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Movie released already, can yal stop with the spoiler tags?? I mean if you ain’t seen the movie you should be smart enough to stay off the internet, or at the least out of a thread about the movie.

not everyone can see the movie on preview night

plus theres a spoiler thread, you can go there if clicking on spoiler tags takes too much effort
Movie released already, can yal stop with the spoiler tags?? I mean if you ain’t seen the movie you should be smart enough to stay off the internet, or at the least out of a thread about the movie.
You can talk without spoilers if you want to. But it might get enforced if the mods enforce the unofficial nt embargo :lol: So...just warning you
nope, that doesnt negate what happened in A1 or at least it shouldn't

the two aren't connected, putting the tesseract back in the 70s shouldn't affect what happened in A1 including them losing the tesseract there so i think some are correct here that there is another timeline there where loki is loose


Simple as I can put it...

Going into the past of the current timeline (Call it timeline A if you like) and changing something won’t change anything in the future of that timeline...Instead it’ll create a completely new timeline (Call it timeline B)...

So back during the battle of New York in 2012 Loki was defeated and the Tesseract was secured on Asgard...When they went back and messed up causing Loki to steal the Tesseract that was different than what happens in timeline A...From that point you can consider this timeline B...

That’s where things get murky with their explanation of time travel in this movie...Theoretically you could go back and stop timeline B Loki from taking the Tesseract but that would entail stopping timeline A Scott, and Tony from trying to heist the thing at the exact same time they run their plan...Mess up here and you could cause something else to miss and then you’d have timeline C...

See how crazy it gets once you start going down that path? This is why time travel stuff in movies have to be precise...If it’s not then it leaves the possibility for way to many plot holes...
You can talk without spoilers if you want to. But it might get enforced if the mods enforce the unofficial nt embargo :lol: So...just warning you

Seriously. I've been fighting the good fight that spoilers shouldn't be needed after the first showing because you shouldn't be clicking the last page of a thread for a movie you haven't seen yet, but....

...this movie is special and has me feeling extra respectful as of ~15 hours later. Not sure how much longer I can do this no spoiler thing though. I ain't Cap.
Strange might have a short screen time but all his scenes gave me chills because he knew what's gonna happened. Tony's face when he realized that he was the ONE after strange gave him the signal :frown:

Remember, Tony asked him if this is the 1 in the 14 million futures where they win. He says he can't tell him that. Later Strange looked at Tony and slowly put up his finger indicating that this was the 1 where they prevail. He did it slowly because he wasn't supposed to tell him, but by then apparently it was obvious and safe enough to tell him.
I think she KINDA was.

ALL of Thanos' troops stopped fighting the war that was going on to shoot at CM and it did absolutely nothing. Thanos damn near was scared when she was over him. He had to hit her with a raw Power stone.

SW was starting to look OP. And I liked that.

I agree. Thanos’ troops prolly had an idea who CM is so they all focused on her but I think she did just fine as far showcasing her powers. She got Thanos shook. That failed headbutt :lol:

SW got that Anakin anger going for her, she almost ripped Thanos a new ***hole

That he didnt know doesnt matter.

At that point it makes perfect sense for Tony given he gave it all he had, lost, and was almost dead cuz of it. There's the idea heroism and then actual heroism.

Ite cuz Tony had nothing which was a part of why he was so angry. Excuse him for not being gung ho to go face Thanos again after 50% of life is wiped out and he's close to death himself.

I'm just saying Tony was right. He said they were lose. They lost. Cap said they would lose together. He lied.

It really isn't Tony's fault the mind stone corrupted his idea. Its still sound.

Then when its all said and done its Tony sacrificing his life to save the day.

Beyond worthy.

Those things are years a part.

Tony risked being stranded or death in Avengers but it is not at all the same thing as in Endgame. He knew for a fact the outcome and did it anyway.

Meanwhile, did Cap even touch the gauntlet or even reach for it? :nerd:

Tony didn’t lose any more than anybody else in the beginning of the film and he even still had Pepper.

Also it’s not about him not only not wanting to face Thanos again but not giving the team any kind of help and that if he did know something, he wouldn’t have told them anyways.

