Reviewing Watched Thread Alerts

Sep 21, 2012
I am not getting alerts by email or in the top right corner on threads I am watching. I checked the settings to get alerts to any thread I post in or am watching. Yet I don't get email alerts or notifications, I come back to the thread and I have missed pages since my last post.

I know some people were experiencing this issue, however the notifications were going to there spam. I checked and I don't have notifications in spam or my inbox for some of the missed threads.
Hey titang545 titang545 and downyboy downyboy , thanks for the report.

So a few things:
1. We do not have a frequent email notification system like we previously did on Huddler.
2. We only send you email notifications when you're not actively on the site. Everything else shows up in the Alerts bubble when you're online here on NT.
3. Be sure to check your spam inbox to allow email notifications from NT. The email address we are sending you notices from is "[email protected]"
4. If there's any issues with your email preferences, please PM me directly and I will address.

Question then why don't I get email notifications when I am away from the site from threads I am watching. The email notification seems real hit or miss sometimes I receive them sometimes I don't. Then I checked watched threads under the Forums tab and I see I missed responses for all my threads.
Question then why don't I get email notifications when I am away from the site from threads I am watching. The email notification seems real hit or miss sometimes I receive them sometimes I don't. Then I checked watched threads under the Forums tab and I see I missed responses for all my threads.

Hi there, I suggest looking at your preferences for your Watched Threads: You can find your preferences in the right hand side on the drop down called "Managed Watched Threads" to ensure that you're getting email notifications:

Please see my full guide on how to adjust your email notifications:
I believe I have it setup that any thread I reply to is automatically added to my watched threads. I find it easier that way.
Hey titang545 titang545 and downyboy downyboy , thanks for the report.

So a few things:
1. We do not have a frequent email notification system like we previously did on Huddler.
2. We only send you email notifications when you're not actively on the site. Everything else shows up in the Alerts bubble when you're online here on NT.
3. Be sure to check your spam inbox to allow email notifications from NT. The email address we are sending you notices from is "[email protected]"
4. If there's any issues with your email preferences, please PM me directly and I will address.

will frequent email notification come back?

I've checked all my settings and they seem to be correct, yet I still don't get emails for posts when I'm not online.
I'm having the same issues, I'm not getting in-site notifications in the top right corner for any of the threads I'm subscribed to...I have to manually check watched threads. All my settings are correct.
Perhaps an explanation of how the feature works would help.

The notification feature only alerts you if there are new replies - it does not alert you every time a new reply has been added.

To clear the notification, you have to click through the notification or otherwise catch up with the thread. Once done, you will again receive a single notification when a new reply has been added.

It's more useful for slower moving threads, classified listings, etc. than for fast moving threads where a new reply can happen almost instantaneously.

While I'd love to see notifications include the NUMBER of new replies added, I don't think most users want a feature that alerts them EVERY SINGLE TIME a new post is added to a fast moving thread. Imagine if, in the future, NikeTalk has a mobile app, or can take advantage of browser/OS notifications on desktop. Do you want that popping up literally hundreds of times per day for one thread alone?

If you're watching a fast moving thread, you leave the post, and 200 new replies are added, right now you get ONE notification and that won't update until you're caught up in the thread. Now, it would be more useful if that ONE notification tells you there are 200 new replies, and perhaps that's something that can be added in the future, but I don't think most people want a system that would, instead, produce 200 alerts.
Perhaps an explanation of how the feature works would help.

The notification feature only alerts you if there are new replies - it does not alert you every time a new reply has been added.

To clear the notification, you have to click through the notification or otherwise catch up with the thread. Once done, you will again receive a single notification when a new reply has been added.

It's more useful for slower moving threads, classified listings, etc. than for fast moving threads where a new reply can happen almost instantaneously.

While I'd love to see notifications include the NUMBER of new replies added, I don't think most users want a feature that alerts them EVERY SINGLE TIME a new post is added to a fast moving thread. Imagine if, in the future, NikeTalk has a mobile app, or can take advantage of browser/OS notifications on desktop. Do you want that popping up literally hundreds of times per day for one thread alone?

