What are you doing with your Bachelor's Degree???

Mar 23, 2004
I don't even have mine yet, finished my AA last Winter and going back for my junior year of college. I'm getting my B.A. in Criminal Justice, I wasjust wondering if you guys were putting those B.As to use.
i make 50k a year and work 6 months out of the year. oh wait all i got was my GED.
Originally Posted by YoungTriz

i make 50k a year and work 6 months out of the year. oh wait all i got was my GED.

Wow, bro..that's awesome! If you make that much in 6 months...you'd be in the 6 figure range if you do it the whole year.

I'm going to graduate in about a year with a BS, at this point I'm not sure if I'm going to continue full time with my grad school. Or if I'mgoing to get a full time job and go to school part time. The range of my field is pretty wide, so I'm not heart set on anything particular yet. I'dprobably start off small as a hygiene specialist or health inspector and work up to owning a small firm.
Bachelors in Health Science, Masters in Occupational Therapy. Cannot practice OT without a MS! Pay range is about $62k-75k for new grads/entry level OTs.
Originally Posted by I am Furby

Bachelors in Health Science, Masters in Occupational Therapy. Cannot practice OT without a MS! Pay range is about $62k-75k for new grads/entry level OTs.

A Masters? They still offer that? I doing my Doctorate for PT right now. Nowhere in FL they offer anything less for OT or PT.
Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Originally Posted by I am Furby

Bachelors in Health Science, Masters in Occupational Therapy. Cannot practice OT without a MS! Pay range is about $62k-75k for new grads/entry level OTs.

A Masters? They still offer that? I doing my Doctorate for PT right now. Nowhere in FL they offer anything less for OT or PT.
The push to a Masters degree program only went into effect for OT since last year, it is not yet mandatory to have a doctorate for recent grads..maystill be a few years off for OT. I know about the push towards Doctorates for PT's and frankly I think it's a good thing. Although, I have talked toquite a few OTs and PTs who have no respect for the fact that we are coming inot the job market with a higher level of schooling than they have. If it makes usmore marketable as therapists I say why the hell not.
Haven't got mine yet, but in about 2 years, my B.A. in Biological Sciences will take me striaght into Dental School.
Originally Posted by Super Producer J

Haven't got mine yet, but in about 2 years, my B.A. in Biological Sciences will take me striaght into Dental School.

Good stuff. Before changing my major..I was pre med, pre opt, and then pre dent,
I lost the interest, but still loved science so I went toenvironmental health. Good luck on the DCAT!
Props to all yall thats going to school. i hope yall have good jobs when yall get done. i know if i would have went to college i would be getting paid betterbut school isnt for me, i hated it. i just work at some manufacturing/production place pressing buttons all day and being on NT. paid lunches, good benefits,pretty good 401k. there is crazy amounts of OT i just dont like doing it too much. id rather just chill at home with the kids. trying to buy a house but iwanna save at least 1 or 2 years of mortgage payments for the "just in case" thing.
i have a Bachelor's in Music and i am currently the operations manager at Seagate Technology.
^ heavy manufacturing? good for you; which industry for only 6 mos./year? hopefully you become a supervisor or use the money as a starting point for somethingelse, because you probably won't retire from a floor job. i'm not down on you, i'm just from a city that's got a ton of people who started in ajob like that, got laid off, and now can't find anything like what they had. if that's not a concern, i'm a bit jealous :tongue:

me personally, i'm going to finish my b.a. this year. i don't know what i'm going to do with it immediately, but i want to start law schooleventually (like in the next two or three years)
Originally Posted by raburns04

^ heavy manufacturing? good for you; which industry for only 6 mos./year? hopefully you become a supervisor or use the money as a starting point for something else, because you probably won't retire from a floor job. i'm not down on you, i'm just from a city that's got a ton of people who started in a job like that, got laid off, and now can't find anything like what they had. if that's not a concern, i'm a bit jealous :tongue:

me personally, i'm going to finish my b.a. this year. i don't know what i'm going to do with it immediately, but i want to start law school eventually (like in the next two or three years)

Naw not heavy manufacturing. The only thing i really lift is a clip board. alot of old dudes that i work with used to be supervisors but said they hated it
they would rather just work and not have to worry nothing else. Layoffs????. i survived like 4 lay offs and i only been working there for 4 years. our company is going to do $4 BILLION expansion in the next few years. ( thingshave been picking up alot in the last 2 years ). so im not really worried about being laid off since my department is the foundation of the company.
Originally Posted by HybridSoldier23

I work as an IT administrator for the west coast offices of a worldwide business consulting firm.

If you don't mind me asking what does your job entail? I am getting my BA degree in business administration with an emphasis in informationtechnology, and I would like to know what options I have.
I sit at home and watch porn. at least that's what I plan on doing when I get my degree...
I'm not getting mine until this June but I plan on staying at my current job for another 5 years then move on to bigger things in the hotel industry with10 years of experience under my belt. I'm a Comp Science major btw.
Actually mines still sitting at school. I havent picked it up yet since June.
Right now i'm trying to find a career with it. I swearjob hunting is so frustrating. Im keeping my head up though, sooner or later ill find something.
how high are your guys expectations for jobs when graduating. do you think it will be easy? or the start pay is gonna be really good? do you guys get morepicky when looking for jobs with a degree???. i just want to know since i aint never graduated nothin.
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