They all messed up in defeating Thanos but he wanted to blame Cap again with the Accords, though nobody has followed the Accords since CW.

We’re just gonna have to agree to disagree about Stark being worthy to pick up Mjolnir.
Remember, Tony asked him if this is the 1 in the 14 million futures where they win. He says he can't tell him that. Later Strange looked at Tony and slowly put up his finger indicating that this was the 1 where they prevail. He did it slowly because he wasn't supposed to tell him, but by then apparently it was obvious and safe enough to tell him.

i feel like thor, carol or wanda coulda wield it with minimum damage but whatever not nitpicking/SPOILER]
rewatching on bootleg now cause my cousin keep on insisting, but realized professor hulk also failed as banner when he did that failed antman turning into baby smh how much many more Ls will my man take on IW he also didnt think of removing the stone on vision with shuri clowning him he aint even smart now sad
Remember, Tony asked him if this is the 1 in the 14 million futures where they win. He says he can't tell him that. Later Strange looked at Tony and slowly put up his finger indicating that this was the 1 where they prevail. He did it slowly because he wasn't supposed to tell him, but by then apparently it was obvious and safe enough to tell him.

I took it as Doc literally reminding him that it was literally one chance at this. It's not like Doc pointed the finger at him or anything.
I was thinking maybe Bucky could’ve used the gauntlet if it was for the left hand with his vibranium arm.
the chills that came over my body when tony was wielding the stones. Need a still of that in the highest resolution
rewatching on bootleg now cause my cousin keep on insisting, but realized professor hulk also failed as banner when he did that failed antman turning into baby smh how much many more Ls will my man take on IW he also didnt think of removing the stone on vision with shuri clowning him he aint even smart now sad
Nah Suri clowned him for how the integrated the stone into vision in the first place. Not them not thinking about removing it. I am annoyed at Hulk being the jabronie of the MCU now. They should retire him too.:smh:
Finally got to the review. Its a little mangled and rushed because im nursing a mean hangover right now and going off 30 mins of sleep having watched the film again this morning but have a crack at it.

Assembled Forever
: Avengers Endgame Review
-a review by lamekilla

2008 feels like yesterday. I can vividly remember playing Ninja Gaiden 2 on xbox 360 and wishing the 3rd season of The Game still had a laugh track. Hotly anticipated movies during that time period were relegated to big summer blockbusters only to be trumped in the next summer. As a self proclaimed Marvel aficionado, I didn't have a hard time admitting that Marvel films up until that point were batting under .300. Blade, Singer's X-men, a random Punisher film (I love Tom Jane Punisher by the way) got scaling attention and some were even considered successful in their own right. 2002's Spider-man was the first time Marvel had a universally heralded hit and it was with their marquee star to add to the fact. But still something was missing from all these films and that something was what made me as well as other frail nerdy boys who refuse to give up their childhoods fans of the comic book heroes in the first place; connectivity. A shared world. In comes Iron Man in 2008, a film that I was relatively excited for but not to the level of that's summer Indiana Jones and Kingdom of the Crystal Skull or Speed Racer, yep. As much as I loved Marvel, their films weren't exciting me. I was still recovering from the previous summer's Spider-man 3 which made me feel like an on again off again boyfriend in terms of my feelings toward it. And Jon Favreau was a director I hadn't really heard of and didn't know what he was gonna do with one of Marvel's B-listers who to me was most synonymous with being cheesy if you picked 3 of him in MvC2, my second favorite Wu-tang member and a particular group of heroes I never thought would make the big screen. Yes, in the summer of 2008 Iron Man and The Incredible Hulk were only meant to be another summer of superhero cash grabs that may or may not be good but would get my support because, well I'm a man child...