If you're watching a fast moving thread, you leave the post, and 200 new replies are added, right now you get ONE notification and that won't update until you're caught up in the thread. Now, it would be more useful if that ONE notification tells you there are 200 new replies, and perhaps that's something that can be added in the future, but I don't think most people want a system that would, instead, produce 200 alerts.
I understand how it is suppose to work, but it isn't working. I am subscribed to numerous threads, yet I don't get alerts for half of them, I still haven't gotten an alert a new a new reply has happened on the NBA thread. Yet if I go to my watched threads and open the thread, I have missed pages since my reply. So obviously there have been replies since I visited and posted on the thread.
I understand how it is suppose to work, but it isn't working. I am subscribed to numerous threads, yet I don't get alerts for half of them, I still haven't gotten an alert a new a new reply has happened on the NBA thread. Yet if I go to my watched threads and open the thread, I have missed pages since my reply. So obviously there have been replies since I visited and posted on the thread.

Same deal. I'm getting 0 notifications of any kind, I'm having to manually go to watched threads to find 5-10 threads that I should be getting notified for, but I'm not.
I also don't think it's quite working either. Either that or I'm seriously misunderstanding how this feature is supposed to work. Seemed like the previous email functionality was so simple, that maybe we overthought it this time around.

I have to say the old email functionality was extremely helpful to me. Helped me score tons of deals since I got new replies emailed to me.

I think more people are on their email throughout their day than on NT, which is why you'll see people subscribe to threads throughout.

I might be in the minority, but I really did enjoy the individual emails for each post and hope it returns. I can see how you wouldn't want it for fast moving threads, which I have been a part of many times, but at that point its a simple unsubscribe. Maybe it's me, however, I do think people do want to know every time a new post is added.

Now if you're talking about the future having an app, well it's a matter of simply building in a setting to allow for alerts for each reply or single alert based on some sort of cadence (per new reply, per hour, per day, per x amount new posts). I don't think adding email alerts hinders any future app development.
Thus far, when I've found that a notification is "stuck," I'm able to resolve it by clicking through the last available notification for that thread. It then effectively resets.

I don't think adding email alerts hinders any future app development.

There are two types of development on the current platform: updates to the core platform, performed and funded by the platform's developers, and custom development, funded by our ad revenue and performed by developers we've contracted to build a feature specifically for us. (This is the first time we've had the opportunity to perform custom development, as all previous platforms were locked down.)

The email feature you're referring to was developed by Huddler, for their product. It is not part of the current software platform, and the Huddler platform has been effectively discontinued. It's not something we intentionally removed, and it's not something that's currently available, either.

Email alerts and app development aren't mutually exclusive in theory. It's obviously possible to have both. If we have to pay to custom develop them in house, however, they actually are in conflict because both require the same resources: money and developer bandwidth.

It costs money to develop the email feature. It costs money to send an individual email using a transactional email service like Sendgrid. There's also an opportunity cost associated with sending out email messages, which, historically, have not contained ads, and basically giving the user the content in a way that costs money, rather than makes money. Email notifications, thus, have been something of a loss leader.

Huddler was very aggressive about email marketing. Some users found it helpful, others found it annoying and quickly reported Huddler system emails as spam.

Our new platform seems to take a more "middle ground" approach. The system generates more email than ezboard, but less than Huddler.

If the platform developers create, as part of a future system update or even a premium add on, a system that allows for expanded email alerts of the sort you're accustomed to from Huddler, we'll incorporate that into NikeTalk. We'll find a way to make it work so that everyone in your situation can be more satisfied.

If they do not undertake the development of this feature anytime soon, we then have to determine how our own development budget is allocated. In that situation, I feel it would be reasonable to prioritize a mobile app - which has been far and away one of our most popular requests - over expanded email notifications.
Any updates? I have like 10 threads that I watch that have new posts but I have 0 notifications.
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