Washington Wizards 2012-2013 Season Thread - Thanks for a great year!

Will the Washington Wizards make the playoffs this year?

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That all may be true but I'm going off of what the team has been saying about coaching.

Wall, Webster, Beal, and more all spoke volumes about Wittman's impact on them last season and I can't remember the last time the team went to bat for their coach like that. He got them to buy into something apparently so I'm guessing he can't be all that bad.

Maybe you've read different statements than I have, but it's rare to see players be anything but supportive of coaches when asked.  At worst, a player is ambiguous or noncomittal. 

Kyrie Irving called Byron Scott his "basketball father" a couple of weeks before he was canned.  Chris Paul expressed support for Vinny Del Negro recently, too.  You'd have to believe that he was a little less glowing during his exit interview.

I agree that the team's commitment to defense has improved this season, and if that's true then Randy served his purpose.  I don't think anyone believes that he's the guy to guide this team to contention.  If they are to take that next step, they'll need a better coach at the helm.  

Wittman's best suited to an assistant's role.  He's at his best during practice and perhaps film sessions.  We need coaches like that, sure, but we desperately need someone who's at his best during ACTUAL GAMES.  

I'm done with this "we're almost back in this game... now let's sub in AJ Price for no discernible reason" nonsense.

I agree w/ VP here.

If I remember correctly, Wall/Nene went to bat for Wittman at the end of the 2011-12 season and asked for him to return. I think the players truly believe in his message. He's grown along with the team, and I have no issue with him coaching the squad going forward.

That being said, the team needs to bolster the offense. The defense is there....they need more shooters and a legit stretch 4.
Man Klay Thompson and Stephen Curry just make Ernie&Ted look worse and worse every single night of the playoffs... smh
Man Klay Thompson and Stephen Curry just make Ernie&Ted look worse and worse every single night of the playoffs... smh

:lol: It's laughable, yet sad....

I'm preparing for Len, Olynyk, or Zeller...OR a package of Nene + our 1st round pick for Danny Granger or David Lee.
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It's laughable, yet sad....

I'm preparing for Len, Olynyk, or Zeller...OR a package of Nene + our 1st round pick for Danny Granger or David Lee.
funny you talk about Len. I just read an article on bulletsforver about Len


I dont really know what to do with this draft. I'm not to high on Len to tell you the truth
I'll say #4.
They can't get #4.

The lottery only determines the positions of the first three picks.  

Washington's odds of landing a top 3 pick are a meager 12.4%.  If the teams in front us all win the top 3 picks, the Wizards will stay at #8.  If a team behind us wins a lottery pick, that pushes us back, meaning we could theoretically make our selection as late as pick #11.  However, there's a 70% chance that we'll stay at #8.

My guess is that Orlando wins the #1 pick.  The odds are in their favor - and so is history.  When a team forfeits its franchise player for the "greater good" of the NBA by sending them to a bigger market in a comically lopsided transaction, they always seem to find compensation in the draft.  Cleveland had the second best chance of getting the #1 pick two years ago after LeBron's sign & trade to Miami.  The lowest they could pick was fifth.  That pick would select fourth, but the pick that wound up becoming #1 (and Kyrie Irving) came from the Clippers via the Baron Davis trade - which only had a 2.8% chance of winning the lottery.  That's lucky.  The NBA-run Hornets traded away a pouting Chris Paul last year and finished with the fourth-worst record in the league.  They only had a 13.7% chance of winning the lottery, but the ping pong balls fell their way, too.

History and the odds are stacked pretty firmly against us.  I'd love to wind up with the third pick again this year, as it would give us the chance to land the small forward of our choice, but more likely we stay at #8 and draft some stiff from an unusually large pool of mediocre oafs.  I can't wait to welcome the new Fabricio Oberto to Washington.  
They can't get #4.

The lottery only determines the positions of the first three picks.  

