Could've drawn out the other 3 to match miles. Look like a cheap photoshop.
Pretty sure they'll cameo though. Makes no sense when u throwing in a dinosaur.
What do you guys think of the rumor that Cyclops, Jean Gray and Storm will also appear in the Deadpool/Wolverine movie? Of course its just a big rumor and nothing is confirmed...

I'll say this, I'm a HUGE X-Men fan and cant wait for them in the MCU. I think the Fox X-Men movie totally sucked. But if they can get a proper farewell here or maybe a Secret Wars setup... I'm all for it. One thing is for sure, they absolutely have to get their costumes RIGHT. They need to pull that off in order to get some legitimacy back. IMO a big part of the Avengers success was the look of the team. They started off right especially with Iron Man. .... And whatever they do in the movie needs to have purpose. Dont just have them in there to get washed like the Illuminati did in Dr Strange.

If its true, I don't want to see anymore "news" about it. just let it happen and let fans be surprised.
I just wanna see James Marsden as a legit Cyclops and not a ***** for once. Give my man Slim some justice finally.

the idea of bringing back all the FoX-Men characters for a proper sendoff doesn't sound appealing to me at all. Just move on already and bring in the new team.
We are still so far off from the MCU X-men so I dont mind it. Unless they plan to introduce the new X-Men in Secret Wars... but who knows what will happen
With the change of pace on MCU projects releasing...it really is going to be a minute for X-Men projects.
Just give me X-men 97. Hopefully we get a House of M story arc or House of X.
Sins of Sinister probably won’t be touched in the next 3-4th season.

MCU X-men I rather wait for so I don’t see garbage again.
I feel like if X-Men 97 is a hit, X-Men movies are going to get pushed to the front of the line.
Besides Secret Invasion, i'm only hyped for deadpool and Blade. Having some of the X-men appear would be cool.
they'll probably waiting to see how F$ does before fully tackling xmen, wouldnt be surprised if they sprinkle in characters here and there before a full movie even comes out

it is funny though, after all the reports of different races and even gender bending the F4 cast, they ended up with 3 white folks and the lone black guy becomes the thing
the idea of bringing back all the FoX-Men characters for a proper sendoff doesn't sound appealing to me at all. Just move on already and bring in the new team.
I agree but you already know nostalgia is what the modern box office runs off of so I wouldn't be surprised if it happens at all :lol:

We're already covered with the X-Men 97 show coming out soon
Just give me X-men 97. Hopefully we get a House of M story arc or House of X.
Sins of Sinister probably won’t be touched in the next 3-4th season.

MCU X-men I rather wait for so I don’t see garbage again.

The X-Men 97 House of X story from the comics last year wasnt bad. I enjoyed the little differences from the OG story. Would be cool to see that in the new cartoon.
Sins of Sinister is wayyyy too much for the cartoon imo
Besides Secret Invasion, i'm only hyped for deadpool and Blade. Having some of the X-men appear would be cool.

Im hyped for Secret Invasion but how the hell are they gonna pull it off without all the heroes involved? That's what made the story good to begin with. Also I'm gonna predict that the ending will be similar but it wont be Norman Osborn being the hero. Probably ol girl from Seinfeld being the hero and that leads us to her Thunderbolts team....
Im hyped for Secret Invasion but how the hell are they gonna pull it off without all the heroes involved? That's what made the story good to begin with. Also I'm gonna predict that the ending will be similar but it wont be Norman Osborn being the hero. Probably ol girl from Seinfeld being the hero and that leads us to her Thunderbolts team....
Well saying any of the hero we got now has been a Skrull since whenever would cheapen previous movies/shows, they’ll probably just go with political figureheads. “Oh Snap! The President is a Skrull?!”
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