Watched The Wire then Breaking Bad...what's next

Feb 18, 2004
I just finished watching the entire Breaking Bad series...I saw that a lot of people were comparing it to The Wire as far as a good TV series goes and I wanted to see what it was all about...Damn good show but not quite there...Can you guys recommend me another good series to begin? Doesn't necessarily have to follow anything illegal just be good. TIA
mad men first and foremost.

boardwalk a very close 2nd.

then 24. then homeland.

curveball if you want something a bit different: House.
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24 got repetitive for me after watching a few seasons

but i suggest PRISON BREAK!!! and WALKING DEAD!

everyone i know has loved both of these, especially prison break
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LMAO at the guy that said 90210... House is one of my favorite shows but the episodes don't seem to necessarily tie in to the previous ones. Seems like I have Jericho, Prison Break, Homeland, or Walking Dead....And the win goes to.......
get a job 
Search for TV recommendations, there's been plenty of threads.

In order, Sopranos (if you haven't seen it already), Mad Men, Boardwalk Empire, Shield, Friday Night Lights, Game of Thrones, Dexter

Edit: I always forget Six Feet Under.
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