Washington's odds of landing a top 3 pick are a meager 12.4%.  If the teams in front us all win the top 3 picks, the Wizards will stay at #8.  If a team behind us wins a lottery pick, that pushes us back, meaning we could theoretically make our selection as late as pick #11.  However, there's a 70% chance that we'll stay at #8.

My guess is that Orlando wins the #1 pick.  The odds are in their favor - and so is history.  When a team forfeits its franchise player for the "greater good" of the NBA by sending them to a bigger market in a comically lopsided transaction, they always seem to find compensation in the draft.  Cleveland had the second best chance of getting the #1 pick two years ago after LeBron's sign & trade to Miami.  The lowest they could pick was fifth.  That pick would select fourth, but the pick that wound up becoming #1 (and Kyrie Irving) came from the Clippers via the Baron Davis trade - which only had a 2.8% chance of winning the lottery.  That's lucky.  The NBA-run Hornets traded away a pouting Chris Paul last year and finished with the fourth-worst record in the league.  They only had a 13.7% chance of winning the lottery, but the ping pong balls fell their way, too.

History and the odds are stacked pretty firmly against us.  I'd love to wind up with the third pick again this year, as it would give us the chance to land the small forward of our choice, but more likely we stay at #8 and draft some stiff from an unusually large pool of mediocre oafs.  I can't wait to welcome the new Fabricio Oberto to Washington.  

*sucks teeth*

Hello, #8 :rolleyes

#3 would at least give us the chance of getting Otto Porter

#8...well, it's gonna be Zeller, Len, or Olynyk
My guess to win the lotto is the suns with the fourth best odds and my guess is the magic come in second

We stay at 8 but the truth is we ought to be growing from within like the growth has to be coming from our core players

The lotto is so rigged
As much as I don't want any of the big men available at #8...I can guarantee that Len, Olynyk, and Zeller are all better than Jan Veseley. 

I can at least live with that.
#3 is a good look. Only problem is I don't trust them to do the right thing with it :lol: Although Beal was a good pick, I was way off base about that.

Between the Randy Foye/ Mike Miller deal and picking Jan Freaking Veseley over Kawhi Leonard, I'm not getting my hopes up TOO high :lol:
I'm so thrilled with this outcome - though I could've done without Cleveland.  I'm beyond sick of them.

Why did Wilbon have to plant the seed on Alex Len?  The pick is Porter, period.  The whole point of landing a lottery pick is to avoid drafting one of these bum centers. 
As much as I don't want any of the big men available at #8...I can guarantee that Len, Olynyk, and Zeller are all better than Jan Veseley. 

I can at least live with that.
The same could be said about our second rounder.  However, they wouldn't be taking Jan's roster spot.  We're stuck with him til his rookie deal runs out.  
We all wanted MKG last year and missed out. Ended up w/ Beal, who turned out to be the better pick. This year we have a LEGIT chance of landing Porter, who could be a much better player than MKG.

Just gotta hope EG doesn't screw things up.

With the two second round picks, they should package them (along with either Seraphin or Singleton) and get a late 1st rounder. Take Jeff Withey or Steven Adams. Someone who is defensive oriented and will fill the eventual void left by Okafor.

Speaking of whom...both he and Ariza are off the books after this season. We'll FINALLY have some cap space to play around with unless they are moved out at the deadline.

HOPEFULLY things are looking up!
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Ok, i'm going to bring the Smirnoff Ice to the party. Let's talk worst case scenario:

(from Chad Ford)

One dark horse for No. 1 pick? Georgetown's Otto Porter. Cavs love him. Perfect fit. Helps right away.

Let's say the Cavs take Porter #1.

Orlando Takes Noel #2

Who do we take?
Ok, i'm going to bring the Smirnoff Ice to the party. Let's talk worst case scenario:

(from Chad Ford)
Let's say the Cavs take Porter #1.

Orlando Takes Noel #2

Who do we take?
I like that then we get Ben Mclemore
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