Was last weeks Lions -Browns game a classic??

Nov 29, 2002
Was last weeks Browns vs. Lions game a classic. Just think about how the Lions came back from being down 21. The yards that Matthew Stafford threw for. Theinjury suffered where one rookie qb completes the game winning touchdown to a rookie tight end. It might've been the most exciting game last week as well.Is it a classic though?
the fact that the Lions and the Browns were involved completely eliminates it from any consideration as a classic.

No one said anything about not enjoying the game or not going
over the last seconds. Way to not answer the question champ.

The game is NOT a classic. Great/incredible game....but a midseason game between the two worst teams in the league can NOT be considered a classic. Period.
Originally Posted by TheSouthside

sooo only teams that are considered "good" can be a part of a classic game?

-Both teams only had one win when they met
-Mid-regular season game with no meaning
-Defensive lapses all over the place
-Many penalties

If you think that was a classic...
It was 2 terrible teams throwing bombs over each others inept defenses that happened to include a pretty nice comeback by a rookie QB... Classic? Nah, but anentertaining game.

BAD football resulting in lots of points =\= Classic
Great comeback for a rookie QB, something that we'll certainly remember looking at Stafford's career.

But not a classic game at all. Good ending, but that's it.
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