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yeah i think the first few run of the x-men movies are going to be semi self-contained so they can build up their world and etc and then eventually they'll get into the big big stage for AvX

it seems to me that they're hinting that the cosmic radiation from the use of the Gauntlet might awake people who have dormant genes (monica?)
They gonna have the X-men doing their own adventures before we ever get an AvX movie. They need to go to the Savage Land and fight on Mojo's planet before I see them beef with the Avengers.

Gotta build up to that beef.
I think they’re better served going in the opposite direction and bake individual mutants into already established character’s storylines then address the foundation of x-men as a whole in the rumored “The Mutants” movie.

I have a feeling The Eternals movie will plant the seed for mutants then go from there.
Since we discussed recasting t’challa

I can count only 1, maybe 2 that panned out. Most of these are from franchises that were rebooted, which many - including myself - have said is when they should recast, and not in the current universe.

Every character was casted well in the Star Trek reboot. Love Karl Urban as Bones.
So there are rumors circulating around the X-Men movie they may go the House of X/Powers of X route. The movie will start from the Moira MacTaggert POV. and her living her multiple lifetimes etc....Leading to the OG First Class X-Men(not the movie version) with Xavier..

If they go that route I think it is pretty bold! I like the fact that they are going with new/current continuity using Hickman's revisions (which also leads me to believe he'll be writing the X-Men books for a long time) and they are mixing old comic book history into it as well. If done right it can be the perfect balance. As long as we don't immediately get to where they are now in Krakoa.

I can see the movies playing like this

1st Movie - OG First Class
2nd Movie - Giant Size X-Men story/ Team
3rd Movie - Jim Lee/Animated Series Team

Also I think you would have to do the movies every other year rather than every 4 years or so if you want to get to the big Secret Wars or whatever big movie where we eventually see X-men/Avengers/FF on the screen. Cause you know that's gonna happen. Way too much $$$ on the table to not do that.
Wouldn’t mind that at all. That run by Hickman was really good. I’d be all for that.
So there are rumors circulating around the X-Men movie they may go the House of X/Powers of X route. The movie will start from the Moira MacTaggert POV. and her living her multiple lifetimes etc....Leading to the OG First Class X-Men(not the movie version) with Xavier..

If they go that route I think it is pretty bold! I like the fact that they are going with new/current continuity using Hickman's revisions
I don't believe it.

I'd be shocked if to start with they do what Hickman is doing. Shocked in a good way but still I just cant believe they'd do it.
Whatever the Marvel Studios decides to do with the X-Men in 2101, I have faith in them.
That's a bit too early.

"One thing that I've learned in my short or long time on this Earth, however you want to look at it, is that it's very difficult to have perspective on something while you're going through it,". "This is one of the more profound things that I've ever gone through in my life, having to be a part of keeping this project going without this particular person, who was like the glue that held it together."

He added: "That said, you got a professional life, you got a private life – personal life, I mean to say. When you work in something that you love, those things blend, they come together, right? Your life kind of becomes your work for the better part of it. I'm trying to find a work-life balance, so I'm working on building two things that can kind of stand on their own... But I'm not there yet. So, this is without question the hardest thing I've ever had to do in my professional life. Without question."

Coogler also reflected: "I'm incredibly sad to lose [Boseman], but I'm also incredibly motivated that I got to spend time with him. He's one of those people who, you spend your life hearing about people like this... For this individual, who's an ancestor now, I was there for it... It's such an incredible privilege that fills you up as much as it knocks you down."
Another director "WandaVision" interview. Good read.

Here's a cool part.... :nerd:

Q: A theory I love is that Ralph Bohner is Jimmy's witness protection person and he chose that name for himself. Are you able to confirm who the witness protection person is?

A: Not as yet, but stay tuned.

I was watching Falcon anyway, since there isn't anything else to watch, so its good to hear its starting off with good reviews. I'll take it. :lol:


"One thing that I've learned in my short or long time on this Earth, however you want to look at it, is that it's very difficult to have perspective on something while you're going through it,". "This is one of the more profound things that I've ever gone through in my life, having to be a part of keeping this project going without this particular person, who was like the glue that held it together."

He added: "That said, you got a professional life, you got a private life – personal life, I mean to say. When you work in something that you love, those things blend, they come together, right? Your life kind of becomes your work for the better part of it. I'm trying to find a work-life balance, so I'm working on building two things that can kind of stand on their own... But I'm not there yet. So, this is without question the hardest thing I've ever had to do in my professional life. Without question."

Coogler also reflected: "I'm incredibly sad to lose [Boseman], but I'm also incredibly motivated that I got to spend time with him. He's one of those people who, you spend your life hearing about people like this... For this individual, who's an ancestor now, I was there for it... It's such an incredible privilege that fills you up as much as it knocks you down."

nothing but faith in this man.. has yet to let me down
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