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Marvel’s ‘Avengers: Infinity War’

This film is the sequel to “The Avengers” and “Avengers: Age of Ultron.” Chris Hemsworth, Chris Pratt, Samuel L. Jackson and Josh Brolin are starring in the movie.

What are they looking for?

They’re looking to fill a fun background role with men and women, any ethnicity, who appear to be 18 - 50s – especially men with long hair and beards. You’ll need to be comfortable with fake blood and with wearing special effects makeup.


Thanos killing the entire population :pimp:
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damn, embargo already up, huge confidence there (can't blame 'em though)

The embargo on Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 has lifted so prepare to be bombarded with new interviews, photos and plot details. If you're particularly interested in learning more about the plot or seeing if your theories on why Nebula and Yondu are members of the team are correct, we've got you covered thanks to /Film. Here's what they learned from their time on the Atlanta, Georgia set.

The sequel starts 3 months later after the first.

The Guardians are a new team/faction out in the galaxy doing good deeds and services...but for a price. Case in point, they go to save The Sovereign People from an inter-dimensional monster who's trying to devour their planet's power source. To "pay" the Guardians, The Sovereign People have captured Nebula and are willing to exchange her if Star-Lord and co. take care of the beast.

The Guardians want to take Nebula to the planet Xandar and turn her over to the Nova Corps. but of course, things go awry and that journey becomes very complicated according to James Gunn.

As for their defeat of the inter-dimensional monster, it seems Rocket didn't view Nebula as suitable payment and stole a few of the planet's power source/batteries which pisses of The Sovereign People and their leader Ayesha. In response, she hired The Ravagers to go after The Guardians and retrieve the batteries.

The Sovereign are genetically created beings who are sticklers for proper decorum and etiquette. Rocket's theft deeply offends them and it seems they'll go to any length to have their honor restored.

Yondu tries to convince The Ravagers not to go after Quill and the rest of the Guardians but they don't listen to him. With Yondu not going after Quill after not handing over the "orb" at the end of the first film and now speaking against taking the job from Ayesha, Taserface leads a rebellion and overthrows Yondu as leader of The Ravagers.

The group will be split up early on in the movie and the question the film presents to the audience becomes IF and WHEN will they reunite.

The two main villains are Ayesha and Taserface, who Kevin Feige describes as, "less grandiose in their ambitions than [Ronan]."

With the Guardian's legend grown to sizable proportions following their defeat of Ronan and Peter managing to hold and Infinity Stone and walk away unscathed, word eventually reaches Ego, who comes looking for his son. It seems he's been looking for Peter for a long time after Yondu failed to deliver him.

Traveling with Ego is his personal attendant, Mantis. She's described as very naive, making Drax look like a worldly-scholar in comparison.

There was one more Guardian included in Gunn's original treatment for the sequel but was ultimately cut during script revisions. However, Gunn stated that the character would likely appear in a future Guardians installment.
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Thanos Is The Main character of Avengers: Infinity War

“Well, I mean, it always varies, but it always starts with what serves the story the most and what serves the hero the most. We’ve been criticized, if a big criticism of ours is that we focus on the heroes more than the villains, I think that’s probably true. I don’t think it will always be true and I think some of you spoke to Chris and Steve at the Civil War junket. When the heck was that, yesterday? Last week? And they talked about, in appropriately oblique terms, Thanos. Thanos in Infinity War is, you know, in a movie that has a lot of characters, you could almost go so far as to say he is the main character, and that’s a bit of a departure from what we’ve done before, but that was appropriate for a movie called Infinity War.” - Feige

Let the speculations of F4 coming back to MCU run rampant!!!!

A New X-Men TV Cartoon Series Announced Later This Year?

I have been informed, from sources close to the previously-mentioned Marvel creative summit from last week that, as well as return to the fore for X-Men comics with X-Men ResurrXion, we should expect a lot more from the mutants in 2017.

Specific details are scant. Marvel dialled down their X-Men exposure after a massive fallout between Marvel and Fox Studios, who own the Fantastic Four and X-Men movies rights. The Fantastic Four titles were cancelled and the X-Men titles, while still published, saw them removed from almost all licensing – games, toys, statues, posters, clothing, cartoons and the like. They weren’t used by any Marvel-generated promotional operations and were notably absent from Marvel’s promotions of their own comic book line.

Since then, Marvel’s own civil war between Marvel Studios and the rest of the company, that saw the Studios split from Marvel and report directly to Disney, has seen a bit of a ceasefire. Peace hasn’t exactly broken out, but co-operation over the new Fox X-Men TV shows like the upcoming Legion, and even cooperation over the movie Deadpool, has seen a return from the comics division to the X-Men titles.

And yes, that also means licenses, games, toys, statues, posters, T-shirts, and being acknowledged by the publisher on the front of catalogues, promotional outreaches…

…and a cartoon.

The X-Men animated series has been much missed and, although the characters have appeared in other Marvel cartoons of late, they haven’t held their own series, even as the movies have performed well in cinemas.

I understand that, later in 2017, we will get the announcement of a cartoon as well.

