What does Kobe's "rape" case have to do with his talent?

if anything, its an indication of his ferocity and unwillingness to take no for an answer on the court
Well, the scrutiny that Kobe still sort of gets because of the rape case comes with the territory when you're famous. Talent will get overlooked.Kobe's case is even more interesting when you throw in his rep. Even before Colorado, he was hated on from Day 1 by everyone from the public to his ownteammates. Hell, in the early stages of his career, he had to dress and shower OUTSIDE of the lockerroom because of his teammates screwing with him and playingpolitics but at the same time he was/is labelled as trying to be outside of the team or aloof. Let's not forget the Jordan biter label that he got brandedwith. It's true that he can/could be a gunner, but he has the desire to work and make himself the best, unlike his teammates. Look at Shaq. Every seasonit's a headline as to whether he's in shape or not. He also trashed every big name teammate he's ever played with: Penny, Nick Anderson, EddieJones, Nick Van Evel, and now, D-Wade & the Heat. Kobe, like MJ, has cheated on his wife more than once. During the whole thing, he fessed up to runningarond with more than one chick. He also tried to cover up by saying Shaq does it too (which is a story for another day). At least Kobe kept his familytogether. MJ couldn't keep his wife when he had women coming out of the woodwork and he got the same 2nd chance from his wife that Kobe got. The thing withKobe is that he has talent and chooses to make the most of it and make himself better. People just caught jealousy over it.
Originally Posted by UltraPromoman

Well, the scrutiny that Kobe still sort of gets because of the rape case comes with the territory when you're famous. Talent will get overlooked. Kobe's case is even more interesting when you throw in his rep. Even before Colorado, he was hated on from Day 1 by everyone from the public to his own teammates. Hell, in the early stages of his career, he had to dress and shower OUTSIDE of the lockerroom because of his teammates screwing with him and playing politics but at the same time he was/is labelled as trying to be outside of the team or aloof. Let's not forget the Jordan biter label that he got branded with. It's true that he can/could be a gunner, but he has the desire to work and make himself the best, unlike his teammates. Look at Shaq. Every season it's a headline as to whether he's in shape or not. He also trashed every big name teammate he's ever played with: Penny, Nick Anderson, Eddie Jones, Nick Van Evel, and now, D-Wade & the Heat. Kobe, like MJ, has cheated on his wife more than once. During the whole thing, he fessed up to running arond with more than one chick. He also tried to cover up by saying Shaq does it too (which is a story for another day). At least Kobe kept his family together. MJ couldn't keep his wife when he had women coming out of the woodwork and he got the same 2nd chance from his wife that Kobe got. The thing with Kobe is that he has talent and chooses to make the most of it and make himself better. People just caught jealousy over it.

That looks too intimidating to read.
at these Kobe stans in here defending their favorite player.

And yes I only bring it up because I just don't like Kobe.
Well, the scrutiny that Kobe still sort of gets because of the rape case comes with the territory when you're famous. Talent will get overlooked. Kobe's case is even more interesting when you throw in his rep. Even before Colorado, he was hated on from Day 1 by everyone from the public to his own teammates. Hell, in the early stages of his career, he had to dress and shower OUTSIDE of the lockerroom because of his teammates screwing with him and playing politics but at the same time he was/is labelled as trying to be outside of the team or aloof. Let's not forget the Jordan biter label that he got branded with. It's true that he can/could be a gunner, but he has the desire to work and make himself the best, unlike his teammates. Look at Shaq. Every season it's a headline as to whether he's in shape or not. He also trashed every big name teammate he's ever played with: Penny, Nick Anderson, Eddie Jones, Nick Van Evel, and now, D-Wade & the Heat. Kobe, like MJ, has cheated on his wife more than once. During the whole thing, he fessed up to running arond with more than one chick. He also tried to cover up by saying Shaq does it too (which is a story for another day). At least Kobe kept his family together. MJ couldn't keep his wife when he had women coming out of the woodwork and he got the same 2nd chance from his wife that Kobe got. The thing with Kobe is that he has talent and chooses to make the most of it and make himself better. People just caught jealousy over it.
For all the Kobe stans out there, read The Last Season

back then he was a huge prick and when the trials were going on, he was a huge distraction to the team (but he played relatively well considering thecircumstances). It seems that he's matured a lot after losing for a bunch of years, which has made me appreciate him more.
People are sooo quick to throw that STAN word around esp when it comes to KOBE....

Cant anybody just be a FAN anymore???

I know there are some ignorant/silly fans of certain people, BUT yall cant just lump everybody into 1 category....

For ex there are KOBE haters out there, BUT not everybody who doesnt like him is a HATER....Ease up yall...
Originally Posted by brandonb2005

OrenthalJames wrote:
I'm so sick and tired of people bringing this stupid case up. Like what the *$#* does the case have to do with his talent as a basketball player? People act like females don't deliberately have sex with famous people and then sue them for money. Three things you mainly here from supposed Kobe haters:
1. Kobe has a bad attitude (meanwhile LeBron storming off the court and not shaking hands after the game. And MJ was a complete a-hole)
2. He can't do it with out Shaq
(NO ONE HAS EVER DONE IT BY THEMSELVES ...NOT EVEN MJ. Shaq didn't do it with out Wade)
3. He is a rapist (S.T.F.U.)

-The Juice



Me too, but then again they are just Kobe haters so I laught at them and send them this pic! or I asked them: "Do you know Kobe personally?" and they get quiet.


