What brands are marketed towards certain demographics? VOL....Obey your thirst??

Apr 15, 2004
So i came across these on da interwebs

In the 90s and early 2000s, The Coca-Cola Company inexplicably spent millions of dollars marketing their Sprite drink to an unlikely target: black people. It started in the 80's with commercials featuring hiphop acts like Kurtis Blow and Heavy D, but Coca-Cola really started to target young black people in the mid-90's with the "Obey Your Thirst" tagline and dozens of commercials featuring many popular rappers and basketball players; who, as the folks at Coca-Cola must have learned, happen to be the two most likely role-models for the average black child.

It's not clear why Coca-Cola chose Sprite to be the soft drink for black people, but one thing is for sure; their marketing campaign worked well. If you are out at a restaurant with a black person and you are left with the task of ordering his or her drink, you can almost never go wrong with Sprite. Even if you encounter a black person who, for example, is health-conscious and does not drink soft drinks, you should still be in the clear as that person will understand where you were coming from and probably end up drinking it anyway.

It is important to note that black people are not as inclined to drink other non-Sprite lemon-lime flavored soft drinks. Despite the fact that 7-Up and Sierra Mist taste virtually the same as Sprite, black people are less likely to choose them because they don't have the same history. You certainly didn't see Lebron James and Missy "Misdemeanor" Eliot touting Sierra Mist, did you? For the same reason, black people are also not as receptive to Diet Sprite. Black people gave Sprite Remix a chance, partly because the hiphop-influenced name of the product was appealing. In the end, however, black people realized that when faced with the choice between Sprite and Sprite Remix, they would much rather just go for what was most familiar.

This is not to say that other types of people dislike Sprite, but Sprite has a special place in the hearts of black people. Black people in America often feel as if they have very few things that help to define them as a group apart from the rest of America (i.e white people). Seeing their heroes--such as Grant Hill and Method Man--endorse Sprite fills their hearts with the assurance that this product is truly "theirs".

Coca-Cola, which owns Sprite, has marketed the Sprite soft drink to black people over the years because market research shows that black people are generally more inclined to drink a fruity beverage compared to cola or root beer. Coca-Cola has been marketed to white people for decades and has had success.

Anyways, the NBA has a large population of black fans so it was only natural that Sprite be the "official drink of the NBA." 



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Every brand markets to a demographic. Think of a demographic as a filter to narrow down who you trying to sell your stuff to by using things age, gender, income, occupation, education, family size, location.
*Anyone remember the Sprite commercial from back in the day where all these rap artists were making up the various parts to Voltron? :lol:


I see where this thread is headed 

Also. I don't know anyone who orders sprites.

Thought that was an old people drink.
They know what group is going to throw their money away and not save it, why do you think Asians set up urban clothing stores and nail salons in the hoods instead of catering to their demographic?
Its so blatantly alonzo looooool ^^^^

Indian gas stations down south in da hood too lol
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That's some ********, 7-Up doesn't even taste like 7-Up anymore.  

Sierra Mist sounds like a porn star.
Its so blatantly alonzo looooool ^^^^

Indian gas stations down south in da hood too lol

And local corner stores. You rarely see one own by the somebody that represents the neighborhood. AND they never give back to the neighborhood that's keeping them in business.

But keeping w/ the theme of the thread,

Macy's tends to market to the mid to upper middle class

Victoria's Secret markets towards the woman that wear a size
as someone who has never eaten a lemon and lime at the same time, does sprite actually taste like the flavor its imitating? 
What would even give you that idea??
Family events.

It being caffeine free.

My grandma always telling me to drink sprite for stomach issues.

I just see older people drinking it.

I literally can't remember anyone growing up drinking Sprite 
Nah but ginger ale definitely fits my description.

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Does ginger ale even have ginger in it anymore?:lol: It's a placebo at this point. I usually just make ginger tea. The carbonation is what helps at times though
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