What are you East Coast NTers going to do about the FOOT of snow dropping tomorrow?

Phew, thank god CCNY is closed. I was trying to pull mad other resources (311, facebook, news, niketalk) OTHER than the main website itself. I had a damn 4:50 to 7:20 class tonight anyways
Baruch is closed
Got damnit Lehman, close already. I'm looking out my window thinking I can't drive more 20 mph out there. This ain't happening. If no word of closing comes by 9, its time to email the professors.
im in Connecticut for work and i went to chilis, cheesecake factory, and california pizza kitchen in order to stock up on food...

not much snow outside yet ... my job gave everyone in ny and nj the day off ...

so i'm working in my hotel room watching saved by the bell
even if you college kids still had school on a day like this, you're still going to go?
chances are that many classes would be canceled anyway...Remember that many of the professors would have a hard time traveling through these conditions as well. Unless if you're scheduled to have an exam or something very important, I would take the day off.
lookin like a blizzard out there right now in the college park area. My dad dropped me off at work, but had to roll right back out to pick up a mechanic. Rollin thru the blizzard in a 4wd navigator ftw! No heat n no rear suspension ftl tho. Driving in the snow is hella fun tho
Originally Posted by DRJordanFreak88

lookin like a blizzard out there right now in the college park area. My dad dropped me off at work, but had to roll right back out to pick up a mechanic. Rollin thru the blizzard in a 4wd navigator ftw! No heat n no rear suspension ftl tho. Driving in the snow is hella fun tho


Lehman is officially closed now. I don't have class until next Wednesday.
YOOOOOOOOOOOOOO NO SCHOOOL FOR MY CUNY HEADS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (well classes that are after 12pm that is) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
^ Oprah show right? My fav.

Employer called me saying the interview has been moved till next Tuesday, thank god.

I've been sick the past few days and my voice is completely gone this morning.
don't have school on Wednesdays so it didn't affect me. gotta be in at work at 4 though. got a feeling Ill be stuck down there overnight. More OT for me
Got hit with with 10 inches last night (PAUSE..............................) My shoveling skills are on point my drive way and sidewalk look like it never snowed........my advice to my east coast brothers is to brine your walkway (1 part salt to 3 parts water) as long as it stays above 20 degrees it melts most of the snow when it hits, you just have to re salt every 3 hours or so....
Damn near the whole state of CT is closed. Yet its not even snowing in Hartford where I'm at.

But im still here at work cuz my job dont close for !%$@, FML. I was tryin to get out of here early too.
I'm about to be a little kid again in a few hours. Before that though, I need to get something to eat. I hope Panera Bread is open.
I need this weather to let up....I need to make money.

The booze is gone, my girl is pressing my nerves, and nobody is trying to deliver.

Anyways back to my BS nt...
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