People act like 80% of athletes don't cheat on their wife's (Some just don't get caught

Prob 60% of regular dudes do it.
--Off topic but it has already been cleared that Kobe did not drive Shaq out of LA. Buss did. And Shaq said he believes this 110%. It was a little after Shaqgot traded to the Suns.
It has nothing to do with his talent. Someone in this thread said that kobe won the championship this year by himself pretty much, correct me if im wrong butdidnt kobe have pau gasol and lamar odom on his team i think thats just a lil bit of help, if he didnt have there combined 30somethings points and 20 reboundsa game no championship for kobe. The rape thing is a big deal because this guy forced himself on a girl who was unwilling. Riddle me this, if he didn'trape her then why did he make an out of court settlement for an undisclosed amount of money? If I was innocent I would want to go to court and clear my name,just a thought. If you pay someone one to shutup thats as good as admitting guilt in my eyes. NO MEANS NO kobe!!!!!!
^ Going through court and being found 'Not Guilty' does NOT clear your name.

But saying 'He must have raped her, because he didn't go through with the court case' is a little immature.

FACT: she had sex with someone else hours after she had sex with Kobe.

Now, it's not impossible for a woman to get raped and then have sex with someone else hours later, but have you looked into rape cases or known anyone whohas been raped? I've looked into ape cases and I've known people who have been raped. It takes a LOOONG time to get them to feel comfortable enough tohave sex again, certainly a lot longr than a few hours.
plenty off rich/famous people settle out of court GUILTY OR NOT....

In their minds its not worth the hassle and fighting a case till the end can cost a WHOLE lot more than a settlement sometimes...
Regarding the rape case, I have always said what I just said, since the whole thing was brought to a close the way it was.

Second, I don't know how else to tell y'all: I don't like the way he plays, and I don't like his personality. I do NOT hate the guy. Ihaven't sworn myself against him, I don't loathe his existence, and I don't wish him the worst in all his endeavors. I hope him and his 2 girls andhis hot wife have an awesome life.

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

86 pairs and countin:
No one brings up MJ's insane gambling addiction that got him suspended for 2 years at the peak of his game
i would rather have an addiction to gambling than be caught in a scenario like kobe's.

and if anybody answers differently, then you are messed up in the head.
You're not painting the entire picture there, big guy. A gambling addiction... THAT GOT HIS FATHER KILLED.

Some would definitely rather be charged with rape than have a gambling addiction that leads to the death of someone they love A LOT.

oh gosh big guy. stop it with that conspiracy crap. there is no evidence for that crap so that argument is stupid.

and my argument still stands unless you have some convincing evidence
Since evidence is important to you, then all we have are the facts, which is that Jordan has a gambling addiction (the link to his father's murder was never proven, so it doesn't count) and that Kobe cheated on his wife (the rape was never proven).

Considering those two facts, I would definitely rather be known for cheating on my wife one time (that's all the evidence we have; just the one time, and going by the evidence is very important to you) than have an addiction to ANYTHING.
im glad we have that straighten out.

now it just comes down to what sort of person we are. you would rather cheat on your wife than have an addiction to ANYTHING? like video games? sportsbetting? over hurting the one you love in such a way? it just surprises me that anyone would choose hurting their wife like that (i find sex very sacred;wait til marriage) so receiving sexual pleasure from some stupid young dumb slutty chick is
. also another
factor is that kobe has children and did it. daughters
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

^ Going through court and being found 'Not Guilty' does NOT clear your name.

But saying 'He must have raped her, because he didn't go through with the court case' is a little immature.

FACT: she had sex with someone else hours after she had sex with Kobe.

Now, it's not impossible for a woman to get raped and then have sex with someone else hours later, but have you looked into rape cases or known anyone who has been raped? I've looked into ape cases and I've known people who have been raped. It takes a LOOONG time to get them to feel comfortable enough to have sex again, certainly a lot longr than a few hours.

Well maybe she is just real permiscuous but outside looking in nobody truly knows what happened and all signs point to rape based on the fact that he boughthis way out of it period. court doesn't always clear you name cough O.J. cough but the justice system 9 times out of 10 works and if he was so innocent hewould have wanted to have proved it in court right.....
All signs point to rape?

Or your one sign (the fact that he didn't go through with the case) points to rape?
She showed up to court with multiple dude's semen in her draws, it's friggin Kobe Bryant, she came to give him a "tour" at 1 in themorning....yep all signs point to rape
If it's one thing I don'tbelieve...it's that he raped that girl. What reason would he have to honestly? These girls out here get half naked off just the thought of these people noway they are gonna turn down an "opportunity" like that. It's a pretty silly idea. Seems to me and probably anyone else who isn't a haterthat he settled out of court just to end it...and that's what she wanted in the first place.
Originally Posted by 86 pairs and countin

No one brings up MJ's insane gambling addiction that got him suspended for 2 years at the peak of his game and ultimately got his father Killed.
In regards to Jordan thats pure speculation an urban legend lol I dont know why his name was even brought up into the discussion this thread isabout Kobe not MJ. Kobe raping the girl was speculation the case was dropped cause he paid her off she got what she wanted and he avioded a trail that wouldhave crush his rep way more than it was.
The rape case has nothing to do with his talent.

It just gave people who didn't like him an ace in the hole.

I don't know what happened. You don't know what happened.

I believe she settled out of court because she knew they were going to kill her public image. I don't know how you have sex with somebody HOURS after being"raped" by Kobe.

As far as Jordan goes we need to make a rule about keeping Jordan and Kobe out of threads together. Nothing positive ever comes from it.
Kobe should be more thankful that he didn't catch something. She had 3 other dudes pubes and DNA in her panties, and he went raw with her that night. Dudeis walkin' with the Lord man...
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