Originally Posted by ittakesalittlebitmore

Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Originally Posted by Korean Dave

Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Originally Posted by Korean Dave

Originally Posted by boxer

Originally Posted by Al Audi

Korean Dave is goin in.

sadly, he looks just as ignorant as the op.

I never said I didn't stereotype...OP is mad corny, just trying to expose him for what he is

In turn you ended up exposing yourself for what you really are.

Pot meet kettle.

Not really, I'm mixed with a few things...I'm just being real
You completely missed what I was saying. I'm not talking about your ethnicity or race.....

I'm not even going to elaborate.

I wouldnt bother bro, dude cant understand plain English OR stay on topic. Or answer questions related to the topic....

And if you cant stay on topic, why dont you just emmigrate your way of out this thread....

Don't speak to me son.
haha dang thats gettin heated^^ but since i live in smalltown GA most of my family used to consist of moonshine brewers and rednecks so i'm just not gonesay the kind of people they say"dodgy" things about
My dad goes on rants about how he hates Cubans and ghetto black people, I hit him with the
"Don't you think that's a little racist?" Then he goeson a rant about how he loves people of all skin color, and how everyone should be treated the same, and how he has tons of Cuban and Black friends. My Mom hasnever said or did anything racist at all, thankfully, I was raised by her.
Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Originally Posted by ittakesalittlebitmore

Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Originally Posted by Korean Dave

Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Originally Posted by Korean Dave

Originally Posted by boxer

Originally Posted by Al Audi

Korean Dave is goin in.

sadly, he looks just as ignorant as the op.

I never said I didn't stereotype...OP is mad corny, just trying to expose him for what he is

In turn you ended up exposing yourself for what you really are.

Pot meet kettle.

Not really, I'm mixed with a few things...I'm just being real
You completely missed what I was saying. I'm not talking about your ethnicity or race.....

I'm not even going to elaborate.

I wouldnt bother bro, dude cant understand plain English OR stay on topic. Or answer questions related to the topic....

And if you cant stay on topic, why dont you just emmigrate your way of out this thread....

Don't speak to me son.

^Sorry man, not at all directed at you...more like directed at Half Korean Dave
my fam koo.....my aunt used to nag me about talking to white girls when i was in MS/HS but come to find out her son (my cousin) was the one really on the whitegirls like that

my dad is koo....some of his good friends are white but he grew up during segregation era so he keeps things real w/ me as far as not trusting everybody causethere are some people out to get you (and thats towards not just whites but blacks too)...he's dated white females before..as recently as last year

everybody koo in my family...my mom gets mad whenever I say i love light skin blk females.....but i only say it to make her mad
.....if I brought home afemale of another race she wouldn't care unless she was white because she doesnt want me to go through the issues of dating a white girl in the south...butshe aint gotta worry about that
y'all dudes should be banned off of excessive quoting alone.

back on topic.

my father has said things in certain situations that i consider racist, but he has always been accepting and loving toward my friends regardless of race orethnicity. whenever he says something i always call him on it and the discussion always ends with him apologizing for being ignorant.

one incident i will never forget was when i was about 11 and visited my grandfather in fort worth and he had just bought a new car. his words were "i washelped by the nicest colored man." in my head i was thinking you didn't really just say that did you? as disappointed as i was i now realize thatbeing born in the twenties in rural texas, he probably grew up hearing much worse. other than that i never heard my grandfather say anything else ignorant orracist before he died.
My mom IDK...

My dad hates black people....
when he was 21 he went to ATL to work constriction...after working all day he walk to to his car and out of no where three guys started hitting him with metalpipes...

they took everything he had on him....
Originally Posted by Do Be Doo

My mom IDK...

My dad hates black people....

when he was 21 he went to ATL to work constriction...after working all day he walk to to his car and out of no where three guys started hitting him with metal pipes...

they took everything he had on him....

...so thats enough to hate black people? tell him to grow up

i had white people call me a *@*$%@ back in the day but I don't hate white people...but i do hate closet racists
Parents are no where near racist.

Mother accepted every girl Ive ever taken home.
She would just tell me how evil some white people were, and that there are white people out there that check their own people. Like the non capitalist whites,"law fighting" against capitalistic whites. There's a lot of truth to it, so i don't see it as racist. But she loves every race, we used tohave some crack head white women living in our guest room, my mother got her off of it. It took a lot of time though. I never understood why my mother wouldhelp random people, but i guess it was in her nature.

My dads very judgmental. With him your first impression is your everlasting impression. He thinks gays should burn, and hes a christian(go figure). Also irecently found out my cousin which we adopted as a stepbrother is gay, i don't think my dad knows. He really cares for my cousin, i wonder what he'd doif he found out.

I've lived on a lot of different military bases, so Ive lived near a lot of different races. Were friends with a lot of different people, so i get alondwith everyone just like my parents.
My mom told me that I better not ever bring a white girl home when I was younger.

White girls > her opinion.

Just kidding...
Originally Posted by tylerdub

My parents are not in the least bit biased... I have never heard either one of them insult other folks just because of race.

Funny story.
My grandfather fought in the Pacific in WW2, he was awarded a silver star, bronze star and purple heart. I am proud of the fact that my Grandpa was a hero.
As he got older he came to live with us because he had senile dementia. His condition gradually worsened and got to the point where the only conversation he could carry on was about reliving his experiences from WW2. He would refer to the Japanese as "little yeller fellers".
We were at his doctor once and my grandpa started telling him a story, "Yeah, I spent some time in the Pacific during the War, ya know, chasing them little yeller fellers around....", his doctor was Japanese. Bless his heart he took the whole thing in stride and never even acted the least bit offended. Of course, my poor senile Grandpa had no idea what was going on. My mom and I were just mortified.
We still laugh at that story. Sometimes all you can do is laugh, or die from embarrassment.
What a story, quite touching too. God Bless your Grandad
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