What are you drinking tonight? vol. Mirror Pond > Your favorite beer

Aug 28, 2004
The next time you hear some un-informed amateur talking about how there's no such thing as good American beer, send them packing up to the pacifiicnorthwest, they know what they're doing up at Widmer, Deschutes etc. Mirror Pond is readily available in Vons everywhere down here in CA, and I have somefriends out east who've been able to land this as well so unless you're in the sticks most grocery stores should be carrying this. For anyone who hasever tried Sierra Nevada(the original), Mirror Pond is very similar, but of higher quality and just a better beer overall. It happens to be my favorite beer ofall time and if you end up enjoying it I would recommend various other Deschutes beers because for the most part they're all great. Let NT know. Beer?Booze? Are you just drinkin a Sobe
For anyone who has ever tried Sierra Nevada(the original), Mirror Pond is very similar, but of higher quality and just a better beer overall

Complete bollocks! Although i've never had mirror pond (can't get it out here, but i've heard good things), you can't tell me it's ahigher quality and just "better beer" based on your opinion. You gotta at least provide some sort of proof if you're going to claim that as afactual statement, otherwise you need an IMO thrown on the end of that statement.

I will not have such blasphemous statements thrown in my face, and neither will Bruce.

Nah - i'd love to try that stuff though, sneak some into PA for me, will ya?

I'm drinking some red stripe tonight for a change of pace. the bottles attract me in the store
Complete bollocks! Although i've never had mirror pond (can't get it out here, but i've heard good things), you can't tell me it's a higher quality and just "better beer" based on your opinion. You gotta at least provide some sort of proof if you're going to claim that as a factual statement, otherwise you need an IMO thrown on the end of that statement.

I will not have such blasphemous statements thrown in my face, and neither will Bruce.

Nah - i'd love to try that stuff though, sneak some into PA for me, will ya?

Yup yup, I see where you're comin from, if I had never had Mirror Pond I'd be saying the same thing because Sierra Nevada is straight up delicious inmy mind(and there's nothing more beautiful than one of those white boxes either), but honestly this is more just a case of this beer, IMO, being that good.I'm not quite sure why it's only distributed in select areas, I have some friends at Brown U who drink it but it's nowhere to be found in themidwest and other areas . .
dudes on here will fight for sierra nevada. i mean i like it, but i have never seen a beer with such a strong following. especially on nt of allplaces.
yeah sierra nevada isnt one of the beers id think NTers would be a fan of
Originally Posted by MPLSdunk

dudes on here will fight for sierra nevada. i mean i like it, but i have never seen a beer with such a strong following. especially on nt of all places.

honestly, it's kind of just a running gag at this point... ialways try to beat uppercut from posting a picture of it in the beer threads...
Irish Car Bombs while watching the Mayweather-Hatton fight. probly have a chat with my boy Jose Cuervo too.
oh alright, i was thinking like "man are these dudes serious?"

now whenever beer is mentions i gonna have to rep my beer of choice.
Originally Posted by MPLSdunk

oh alright, i was thinking like "man are these dudes serious?"

We do love our Sierra Nevada - it's my favorite, go-to beer... but i'm not silly enough to think there aren't better beers i haven't tried,nor other beers that are also very very good.. i have a pretty plain taste anyways, so i can't truly appreciate some of the more finer beers out there... iwould never come out and diss them though just b/c they don't appeal to me.. they're still quality, i'm sure.
yea thats how i feel, i like sierra nevada, bell's, delirium, bass. that kinda taste.(don't know too much about beer) i hate guiness, but thats justmy preference.
Just made some jager bombs for a friend and a roommate.

But as for beers, I enjoy Guinness, Newcastle, Blue Moon, and Lembatt.
Ha, that's what im drinking, Jager bombs...(well just chuging jager and chasing it with rockstar)...same thing though...well same effect any way.
belvedere + coke @ gf's friends house. not feelin too good either right now so i took a break and we on nt =]
heeey you nters

I had about a couple shots of blueberry smirnoff vodka, somehhots of some orange stuff and this punch. yay life.

went to a party, hollared at some broads, smashed and took this kids for a swim. (no toilet) wooooop.

hat hat hat
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