What Are Some Of Ur Interests That Most People Wouldnt Guess?

Oct 4, 2004
You know how the old saying goes "never judge a book by its cover" what are some of ur intrest that most people wouldn't guess about u?

mine are


-Playing Chess


-The theater

-Ice skating (only did it once fiancee put me on to it but I wouldnt mind trying it again as long as she hold my hand i dont fall)

-Paranormal activity



-Star Wars

-Tech (ie networking and computer repair i have degree in computer networking)

-Surrealism Art


-Classic Jazz( Miles Davis John Coltrane etc)

-Art (mainly color pencils I customize sneakers as well)

Skateboarding <--- Most people don't know I skate because I don't dress like a skater.. F*** Skinny jeans and all them stuff.

Dancing *Michael Jackson Type*

Rubix Cube

Making money on the Internet

Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Brad Pitt


I tried Origami once when i was young much respect it takes alot of patience and precession

I dont know if you talking about traditonal wrestling or wwe sports entertainment wrestling I love wwe back in the day.. Undertaker still is and always will bemy favorite wrestler

kung-fu movies

You ever seen 5 Deadly Venoms I love a good Shaw Brothers movie
-Politics. People know I'm into sports and music, but they wouldn't think I'm into that.
-Sports video games. Most of my friends are into the other type of games, so I guess it's weirder for them.
-Meeting new people. Most people think I'm really, really shy (because I'm very timid with people I don't know well) but I really do enjoy newcompany-I just don't express it outwardly.
this isn't necessarrily an interest but alot of people think I either worship satan or are some type of pagan. I am neither of .

as far as interests:

Collecting Shoes/Learning Shoe tech. like white dudes can't enjoy collecting J's and listening to hardcore/death metal

Science. Mainly genome mapping/cloning and paranormal investgation

80's Pop music. yes seriously.

Early Hip Hop.

other than that I suppose I fit the mold of every person who wears lots of black and listens to heavy music,save for the drugs and over the top make up.
For the people who doesn't know me.. I'd have to say, my obsession for "black chicks".

For the people who does know me.. I'd have to say, my obsession for "NikeTalk".


Classic Soul , R&B, and Funk (love going to Half Price bookstore and finding old records)

Indie music


Anything science related

Henry Rollins

Every genre of music...anything "psych" or mental...body language...biographies about any any everybody...soccer...a secret desire to run for mayorafter a career in entertainment law...foreign films...beers from other countries...spoken word poetry...homeless people and poverty...the origins, codes, andcreeds of street gangs...Niketalk.
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