what did you do for your 20th??

Mine was last Tuesday... My girl surprised me by bringing a bunch of stuff to make vegetarian tacos and she bought some gourmet cupcakes. She also brought over something a little special to model for me...and well, that's as much as everyone probably cares to know.

Pretty low key, but compared to having my prior birthdays at bars and what not, it was a nice change of pace, and I can say with full confidence that it will be one that I won't ever forget.

If you've spent most of your birthdays partying and going out, I'd suggest doing something a little more intimate with the people you care for the most. It will be a lot more fulfilling, trust.
Originally Posted by Yeah

Mine was last Tuesday... My girl surprised me by bringing a bunch of stuff to make vegetarian tacos and she bought some gourmet cupcakes. She also brought over something a little special to model for me...and well, that's as much as everyone probably cares to know.

Pretty low key, but compared to having my prior birthdays at bars and what not, it was a nice change of pace, and I can say with full confidence that it will be one that I won't ever forget.

If you've spent most of your birthdays partying and going out, I'd suggest doing something a little more intimate with the people you care for the most. It will be a lot more fulfilling, trust.

On the contrary son, that's all they care about. inb4 they request pics of yo gal 
Originally Posted by Yeah

Mine was last Tuesday... My girl surprised me by bringing a bunch of stuff to make vegetarian tacos and she bought some gourmet cupcakes.

That sounds like more fun than most other things that I can think of.

I'd rather chill/spend time with a few other people than go all out in a party or a public spectacle. Just hanging out and having fun, watching a movie or joyriding is more than enough

P.S. Happy Birthday
Just chilled like it was any other weekend. Being 20 sucks bro....if u have a fake id then its just a normal bday
My friend had a party at their apartment with jungle juice and a bunch of other stuff. Had probably 50 people packed into a super small 1 bedroom apartment. Ended up being a good time but a #$++ show for sure.
Originally Posted by scshift

Originally Posted by Yeah

Mine was last Tuesday... My girl surprised me by bringing a bunch of stuff to make vegetarian tacos and she bought some gourmet cupcakes.

That sounds like more fun than most other things that I can think of.

I'd rather chill/spend time with a few other people than go all out in a party or a public spectacle. Just hanging out and having fun, watching a movie or joyriding is more than enough

P.S. Happy Birthday

Thanks i appreciate it

Yea no longer in my teens sorta sucks but what ever
But props to yeah and his Shorty sounds like I real chill way to do it

The whole club thing is cool if your like a socialite and everyone knows you and stuff
but to me its not genuine I guess
Originally Posted by Jay 23 Man

Thought about the strip club but meh

Man you guys don't have any killer stories?

Not really 20 is that depressing birthday because your borderline adult and too young to have fun with the fully grown 21+. You really cant club or drink. You cant get into alot of the good strip clubs because your under the drinking and age.
Went to dinner & the movies with my girl at the time. The. Chilled with my homies & blew it down & drank. Then the beach with her.
On my actual birthday, I went out to the bar on my own. They're pretty lax on carding and I look way older than my age so I didn't get hassled. Just had a few drinks and chatted with some barflies.

A few days after, I ordered the UFC fight at my place and that doubled as my party. After the fight, just chilled at the house, playing Beer Pong and Kings. Pretty fun day. I'm still amped for my 21st though. Probably going to go bar hopping in Austin or hit up some classy bars with a few friends of mine here in Houston.
Originally Posted by milestailsprowe

Originally Posted by Jay 23 Man

Thought about the strip club but meh

Man you guys don't have any killer stories?

Not really 20 is that depressing birthday because your borderline adult and too young to have fun with the fully grown 21+. You really cant club or drink. You cant get into alot of the good strip clubs because your under the drinking and age.

true true
Went to school then went to fat beats, bought a couple records, went home and listened to them. Funny enough did the same on my 19th.
Never understood why people are proud to get drunk and not remember the night. #winning you are not! I spent my 20th with my family + friend, remember it and will enjoy remembering the special occasion for years to come.
my business fraternity bros/chicks surprised me at my house after my girl took me out for sushi.... got super hammered & lit! good times.
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