Fast Forward to 2019 and that summer of 2008 created the most successful Hollywood franchise of all time. A 22 film collective of what I and so many had always wanted; connectivity. Who would have thought that the ugly girl you were nice to just because would grow up and be a supermodel? Right, its that feeling. Well maybe not as nuanced. Regardless the culmination of what started out as an "ugly girl" was doled out in the form of the hotly anticipated Avengers: Endgame. Now it's no secret that I wasn't the biggest fan of the films predecessor, Avengers: Infinity War. I'd go as far as to say I hated the movie. And that hate is what makes me LOVE Endgame. The passion of whatever was built up emotion wise from IW comes bursting out in full force for Endgame. Joe and Anthony Russo have managed to masterfully craft a film that truly rewards you for having any type of emotion toward these characters, the films, its themes. The fact that I loathed IW allowed me to be skeptical of not just the Russo's but of these characters who I felt had nothing to fear because they are the Avengers. I mean THE Avengers. Whats there to fear with super god Thor and Hulk (albeit a "gamma" impotent one) still breathing, right? WRONG. The film addresses these thoughts immediately as Captain Marvel, the newest deus ex machina brings back a Tony Stark depleted of cookies and juice. She joins the crippled team and immediately plays the role of the skeptical viewer, me. "Why don't we just go fine Thanos and kill him" because its that simple, honestly. The big key players are still here.........and that's literally what they did...within the first 25 mins. Thanos sulking around on his surprisingly very manicured planet with a severe case of buyers remorse immediately gets his head chopped off by a Thor plagued with regret for not *say it with me guys* Going for the head. When I processed that Russo's enacted a payoff that would've seen to be better suited for a climax, I paused.

And that pause is what movie making is about. Taking what the viewer expects and subverting it. And this type of subverting can be bad, like IW or REALLY bad like Star Wars: The Last Jedi but where the subversion is placed in the film is what lights the dynamite in what is honestly, one of the greatest films of all time. Comic book film, be damned. We're introduced to a 5 year time jump that supplants these heroes in a world where they're losers of epic proportions. They won the battle but lost the war. Righteously they lost both but for the sake of sounding pro Thanos we'll go with the former. Tony settles down, has a kid. Banner becomes a nerdy jock, Black Widow is pretending she knows how to live a normal life. Clint is sulking, Steve is sulking. It's just a sulk fest. And then you have Thor, the most human out of all them in how he deals with defeat. He does what any depressed person would do when they had to use a second chance to kill a purple megalomaniac. He becomes an overweight drunk that knows video game references. It's details like this that the Russo's excel at and why this film is on my pedestal of nerdiness right now. Humanizing these characters to the point where we personally want to lift them up is everything this film is about. You want to give all these sulk fest losers a hug because you can see your own shortcomings in your own personal journey in them. It's like watching a family member trying to sort out a broken heart or losing a job or losing a loved one. And that lost of loved ones kicks the film into Robert Zemeckis overdrive with some time travel shenanigans brought about by Antman. So the classic cop out trope of time travel gets added into the film but to surprisingly fun and even heartfelt results.

Inevitably, the heroes who died get brought back through these shenanigans while inadvertently alerting a past Thanos who's hunger for the stones is at its peak. With this you get a final battle scene worthy of two prices of admission. Seeing Captain America lead the Avengers into battle with the classic war cry was a moment encapsulated in time. The film ultimately ends on the merits of fan service getting trickled in. Cap being worthy (which I have gripes with but we'll discuss that a later time) and Tony Stark dying (finally) felt earned. Black Widow dying, it felt right. It made you feel something. And that is how a movie experience when done right becomes our most coveted entertainment medium. I couldn't be more pleased with the film, the decisions that were made and how it ended. Although the film created some questions that have me scratching my head I know better than to doubt Kevin Feige, the architect brought these heroes on film properly and in a way becoming the soul successor to Stan Lee, the architect who brought these heroes into the world. My intrigue for the next slate of Marvel films is at an allure high. The future of the Marvel cinematic universe is supernova bright. The foundation laid with these previous 22 films can't be torn down and will easily stand the test of time in large part to this finale....or is Far From Home the finally? That darn Feige.
her plan was to take it into the quantum realm where no one can use the gauntlet but Thanos blew up the van

yea I need to watch again.. thought the van was being used to transport all of thanos' crew back

The plan was to just get the IG as far away as possible. The quantum realm was for Thanos and his forces.
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