Watchmen: The Movie

Jan 7, 2004
Recently came out on DVD and I just watched it. Had big expectations for it after the success from V for Vendetta. Alan Moore is a beast writer simple as that.Movie doesn't feel 3 hours long and I like the individual character development. I find a good balance of action, story-telling, romance, etc. Watchmenreally seems to be a commentary on human nature and the state of society's morals/virtues.

Rorschach's character is very appealing and Haley's performance was phenomenal IMO. Not to mention Malin Akerman is

What did you guys think of Watchmen in comparison to V for Vendetta, and any other Moore stories I can look out for?
I was more interested in comparing it to the graphic novel when I saw it. I liked it and thought it was as good as it could have been all things considered.The graphic novel is much better than the movie, it simply does things that you can't fit into a movie.
Alot of people hated I liked it alot didnt read the novel so maybe im missing out
Originally Posted by milestailsprowe

People who hated it thought they were getting to see a action adventure not a Murder mystery
Which means people are really gonna hate Whiteout
just watched this last night.

liked the movie. loved the book. the book was fun to read. like really fun. like durin Rorshachs seen in jail with the psychologist. but in the movie thatscene kinda fell short.
I love this film and how could you not? The movie is almost word for word with the novel. Very few things are left out. Great Plot, acting, I was alsosatisfied with the violence.
I loved it. Like other people said, only guys i knew disappointed with it were expecting something different... as a film in general, with no sillyexpectations attached to it, it's really solid. Story is obviously amazing, but i thought it was shot really well... remember it was called the unmakeablecomic forever, but they definitely nailed it.
--Awesome movie.
--The best and only adaptation of the Watchmen graphic novel we will ever see.
--There are some pieces missing here and there from the film but from what they do have it is on point.
--Directors cut is recommended. Especially scene with the death of Hollis Mason.
nah i didnt like this movie... the best scene was the scenes in jail with Mr. Rorschack

Sad, about what happens to Mr. Rorshack

movie was DUMB LONG TOO

i was expecting an action/adventure...
Book was good, but the story nowadays is a bit played since its been there done that.

Movie was alright, lots of corny parts and the music soundtrack was

OK flick.
Terry Gilliam (who was at one point slated to do the movie) said that the problem with an adaptation of the story at this point is that all those great thingshad been mined already by other places. We saw Roraschach in the JLU Question, the Invincibles is basically a version of the Watchmen as well.
Complete Garbage.
Basically and overpaid, overrated, hero-themed prono.
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