What Age Did You Start Cussing?

May 11, 2008
Boy oh boy are these lil' youngins bad. I was picking up my sister from elementary school and while I was waiting
for her to come outside a bunch of kids passed me. They cuss a lot, I was
the entire time. It's funny hearing words
like that come from these little kids. I don't think I started cussing till like 7th grade.
prolly when i was in 4th or 5th grade . . . got real heated in those wall ball and 4-square matches
i think grade 2. im ashamed

first time in trouble was when i missed a basket in pe and said ****. every single kid in the class tattled on me
Grade one. I was beat boxing (Mind you this was 86-87) and scattin (Grandpops used to bump that Ella tuff) and the girl across from me (Tasha... She was mygirlfriend some years later) busted out "Ooooooooooh! Joseph Cussinnnnnnnnnnn!" I got in trouble for it, so from then on I was like FF it. If I'mgonna get in trouble for it, I might as well keep on going.

It was not until 2nd grade where I learned how to SPELL them, tho... I used to always spell it with two K's instead of a CK, and I never could remember the"T"...
i remember the first time a dude called me the "F world" when I was about 5 or 6.

my cousins and i chased him back to his crib

i was probably cursing at around 2nd grade before I left my first elementary school. 3rd grade in my new school dudes were just wild. Talking about F'intheir 20 year old girl friends in their tree houses. Sucking gummy bears off their racks. Dudes were crazy
5th grade I believe... when I first started listening to rap music and people started finding out about sex haha
I'd say 4th or 5th grade maybe a little in 3rd grade but not heavily.

Funny thing is I never once slipped up and cussed around my parents once. I was really good at only doin it around friends and at school.
i think about 4th grade i cussed like it was my job....but it was always a very rare occurrence for me to cuss in my own home...even though my parents dontunderstand much english

but what is more shameful nowadays is these 20+ year olds who can't hold their tongues and cuss so loud in public....like i see families around us inrestaurants/movies/anywhere and these fools just keep dropping f bombs around these 4-6 year olds...damn shame
I'd say about the age of 9 or so. I didn't abuse it but I did curse. It wasn't til I hit about 13 when I started filthy mouthin' people.
Originally Posted by doctorshoes

I don't cuss at all, not even in my head.
if you are telling the truth i cant stand people like you.I dont trust anyone who doesnt curse or drink....

In all honesty I still cannot physically curse in front of my parents, its just been ingrained in me to not do it around them.
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