What are some of the worst pranks you were ever a part of?

Feb 29, 2000
i remember some co workers at a summer job put they pee in a half filled moutain dew 2 liter and gave some to another co worker and said they spiked it withalchohol. dude drank it and was coughing and said his stomach hurt afterwards

also my cousin tried to feed my other cousin a dookie burrito when we were kids... he didnt eat it though cuz he knew what it was...
Cut down highschool's flag pool.

Put thumbtacks in a teachers chair.

Can't really think of anymore...
Put rats in the soda machines(in the cafeteria) where you take the soda after you put the dollar...
Not really a prank but we got toilet paper and walked all around 2 and 3rd floor with them...with our hoodies lol.
There was this one chick that was trying to get with my friend, the only thing was she was
and one of those girls that is extremely belligerent and thinksshes super
. Anyways my friend wanted NOTHING to do with this girl (not being shallow or anything) She was always texting him and hitting him up viafacebook/myspace/aim telling him all the "dirty" things she wanted to do with him and how crazy she was about him
. One night we werekicking it at his crib and he stepped out to grab a smoke and his phone beeped. It was a text from her saying "can't you even give me the time to sayhi or respond" (somthing like that) so me and the others thought it'd be funny to mess with them. We responded saying something like "you know,ive been thinking alot and i was curious if you wanted to come over and hang out and talk about things" well she showed up with the quickness
andlong story short my friend ended up saying things like "WHy the F#$% would i say that.." "your gross!" etc. and she ended up going homecrying and what not
we thought she might like go and hurt herself or something
Originally Posted by NobleKane

i remember some co workers at a summer job put they pee in a half filled moutain dew 2 liter and gave some to another co worker and said they spiked it with alchohol. dude drank it and was coughing and said his stomach hurt afterwards

also my cousin tried to feed my other cousin a dookie burrito when we were kids... he didnt eat it though cuz he knew what it was...

Thats not a prank, Thats just !*%++% up. If someone I knew did that, They will be dead or eating my poop... Real Talk...

Color a white gummy bear black with a sharpie and fed it to my teacher claiming it was liquorice flavor
One of my roomates in the Marines asked me to borrow a leather jacket for a party. This particular jacket belonged to my father and held some (moderate)sentimental value. But to make sure he didn't get too comfy in it I spun this elaborate story about how important my fathers leather jacket was to me, wordto the watch in Pulp Fiction. Later at the spot I see that he's hung my pop's jacket on the back of his chair and left it to join the festivities, so Iswoop past and scoop it on my way out the door. I then proceed to hang, eat, cruise the strip the whole nine.

I get back to the room at like 130 and this cat is ASHEN right? This dude's been sitting up waiting for me to get back trying to figure out what to tell meabout the jacket. My man tells me he lost it. Buddy was so shook that he called the MP's on a dude wearing a similar jacket trying to get it off him.Regardless of his excuses I straight SPAZZ on this dude, squeezing my eye's closed to hold back the "tears" and everything. I pace back andforward for a bit then I go grab it out the car. I've haven't received a meaner

oh i got pranks i did in hs... here are some i can remember

in my earth science class, my teacher always drank coffee. So one day he left his coffee on his desk, got up and left the room fo a minute, i put four laxativepills in his coffee, he drank he whole thing. Excellent.

my senior prank was me and a buncha my friends painted my old car (It was an 89 camry and i was going to sell anyone) lime green, then wrote "Seniors05" on it. On the morning before the last day of classes (around 2 am), we drove the car to the school, and made a ramp up the stairs, drove the car upthe stairs, and then took off all the tires. #%!% was classic. i'm going to find pics and sned it to ya'll
Originally Posted by IluvJordanXI

Originally Posted by NobleKane

i remember some co workers at a summer job put they pee in a half filled moutain dew 2 liter and gave some to another co worker and said they spiked it with alchohol. dude drank it and was coughing and said his stomach hurt afterwards

also my cousin tried to feed my other cousin a dookie burrito when we were kids... he didnt eat it though cuz he knew what it was...

