What a night I just had Vol: You ever knock out a Burglar?

not to threadjack but man @#$% burglers. we destroyed homie on the roof though sent him to lutherans and all that. but thats really some effin coincidence, i guess times really are hard out here.
not to threadjack but man @#$% burglers. we destroyed homie on the roof though sent him to lutherans and all that. but thats really some effin coincidence, i guess times really are hard out here.
Originally Posted by The Generator

 wrong choice as I forget to wipe my butt before I left which left my with the nastiest swamp butt.

You're hygiene must be terrible.
Who in the world doesn't wipe?
Funky booty %$% boy.
StaXX wrote:
Originally Posted by The Generator

 wrong choice as I forget to wipe my butt before I left which left my with the nastiest swamp butt.

You're hygiene must be terrible.
Who in the world doesn't wipe?
Funky booty %$% boy.


but seriously OP gets 
StaXX wrote:
Originally Posted by The Generator

 wrong choice as I forget to wipe my butt before I left which left my with the nastiest swamp butt.

You're hygiene must be terrible.
Who in the world doesn't wipe?
Funky booty %$% boy.


but seriously OP gets 
i would love to show you guys pics, once all the legal stuff is done with the police i will put up pics but i cant risk anything on the legal side of things incase of a lawsuit, right now.
i would love to show you guys pics, once all the legal stuff is done with the police i will put up pics but i cant risk anything on the legal side of things incase of a lawsuit, right now.
Originally Posted by Oakridegonee

everyone is so fast to call duck tails.
you did a good thing op.
Thanks man appreciate it, once all the legal stuff is done with ill definitely post the pics i can get my hands on.
Originally Posted by Oakridegonee

everyone is so fast to call duck tails.
you did a good thing op.
Thanks man appreciate it, once all the legal stuff is done with ill definitely post the pics i can get my hands on.
So they had to be African American?

And to show your lack of street smarts, you tried to play the wise old fool role and possibly made yourself look like a snitch.

if this story is true, then you need to smarten up kid
So they had to be African American?

And to show your lack of street smarts, you tried to play the wise old fool role and possibly made yourself look like a snitch.

if this story is true, then you need to smarten up kid
Originally Posted by whyhellothere

meh, my night of getting some bomb %## {()} from this exotic Italian chick with a tongue as long as my Johnson>>your fairytale story
and this little tidbit is something you feel you should share with others?
Originally Posted by whyhellothere

meh, my night of getting some bomb %## {()} from this exotic Italian chick with a tongue as long as my Johnson>>your fairytale story
and this little tidbit is something you feel you should share with others?
Originally Posted by The Generator

At about 2:32 PM I was really in the food for a Slurpee at 7-11. So I get up from my couch, turn of the TV, throw on my pair AF1s and I'm on my way, the next 4 hours of my life I could have never imagined happening to me. It was beautiful in NYC today so I decided to walk, wrong choice as I forget to wipe my butt before I left which left my with the nastiest swamp butt. I usually carry a blade or a cap gun (illegally of course) just in case I ever need to use them. Back to the top again I'm walking toward the 7-11 when see 2 African American teens looking to be conspiring to hold up the deli. I casually walked over there asked them what was up and offered them a piece of advice, telling them not to do anything stupid and that they got their whole lives ahead of them, unfortunately for them they didn't listen.
 I walk away and go across the street to the 7-11 and get a Pina Collada Slurpee, took me about 10 minutes when it was all said and done, I pay and walk out. As I'm walking out of the store I see the two teens I had just spoke to throw on their ski-masks and get ready to hold up the deli. It was at that point I knew what I had to do, whether it meant me giving up my life or not, I wasn't going to let these two kids put other people in harm for some cash. I ran in looking King Kong with a mix of Randy Savage. I was raging.

I grab one kid, he was the only one holding a gun, and punch in the throat/neck region which I learned from my Tiger Schulmanns class is a very vicious blow and is tough to recover from. Once he was on the floor I told the cashier to let me take care of the other kid (cashier must have got him earlier) I deliver a hybrid of the peoples elbow and the 5 knuckle shuffle to this chump knocking him out cold. 

When it was all over, I felt like a true hero, people with their kids coming up to shaking my hand, the elderly coming up to me and thanking me, I felt accomplished. 

Though my slurpee was gone I gained something else: the respect of the poeple of NYC.

Thank You and have a wonderful evening.


-go to 7 11

-robber across the street

- i knock out both

-im am hero

I'm mad they didn't shoot you when you gave them "advice" and to think that Slurpee had to go instead of you
Originally Posted by The Generator

At about 2:32 PM I was really in the food for a Slurpee at 7-11. So I get up from my couch, turn of the TV, throw on my pair AF1s and I'm on my way, the next 4 hours of my life I could have never imagined happening to me. It was beautiful in NYC today so I decided to walk, wrong choice as I forget to wipe my butt before I left which left my with the nastiest swamp butt. I usually carry a blade or a cap gun (illegally of course) just in case I ever need to use them. Back to the top again I'm walking toward the 7-11 when see 2 African American teens looking to be conspiring to hold up the deli. I casually walked over there asked them what was up and offered them a piece of advice, telling them not to do anything stupid and that they got their whole lives ahead of them, unfortunately for them they didn't listen.
 I walk away and go across the street to the 7-11 and get a Pina Collada Slurpee, took me about 10 minutes when it was all said and done, I pay and walk out. As I'm walking out of the store I see the two teens I had just spoke to throw on their ski-masks and get ready to hold up the deli. It was at that point I knew what I had to do, whether it meant me giving up my life or not, I wasn't going to let these two kids put other people in harm for some cash. I ran in looking King Kong with a mix of Randy Savage. I was raging.

I grab one kid, he was the only one holding a gun, and punch in the throat/neck region which I learned from my Tiger Schulmanns class is a very vicious blow and is tough to recover from. Once he was on the floor I told the cashier to let me take care of the other kid (cashier must have got him earlier) I deliver a hybrid of the peoples elbow and the 5 knuckle shuffle to this chump knocking him out cold. 

When it was all over, I felt like a true hero, people with their kids coming up to shaking my hand, the elderly coming up to me and thanking me, I felt accomplished. 

Though my slurpee was gone I gained something else: the respect of the poeple of NYC.

Thank You and have a wonderful evening.


-go to 7 11

-robber across the street

- i knock out both

-im am hero

I'm mad they didn't shoot you when you gave them "advice" and to think that Slurpee had to go instead of you
Dudes saying why they gotta be African-American, but reading the story, dude went into specifics about anything, anyway. Not wiping, slurpee flavor, etc.

And if dude doesn't say the race, dudes on here gonna ask, anyway.

Where's the online news article?

I guess, props OP
Dudes saying why they gotta be African-American, but reading the story, dude went into specifics about anything, anyway. Not wiping, slurpee flavor, etc.

And if dude doesn't say the race, dudes on here gonna ask, anyway.

Where's the online news article?

I guess, props OP
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