it damn sure isn't curbing the need of any decent sized community. 

Until you can get your "products" to a scale of production that will actually benefit larger numbers of people, then what are you actually doing? 
I'm not going to get in a back and forth with you...but you sound stupid.

By responding to me...and calling me stupid... 

How many lives does 1 physician typically save, how many people's lives can 1 dentist realistically better?

Farmers in and of themselves help. I didn't say that farmers didn't have an impact, but YOUR farm does not reach the levels of productivty necessary to offer a reasonable alternative, no matter how much I'd love to see you all succeed. Thats the point. You can't knock GMOs completely because of your intrinsic bias towards them. 

Should they stop learning or speaking on what they learn just because they can't save the world by themselves?

Not at all. But be prepared to also recognize where you all failed. The only reason you're mad at GMOs is that 

A. they take money from you. 

B. they might be worse for you. 

One of those is still being investigated but even then its not even universally true. 

The UN General Assembly is advocating sustainable farming methods, which closely resemble organic farming models to end world hunger...fall back and save your theatrics for a religion thread or something.

I'm sure you really believe that their "modified" methods are NOT like the corporations that you rail against as well. 

Farming on a mass scale that the UN is advocating can't be done on a scale that we all want it to. 

The UN wants that to happen, just as we all do. But until the literal methods are in place, you can't just sit here and completely knock GMOs when you and everyone around you is all the better for it. 

You need to figure out how to join them, instead of trying to act like you sell a superior product in an of itself. 
Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by goldenchild9


I come from a family of farmers that have been planting and selling food for over a century.

I farm and sell crops 3 months out of the year, read everything I can on the subject and go to as many seminars as I can. Just did a 3 week permaculture training in the Caribbean in November.

Which group are you in?

Go somewhere with your credentials and banter.

Olivier de Schutter, the United Nations’ special rapporteur on the Right to Food, presented a report entitled “Agro-ecology and the Right to Food.
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