What are you East Coast NTers going to do about the FOOT of snow dropping tomorrow?

Cabin Fever starting to kick in now
, this $*+$ is terrible. Lookin like Alaska in Maryland now.

Oh well, at least I'm getting paid to stay home. That's the only bright side of all this
Originally Posted by AceBoogie

I need this weather to let up....I need to make money.

The booze is gone, my girl is pressing my nerves, and nobody is trying to deliver.

Anyways back to my BS nt...

same here.
I usually have to wake up at 6:00 to be in the city for school at 8:15. My mother said she would just let me sleep through if I wasn't going to bother going to school (because she wasn't going to work either).

I woke up real quick, saw it was 7:10, did a Vince shuffle right back into my bed until now.

10+ hours of sleep FTW.
Originally Posted by pr0phecy718

Post office making mail deliveries in NYC?

i hope so i'm still waiting on my Motorsport VI's to arrive they cleared Customs yesterday, but w/ Midtown looking like this...

i doubt ur delivery will get here today
God !*%+%%* dog. I shoveled a path on the deck for his %%$ to make it to the backyard, yet he doesn't get it and pisses right in front of the back door.

I have never had to literally pick up my dog's piss outside before, but today was the first time.
I shoveled in front of my store 10 minutes ago. By the time I finished, it looked like the first half was never shoveled. This is insane!
Im supposed to go to NYC this weekend! haha i have a red eye flight tomorrow night. It says its supposed to be 'partly cloudy' thursday afternoon - sunday or am i wrong?

I definitely need some feedback as to what i should bring, what kind of jackets (prob gona scoop up some North Faces today, what are some good ones for optimal warmth?) Im coming in from Southern Cali so this should be a 180 degree turn in the weather for me. Hopefully/should be a great experience. I went to NY a few times last year but definitely not directly after a Blizzard warning

 I need help NT!
Its really coming down near the Jersey Shore... I hope it stays like this all night into tomorrow morning so that I can work from home again on Thursday.

I'm still in my pj's!!!
tip....it's a lot easier shoveling 6 inches 3 times, rather than shoveling all 18 at once...

just finished the last of my shoveling and it wasn't too bad.
Originally Posted by Retro23J

so what can you even do about this even if you shovel whats the wanted outcome?
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