**Washington Wizards Offseason Thread** Blatche re-upped....5 years/35 mil

Wilbon's thoughts on moving Arenas....

What to do with Gilbert Arenas, which is the issue that worries a lotof folks, is a secondary issue. From conversations I had with severalclub executives Tuesday, it's apparent that the Wizards most likelywould have to take back somebody else's hideous contract or bad actorsin a swap for Arenas. What could really be advantageous for the Wizardsis to simply wait to trade Arenas. If he plays relatively well duringthe first half of the season, he becomes a more attractive player totrade for in February, before the trade deadline.

This wouldn't fly in some markets; I'm thinking about Phoenix. ButWashington isn't a place where the conservatives are going to runArenas out of town. He'll get booed, but that's about it. Team ownerTed Leonsis and President Ernie Grunfeld know this market, which meansthey have to know they shouldn't be in a hurry. Knowing this marketalso means knowing there's no overbearing impatience here. For betteror worse, we're not New York or Boston or Philly, where the need to puta winner on the floor sometimes turns desperate, which leads toterrible deals being made. The Wizards, we all know, are rebuilding andit's going to take a while, so whether you deal Arenas in July orJanuary makes very little difference.


It's gonna happen one way or another....Arenas won't last the whole season in DC.  He'll pad his #'s (if he's around before the trade deadline), and someone will bite....a team looking to make a splash and make a roster addition who can help with a playoff push. 
i'm sorry but those are hideous looking
NikeKid6 posted this in the Other Brands forum, this colorway isnt too bad, maybe they will grow on me...

 Copped, I don't discriminate against other shoe brands. Tried on the Zigtech running shoes yesterday and liked how they felt. I hope to god that they really did scrap the "Reebok" on the heel/lateral side of the shoe and it isn't just that colorway though..
maybe it's just a psychological thing because we're all so used to wearing Nike.. but that Reebok logo is just unsightly on any shoe.
Wall's Reebok Commercial...

:18....look who pass him the ball
Torch has been passed....

*I'm feeling the white colorway....I like it A LOT.
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