Thats not a prank, Thats just !*%++% up. If someone I knew did that, They will be dead or eating my poop... Real Talk...

Color a white gummy bear black with a sharpie and fed it to my teacher claiming it was liquorice flavor
how you gonna say thats +$%* up and then poison your teacher with a sharpie gummy bear?
Originally Posted by upstateboibeats

oh i got pranks i did in hs... here are some i can remember

in my earth science class, my teacher always drank coffee. So one day he left his coffee on his desk, got up and left the room fo a minute, i put four laxative pills in his coffee, he drank he whole thing. Excellent.

my senior prank was me and a buncha my friends painted my old car (It was an 89 camry and i was going to sell anyone) lime green, then wrote "Seniors 05" on it. On the morning before the last day of classes (around 2 am), we drove the car to the school, and made a ramp up the stairs, drove the car up the stairs, and then took off all the tires. #%!% was classic. i'm going to find pics and sned it to ya'll

Lol. Thats dope.
well i finally tracked down a pic, i know there are a bunch more/better ones that i will post when i get them later.


Popo was a !%*$ too...when i got to school they called me into the principals office...iw as there all day...and the cop kept saying "I know this is yourcar because I saw it parked on the hill at your house on Thursday"...and dude was straight wrong because I sold the car to my buddy on Tuesday. Cop keptasking me "so are you saying i'm lying"...i was like "yes" haha

anyway, $250 later (towing charges, plus charge of putting tires back on the car), the prank was still well worth it, and will forever go down in the townhistory as being the best senior prank yet. (This prank was done in 2005, still no one has done a better one)
Originally Posted by upstateboibeats

well i finally tracked down a pic, i know there are a bunch more/better ones that i will post when i get them later.


Popo was a !%*$ too...when i got to school they called me into the principals office...iw as there all day...and the cop kept saying "I know this is your car because I saw it parked on the hill at your house on Thursday"...and dude was straight wrong because I sold the car to my buddy on Tuesday. Cop kept asking me "so are you saying i'm lying"...i was like "yes" haha

anyway, $250 later (towing charges, plus charge of putting tires back on the car), the prank was still well worth it, and will forever go down in the town history as being the best senior prank yet. (This prank was done in 2005, still no one has done a better one)

some bad %%%% me and some friends did was DROP Kicked some filled trash cans the night before trash day, and rode around throwing eggs INSIDE of moving cars.it was toooooooooooooooooooooooooo funny, we then went to QT got us some drinks and one of my friends pissed in his coke cup and threw at some mexican cat onthe streets. LAter, the fun ended when we were chased my some crazy guy who got the inside of his 4door egged. TOO funny but i popped my tire and we ran onfoot from the crazy guy. what a night
Originally Posted by De La MONEY

some bad %%%% me and some friends did was DROP Kicked some filled trash cans the night before trash day, and rode around throwing eggs INSIDE of moving cars. it was toooooooooooooooooooooooooo funny, we then went to QT got us some drinks and one of my friends pissed in his coke cup and threw at some mexican cat on the streets. LAter, the fun ended when we were chased my some crazy guy who got the inside of his 4door egged. TOO funny but i popped my tire and we ran on foot from the crazy guy. what a night
that aint a damn prank, thats just vandalism and being a little +%*!% that deserves to get their @!@ whooped.. shoot half these arent even pranks, itsjust being %%%*%! up
Made a fake profile on myspace of some sexy chick, spit e-game to one of my homies, had dude inlove...had him "meet" chick somewhere on campus...me and my boys were amping him up telling him that he just met her and she wants to chill thatshe's tryna smash...he was ready for sex
got another kid smaeprofile, dude was straight up simping
love messages and #+@+,sending messages daily, wanted her to be his date for prom
dude was heartbrokenwhen he found out it was me
did you scratch the VIN and take off the license plates of the senior 05 car?

i would NOT have claimed it was mine in any regard
few of my friends were
and one of my boys packed a "personal" bowl for this dude who used to kick it with us. 1/2 herb 1/2 pubes
Peed in the radiator in 7th grade. Let's just say the stench traveled through the whole school anf made the winter months cold and smelly.
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