And, yes, as part of Marvel’s meat-and-potatoes in the comics, you’ll be getting Wolverine back too.
I dont think there's any speculation. Just lamekilla. But they are coming back in no time. I think it's a given.
I told you guys the Fantastic Four are coming! Fantastic Phase 4 is about to pop off after IW. :pimp:

Logan is coming back in the comics?! What about Jean, Xavier, Cyke, etc.? I knew something was up when Marvel started reprinting all of those Wolverine key issues.
^ Are you lamekilla's other SN? :lol: He the only one been carrying that prediction torch for almost a year now.

Thing is I haven't read anything saying the F4 is coming to the MCU.

F4 comics and merch returning was inevitable even though that article didn't say any of that either.

As far as the X-Men news, ever since the Ike/Feige split no surprise he'd ditch the 100% synergy and star taking advantage of the fact that outside of movies he runs everything Marvel in all other mediums.

He started off establishing Inhumans and pushing them in comics and cartoons. Now they got a tv show premiering in Imax theaters like a damn movie. Bringing back X-Men in cartoons and a push in comics makes sense after partnering up with Fox for 2 tv shows. Especially since Fox has languished since Ike's last dispute with them. They surely haven't flourished.
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Where have you been? I've been foretelling the Fantastic Four forever. I even predicted last year before SDCC that Marvel would reveal them for Phase 4, but I was off by a year. :nerd:

Quiet before the storm. Next week will be sensory overload. We'll probably see a teaser for Guardians and Ant-Man and the Wasp. Then maybe Blade and Ghost Rider movie announcements. :nerd: :pimp:

Just when everyone thinks the Hall H presser is over, Kevin Feige will pick up the mic and hit everyone with the, "We have one more thing" and they'll show a teaser that pans out to reveal the Fantastic Four, Dr. Doom, and the Silver Surfer. Then it'll pan out even further to reveal Galactus and everyone will go nuts. "As you can now tell, our big villain for phase 4 will be GALACTUS!"

:pimp: :pimp: :pimp:
Zik finally giving me credit :wow: :lol:

Though I've been screaming to the mountains the F4 was coming I wasn't the only person that agreed. Deep down we all knew the flood gates opened up after Sony coughed up Spider-man. I'm just glad Marvel is coming to their senses!
Though I've been screaming to the mountains the F4 was coming I wasn't the only person that agreed. Deep down we all knew the flood gates opened up after Sony coughed up Spider-man. I'm just glad Marvel is coming to their senses!

It's inevitable. When it happens, Chris Evans and Michael B Jordan should cameo in it just because.
Zik finally giving me credit :wow: :lol:
Not giving you credit :lol:

Just acknowledging that since you think you were right about the Marvel poster predicting Spidey in the MCU you needed more attention so you just made up the F4 being in Infinity War. This time without any stupid reasonimy or dumb hints you put together.

Where have you been? I've been foretelling the Fantastic Four forever. I even predicted last year before SDCC that Marvel would reveal them for Phase 4, but I was off by a year. :nerd:

Quiet before the storm. Next week will be sensory overload. We'll probably see a teaser for Guardians and Ant-Man and the Wasp. Then maybe Blade and Ghost Rider movie announcements. :nerd: :pimp:

Just when everyone thinks the Hall H presser is over, Kevin Feige will pick up the mic and hit everyone with the, "We have one more thing" and they'll show a teaser that pans out to reveal the Fantastic Four, Dr. Doom, and the Silver Surfer. Then it'll pan out even further to reveal Galactus and everyone will go nuts. "As you can now tell, our big villain for phase 4 will be GALACTUS!"

:pimp: :pimp: :pimp:
Oh I remember this post.

This was just so wrong on so many things it was easy to forget :lol: I look back and I even told you that was way too early. So don't expect it this year.

Talking about you a year early :lol:

I figured that post was more of a wish than a prediction.

FTR, I think it'd be pretty whack if they announced specifically that Galactus would be the main villain for phase 4. Reveal that in a movie like they did with Thanos.

An announcement that the F4 is a part of the MCU is different imo. You can assume things burn them making it official is just a repeat of what they did with Thanos.
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After the film came out, it's inevitable that runors and talk about it reverting would pop up. They have to have a film in production every 7 years to keep the rights. Rebooting spiderman multiple times is one thing. But F4 with the buzz they have would just be stupid to reboot again. However, they have until 2022 to put another film in production. I dont think a deal will be made to share the rights. I think Marvel will wait it out.
Deleted scene from Dr. Strange: Kaecilius & minions contact Dormammu

Y'all gon' remember us when the Fantastic Four enter the MCU. :smh:
I want the F4 back too. I just prefer it naturally reverts to Marvel. Just a few more years now (2019/2020; the start of phase 4).

No need to do a deal with Fox. They don't deserve the favor.

I dare them to say they're doing a Fan4stic sequel or rebooting it again.

You guys just putting the cart before the horse with these scenarios where the movie where the Thanos and infinity stones story is just being finished told and then they immediately tease Galactus.
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Favor? I don't care about the studios. Marvel should work out a deal or buy the rights back for the FANS. You never know, Fox might make another F4 movie before the license runs out. It could even turn out to be really good, but they would still be outside of the shared cinematic universe and I want to see all of the Marvel characters in the same world.
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