Watchmen: The Movie

movie made absolutely no sense. me and girl i went to see it with were trying to put the plot line together like divinci code. every scene there was a *#@moment. blue balls.
Seems like the movie flew over a lot of people's heads.

Some of the replies in this NT post support my statement. The general public does not enjoy having to actually think and reason while watching a movie. Theywant their moves dumb down and simple. The Watchmen left a lot of questions regarding societies nature up for debate. Sure the movie looked good and had somedescent action scenes and character development, but I enjoyed the movie because of it's deeper meaning and social allusions.
^ Yea it definitely flew over a lot of heads, not just on NT but in general.

I thought the movie was great. Good adaptation of the book. Had to be that long IMO to capture most aspects of the novel.
If you can locate a Tales Of The Black Freighter or Under The Hood

youll see that this watchmen stuff spans out a long way so many more stories and in depth detail in them
that movie just straight up sucked. no more no less.

comic book was wicked tho. its a shame it got massacred.
Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame

Seems like the movie flew over a lot of people's heads.

Some of the replies in this NT post support my statement. The general public does not enjoy having to actually think and reason while watching a movie. They want their moves dumb down and simple. The Watchmen left a lot of questions regarding societies nature up for debate. Sure the movie looked good and had some descent action scenes and character development, but I enjoyed the movie because of it's deeper meaning and social allusions.
You're giving this movie too much credit, and this is coming from a fan of the book.

Movie had some bad acting as well.
Originally Posted by His diabolical Majesty

I love this film and how could you not? The movie is almost word for word with the novel. Very few things are left out. Great Plot, acting, I was also satisfied with the violence.

Love/hate movie.

One of my best friends said he "hated" the script...but then told me he stopped watching after two hours.
What some people see in the characters, others do not.

Amazing cinematography.
Score was pretty good... Soundtrack, not so much.

If you haven't watched it yet, watch the director's cut.
Slight pacing problems, but it pads out the history of the characters both individually and in their shared histories.
Felt the movie was less subtle in some respects than the comic, not just the sex scene, but more overtly sympathetic to Rorschach.
Great movie imo. All the Dr.Manhattan scenes had me in
, like MisterP said dude was on some God status I did feel that a couple of scenes were justplaced there to make the movie longer though, but that didnt change the fact that it was a damn good movie
the movie was

i didnt even read the novel but i was still able to follow the movie and found it very entertaining
Malin Akerman looked
you appreciate this movie 100x more if youve read the story/are familiar with it...if not you kinda dont really know what you're supposed to be watching
Seems like the movie flew over a lot of people's heads.
The thing is I felt the movie made you think an appropriate amount without wanting to pull your hair out. It had a deeper meaning which gives thefilm substance without frying your brain.

I thought the movie was great. Good adaptation of the book. Had to be that long IMO to capture most aspects of the novel.
I'm coming for you in the NT fantasy baseball league

Movie had some bad acting as well.
Which character(s), Mez?
I like what they did with graphic novel animation right before the movie came out. They did the whole story cutting nothing out and the pirate story. It wasdope. Could've done for more voice actors tho

The movie was okay. but since I'm a fan of the graphic novel I ofcourse felt they should've done more focus on Rorschach and Dr. Manhattan morethoroughly but then the movie would've been 4 hrs. Like for the shrink and Rorschach, they should've shown how he saw things his way more and *$! itgradually happened with each interview.

The ending was w/e. I liked how they summed things up and brought familiar faces back in to the city for the alien to show up.
When I first saw the movie, I didn't like it that much. But after reading the Graphic Novel a few days later, I appreciated and understood the movie muchmore.
Movie was good. But novel was much better. But it definitely was one of the better novel to movie adaptations I have ever seen.
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