* What do YOU GUYS think of this ABSOLUT VODKA Advertisement? *

Mar 18, 2008

In a way I find it humorous, but apparently there's quite a lot of people up in arms about it.

The latest advertising campaign in Mexico from Swedish vodka maker Absolut promises to push all the right buttons south of the U.S. border, but it could ruffle a few feathers in El Norte.

The billboard and press campaign, created by advertising agency Teran\TBWA and now running in Mexico, is a colorful map depicting what the Americas might look like in an "Absolut" -- i.e., perfect -- world.

The U.S.-Mexico border lies where it was before the Mexican-American war of 1848 when California, as we now know it, was Mexican territory and known as Alta California.

Following the war, the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo saw the Mexican territories of Alta California and Santa Fé de Nuevo México ceded to the United States to become modern-day California, Texas, New Mexico, Utah, Colorado and Arizona. (Texas actually split from Mexico several years earlier to form a breakaway republic, and was voluntarily annexed by the United States in 1846.)

The campaign taps into the national pride of Mexicans, according to Favio Ucedo, creative director of leading Latino advertising agency Grupo Gallegos in the U.S.

Ucedo, who is from Argentina, said: "Mexicans talk about how the Americans stole their land, so this is their way of reclaiming it. It's very relevant and the Mexicans will love the idea."

But he said that were the campaign to run in the United States, it might fall flat.

"Many people aren't going to understand it here. Americans in the East and the North or in the center of the county -- I don't know if they know much about the history.

"Probably Americans in Texas and California understand perfectly and I don't know how they'd take it."

Meanwhile, the campaign has been circulating on the blogs and generating strong responses from people north of the border.

"I find this ad deeply offensive, and needlessly divisive. I will now make a point of drinking other brands. And 'vodka and tonic' is my drink," said one visitor, called New Yorker, on MexicoReporter.com.

Reader Paul Green goes into a discussion on the blog Gateway Pundit of whether the U.S. territories ever belonged to Mexico in the first place, and the News12 Long island site invited people to boycott Absolut, with one user, called LivingSmall, writing: "If you drink Absolut vodka, you can voice your approval or disapproval of this advertising campaign with your purchases. I know I will be switching to Grey Goose or Stoli and will never have another bottle of Absolut in my house.

"Hey Absolut ... that's my form of social commentary."

-- Deborah Bonello and Reed Johnson in Mexico City

*No time to compose a comment on the "In an Absolut World according to Mexico" ad? Tell us what you think by voting here:
Poll results:

What do you think of the Absolut vodka Mexico ad?

7.5 %


The ad is great. I'll buy Absolut vodka.

60.1 %


The ad is an affront to Americans. I'm going to boycott the product.

7.6 %


It's funny.

10.4 %


It's stupid.

14.4 %


Who cares?
Originally Posted by IronMike 44KOs

who cares about the ad.

I do. Funny story though: A few weeks in Vegas - my friends and I were scheduled for bottle service at LAX in the Luxor. Being the lush that I am, I wasaround 12-15 beers deep before we got to my friend's suite at the MGM. They started pouring Grey goose and I drank 4 shots in less than 10 minutes. Longstory short: I ended up getting separated from the pack after a taxi ride to LAX... got fed up and took a taxi back to Caesar's Palace... had no money andconfronted the driver... ran from the fare through casinos and parking lots for about 2-3 minutes and ended up on the strip with a bunch of people looking atme as though I was an extraterrestrial.
Good times!
With the ratio of Mexicans hopping the border, I'd say that picture is pretty accurate.
Originally Posted by KINGJONES

With the ratio of Mexicans hopping the border, I'd say that picture is pretty accurate.

That is true. I suggest every American learns Spanish AND Mandarin.
i dont see whats wrong with the ad. its not like its slanderous or anything. if anything its just stating what could have been fact. People just need to knowtheir history.
why are people saying goose ftw? I drink goose but it costs pretty much double. Apples and Oranges.
Originally Posted by CjMoney

why are people saying goose ftw? I drink goose but it costs pretty much double. Apples and Oranges.

When Sidney Frank created Grey Goose, he priced it well above established competitors such as Absolut. This high price created a perception of quality. Frank's strategy proved successful, as Grey Goose was afinancial hit and led to significant changes in the market. Many people attribute Grey Goose as being a major inspiration for the various other high-pricedvodkas. See, e.g. Levitt, Steven D., "Is Vodka Different?" FreakonomicsBlog (August 31, 2007). Examples of vodkas that would follow in the footsteps of Grey Goose include Valt of Marceau, Inc. from Scotland, Cîroc from France, and Level from Sweden.

I like Vodka in general straight up..
no hangovers
Originally Posted by His diabolical Majesty

Originally Posted by CjMoney

why are people saying goose ftw? I drink goose but it costs pretty much double. Apples and Oranges.

When Sidney Frank created Grey Goose, he priced it well above established competitors such as Absolut. This high price created a perception of quality. Frank's strategy proved successful, as Grey Goose was a financial hit and led to significant changes in the market. Many people attribute Grey Goose as being a major inspiration for the various other high-priced vodkas. See, e.g. Levitt, Steven D., "Is Vodka Different?" Freakonomics Blog (August 31, 2007). Examples of vodkas that would follow in the footsteps of Grey Goose include Valt of Marceau, Inc. from Scotland, Cîroc from France, and Level from Sweden.

I like Vodka in general straight up..
no hangovers

Good contribution - I could have guessed but never knew that about Absolut.

I enjoy the non-hangover aspect of vodka as well. I drink ~ a bottle each day and I wake up feeling like a champion. It's expensive but it beats gettingchubby/obese off of beer.
I work out each day and I get buzzed each night - so far the vodka hasn't mucked up my nutritional/weight loss goals.
Before I saw the Mexican border was moved up, I thought the ad was saying Venezuelan girls are ugly.
The ad sucks because Absolut sucks. If you are over the age of 20, you shouldn't be drinking the stuff.
Originally Posted by SchruteFarms

i swear people are always looking for something to call controversial.

You don't find anything objectionable or at least remotely controversial with that advert? I'm not a race-baiter but seriously?
absolut is good compared to smirnoff and the other crap that is the same price as it. 1 liter of it for 15 bucks duty ftw
I doubt people who are partying and starting to get drunk will actually remember about this at that time.
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