What brands are marketed towards certain demographics? VOL....Obey your thirst??

My dream as a kid (and still now) is to be rich enough to have a house with a backyard that has a basketball court that turns into a pool. 90's people know what I'm talking about.
My dream as a kid (and still now) is to be rich enough to have a house with a backyard that has a basketball court that turns into a pool. 90's people know what I'm talking about.
What does any of this have to do with anything? 
A lot of black people I know be drinking that henny very special and that green bottle remy. It's nasty. Taste like ***, I be trying to tell em get the privilege or 1738.

The Kris Kross sprite commerical is the GOAT of sprite commercials.

"Understand the Kross Kris/drink the crazy crazy twist of unexpectedness that you should never miss/so what's your name?, daddy M-A-C/and what you drink?, S-P-R-I-T-E"
If they're marketing to a certain demo, it's probably because they have data to show that's who's using it. I doubt Coke would be throwing money away all these years at the wrong people. It's a multi billion dollar global company that dominates the beverage industry. They're not stupid.
Its not that simple.

Some companies actually target new customers.

No sense of wasting time on a loyal base.

A lot of companies spend marketing on demographics they're not doin so well in.

Buick doesnt need to sell your great aunt, thats why they have been pushing this new young look.
Buick is a different animal. China is where GM makes most it's money from Buick and the only reason it wasn't folded with their other brands during the bailout.

I agree on the new demographics statement though. While it's important to try to target new demographics, Sprite has been targeting young males since the mid 1990's with the Grant Hill commercials and the "Obey your Thirst" slogan.
My dream as a kid (and still now) is to be rich enough to have a house with a backyard that has a basketball court that turns into a pool. 90's people know what I'm talking about.

What does any of this have to do with anything? :lol:

Yeah my dream is to have a nice home with a large living room and modern themes, along with a backyard that has beautiful grass..

I'd run the AC on high all day long during the summer.. it's gonna be great.
my light skin brothers out there love sprite

I ride with dr pepper tho but I don't really drink soda anymore
This is a very interesting thread. a couple of things:

- Ginger ale that is mass marketed is way too weak, it has little or no ginger. Look for Blenheim's or small batch makers that are in New England or the Caribbean. You might want to make it in your home, it is easy and doesn't require the fastidiousness or the special equipment needed for home brewing beer.

- Various Cognac makers marketed to American black people in the 1950's and 1960's beyond. Apparently some black people picked up a liking for Cognac while serving in France during and after WWI and while living in Paris in the 1920's. A lot of black people in the South understandably did not want to patronize local Whiskey brands which were often times run by the Klan and named for Confederate Generals.

- Among Brandy connoisseurs, it is often times the case that black people and older white folks favor Cognac and younger white people favor Armagnac, I know that is true for me.

- I am part of a wine maker's cooperative and a member of wine maker trade groups. We are definitely trying to get more and more minorities into wine. We are trying to keep our distance from the cheap wines which are associated with homeless people and/or alcoholics. At the same time, we are trying to play down wine's image as a drink for the very wealthy. My cooperative mostly makes $10 to $50 bottles and they tend to be medium sweetness and bodied reds so we are trying to appeal to minorities in the middle, middle income, older than college aged but young enough to go out frequently.

We are also very happy about Moscato because we believe that sweet and low alcohol wine will lead to red wine customers in the future.

- McDonald's is segregated in its ads. When I'm watching an NBA game, I see their black ads and when I'm watching an NFL Game, I see the white and multi racial ads and when I'm watching Spanish language TV, i see the Latino ads. Popeye's on the other hand, I have only seen their ads on BET or during an Basketball game.

- For the most part, advertising is largely about reminding your existing customer base that you're around or appealing to a demo that you know is open to your product. It is hard to expand your brand into new demos really quickly.
Its not that simple.

Some companies actually target new customers.

No sense of wasting time on a loyal base.

A lot of companies spend marketing on demographics they're not doin so well in.

Buick doesnt need to sell your great aunt, thats why they have been pushing this new young look.
Companies do “waste time” to remind old customers about their products, because brand loyalty is more habit and availability than people really loving their brand.

But yes, they try to get new customers all the time

It’s a cycle of keeping old customer and gaining new ones
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Elsewhere in the soft drink industry, though, the oversimplification of target consumers has had its questionable if not altogether offensive moments, too. Mountain Dew, for instance, originally based its entire brand around making fun of poor Appalachians, also known as hillbillies. In the late 40s and early 50s, its label featured the official Mountain Dew mascot "Willy the Hillbilly" and the slogan: "Ya-Hoo! Mountain Dew. It'll tickle yore innards." (The name of the soft drink, of course, refers to the Southern slang for moonshine.) Pepsi bought Mountain Dew in 1964 and changed its image over the years, most recently as "Game Fuel." The company went so far as releasing World of Warcraft-, Call of Duty- and Halo-branded flavors.

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Dr. Pepper did it too. It didn't work on me though even when I was playing Halo religiously I wasn't about to drink those nasty sodas like Dr Pepper and mountain dew.
There is a reason for this.

Remember my mom took me and my brother one time for a cut.

White women had no idea how to cut black hair

Still the worst haircut I've ever had in my entire life
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