What’s it like to work at stockX? I quit after 1 day

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I don't understand why some of y'all are disparaging OP for his decision. Why is leaving after one day on the job worse than leaving after x > 1 days on the job? You would've preferred he waste his time and life at a job he knew from direct experience wasn't for him? How does that saying about insanity go again?

And the crying?
Huh? Once in a while I have a friend ask me to pay them via one method cuz their bread ain’t on their bank account or something but they got cash in hand. **** I do it when my money tied up and it’s ready to go next day
Since you’re super nosy I’ll give you the backstory. The little homey doesn’t have a car so hetakes the bus to work, but he also likes to get drunk at night so he ends up over sleeping I can’t make it to work on time which he’s been warned about multiple times so instead of not drinking and being responsible he still gets trashed and wants someone to bail him out. Its to the point where I don’t even answer no more
The op is super soft and does not know hard work. I’ve had hard jobs like the assembly line at Chrysler and many years at sneaker retailers during the holidays. What you wrote sounds like a busy day. You’re better off doing nails or hair.

Exactly..I worked at a Chrysler plant for 3 1/2 yrs and this Stock X job sounds like a piece of cake..OP is obviously weak minded and lazy and don't wanna work..Yall know how many people out there would kill for an $18/hr job?..And this dude is out there crying in his car like a little girl?..Shameful..
No wonder shoes I've been selling have been arriving at some city in NJ rather than Detroit. Looks like a add to the craziness by selling thru StockX, sorry OP but glad you moved on.

I don't understand why some of y'all are disparaging OP for his decision. Why is leaving after one day on the job worse than leaving after x > 1 days on the job? You would've preferred he waste his time and life at a job he knew from direct experience wasn't for him? How does that saying about insanity go again?


Because he is a 30 year old man with no other job lined up that took the time to travel to a new state for this position and quit after one day. Why haven't all the other people that work there quit yet? He then went and sobbed in the car..
I don't understand why some of y'all are disparaging OP for his decision. Why is leaving after one day on the job worse than leaving after x > 1 days on the job? You would've preferred he waste his time and life at a job he knew from direct experience wasn't for him? How does that saying about insanity go again?

Leaving the job after 1 day isn't the problem.

Its the part where a grown man went to go cry his eyes out in his car because he had a long day on his first day on the job.

We've all worked ****** jobs (except Xennial Xennial and Guccishades Guccishades ) with ****** hours and ****** management. I've worked at a car dealership working 12 hours a day for entire weeks at times, starting out not moving any units, taking the $600 post tax "advance" they give you that they expect you to pay back through commission sales, only to find yourself in the hole owing the dealership a piled up backlog of checks because you're struggling to move cars out the door.

Add on top of that, I just had a baby. Trying to provide for my new family off $600 every 2 weeks until I started selling cars? Its ******* hard b. Living in the DC metro area? Its ******* hard.

Life is hard b. But as a man, you deal with that **** and work through it until you find something better. You don't throw in the towel after day 1 because nobody held your hand and made you feel as comfortable as you expected to feel on the first day. Sometimes you have to lift your chin, puff ya chest out, straighten up, and just do what you have to do.

I worked that ****, and continued to grind at getting the career I wanted late at night. And then I got what I wanted and that ****** past is behind me. Ain't no time for tears when you got real **** to take care of and mouths to feed. You walk into your bathroom when everyone is sleep, knock 2 or 3 of them tears out, wipe your face off, take your shower, then get ready for work. Life goes on.

These jokes, will go on...
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What about it? Are we all "built" the same? Do we all have the same threshold when it comes to being debased? Would a violent response have been a more appropriate, masculine response to being debased?

Lol stop with the loaded response “would you rather he shoot up the place????” Lol idiotic. A dude who cries after 1 day of work isn’t someone I’d want to hire to begin with. Let’s make this clear, OP came here to bash the place he left after working there for a matter of HOURS under NORMAL WORK CONDITIONS. This isn’t a self help thread
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some cats go inside when the storm comes
All j rain j rain did was post about his experience of his 1st day there which for him was a really bad one, ppl do this on Glassdoor all the time, he just happened to post it here instead of Glassdoor

I ain't never not once saw someone include "made me cry on my first day" on their glassdoor review
Imagine how much harder it is for the people doing manufacturing work in 3rd world countries.

Terrible working conditions to earn around $5 a day.
It's all relative

They wouldn't know if they aren't exposed to anything better. To them, it's probably a blessing when they compare it to other options
I appreciate all the feedback, bros. Good and bad. Keep it coming. I can’t address all the comments, but I enjoy reading them.

I only relocated 6 hours. So it wasn’t that life changing. I thought there was a lot of opportunity to move up the ladder. Getting in on the ground floor of a booming company was appealing. I just think working in that new warehouse was a bad idea. They were disorganized and incredibly understaffed. That’s what made it so overwhelming. I imagine working in Detroit, or even the warehouse in Arizona, is less stressful.

Nevermind the work, just being on your feet that long is taxing.

Money was never my motivation. My bank account is solid. I have a vast sneaker collection that I can sell if times ever get tough.
What about it? Are we all "built" the same? Do we all have the same threshold when it comes to being debased? Would a violent response have been a more appropriate, masculine response to being debased?

the more masculine response would be to shut up and do the job and stop crying like a *****
Wow....the devious side of me wants to buy tons of good quality variants/fakes from Asia and just flood Stock X.
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