What does Kobe's "rape" case have to do with his talent?

Man, that pic of Vanessa starin at him gives me the willies. *shudders*

She straight burnin a hole thru him.

That ring prolly started out at 2 million, and after every wrong thing he said up there, it rose up to 4 mil. She was prolly countin dollar signs the wholetime he was talkin. My wife woulda been straight beatin me with her purse on that stage.
No one brings up MJ's insane gambling addiction that got him suspended for 2 years at the peak of his game and ultimately got his father Killed.
Originally Posted by 86 pairs and countin

No one brings up MJ's insane gambling addiction that got him suspended for 2 years at the peak of his game
i would rather have an addiction to gambling than be caught in a scenario like kobe's.

and if anybody answers differently, then you are messed up in the head.
Originally Posted by bangtcg

Originally Posted by 86 pairs and countin

No one brings up MJ's insane gambling addiction that got him suspended for 2 years at the peak of his game
i would rather have an addiction to gambling than be caught in a scenario like kobe's.

and if anybody answers differently, then you are messed up in the head.
You rather get your father killed because of your addiction than being accused of rape?
OrenthalJames wrote:
I'm so sick and tired of people bringing this stupid case up. Like what the *$#* does the case have to do with his talent as a basketball player? People act like females don't deliberately have sex with famous people and then sue them for money. Three things you mainly here from supposed Kobe haters:
1. Kobe has a bad attitude (meanwhile LeBron storming off the court and not shaking hands after the game. And MJ was a complete a-hole)
2. He can't do it with out Shaq
(NO ONE HAS EVER DONE IT BY THEMSELVES ...NOT EVEN MJ. Shaq didn't do it with out Wade)
3. He is a rapist (S.T.F.U.)

-The Juice



Me too, but then again they are just Kobe haters so I laught at them and send them this pic! or I asked them: "Do you know Kobe personally?" and theyget quiet.


People act like 80% of athletes don't cheat on their wife's (Some just don't get caught
It's time to break this out, because this picture sums up every Kobe stan on Nt and outside of it.

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Some people aren't just fans of the athlete.

For some people, the talent an athlete displays on the court/field/ice AS WELL AS who that athlete is off of the court/field/ice is why they are a fan, or why they can't stand a person.

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Some people aren't just fans of the athlete.

For some people, the talent an athlete displays on the court/field/ice AS WELL AS who that athlete is off of the court/field/ice is why they are a fan, or why they can't stand a person.

I didn't believe for a second that he raped the chick and that never comes up when asked why I don't like dude. I have never liked dude. From thebeginning of his career it was clear that he was a selfish and arrogant punk. I got from the court. Then it just escalated to where it is now. With all thatsaid I will still argue that he is best player in the game.
the prosecution dropped the case in exchange for a settlement. I mean it's weird because when tyson was convicted folks flipped the script on him realquick - he went from champ to a monster, a menace to society. kobe is accussed and folks were like well he's still the best player in the league.mcdonald's and sprite dropped kobe with the quickness. his talents doesn't secede his morals. i don't care for image because every person'sviews are different. his morals/lifestyle is the one argument that fans of kobe don't want to battle or hear for that matter. Kobe paid the girl millionsto drop the case because he didn't want details to come out? What in the world? I would've been pleased if he took it to trial and was aquited on allcharges. that would've been the only vindication but he took the easy way out - that's he 's rich and buy his way out of a crime that may or maynot have taken place
I have never used "Rape" as a reason as to why I don't like Kobe if anything I've said he was in Denver loafin
...It's long list ofreasons why I don't mess with him.

Such as Kobe running Shaq out of town, Kobe saying "I should of payed them off like Shaq"
and the fact that I figured he would always put himselfbefore the team. But the tables have turned in his favor and Kobe earned his fourth ring.

I still respect him as the 2nd best
player but I still don't like him
Well how about this, I don't like the following athletes/entertainers:

Ray Lewis - the murderer
Kobe - the rapist
OJ - the murderer
R. Kelly - the rapist
Mike Vick - the dog killer
Donte Stallworth- the DUI murderer

People have a choice on who they decide to like or not like. I choose to dislike criminals.
Originally Posted by cguy610

Well how about this, I don't like the following athletes/entertainers:

Ray Lewis - the murderer
Kobe - the rapist
OJ - the murderer
R. Kelly - the pisser
Mike Vick - the dog killer
Donte Stallworth- the DUI murderer

People have a choice on who they decide to like or not like. I choose to dislike criminals.

86 pairs and countin:
No one brings up MJ's insane gambling addiction that got him suspended for 2 years at the peak of his game

i would rather have an addiction to gambling than be caught in a scenario like kobe's.

and if anybody answers differently, then you are messed up in the head.
You're not painting the entire picture there, big guy. A gambling addiction... THAT GOT HIS FATHER KILLED.

Some would definitely rather be charged with rape than have a gambling addiction that leads to the death of someone they love A LOT.
Originally Posted by de PHX Jose

Word. I'll argue that Kobe is better than a player i can not name, and they're quick to say "atleast this player doesn't rape!"
i just
and say that doesn't have to do anything about BASKETBALL PLAYER

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Some people aren't just fans of the athlete.

For some people, the talent an athlete displays on the court/field/ice AS WELL AS who that athlete is off of the court/field/ice is why they are a fan, or why they can't stand a person.
I can't stand TO as a person, But i respect that mans skills. I'm an Eagles fan with no grudges.
I got a homie who loathes Kobe and calls him a rapist.

I just tell him, you should be happy that it was Kobe's semen they found and not yours on her.
Originally Posted by KB8sandiego

I got a homie who loathes Kobe and calls him a rapist.

I just tell him, you should be happy that it was Kobe's semen they found and not yours on her.

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

86 pairs and countin:
No one brings up MJ's insane gambling addiction that got him suspended for 2 years at the peak of his game
i would rather have an addiction to gambling than be caught in a scenario like kobe's.

and if anybody answers differently, then you are messed up in the head.
You're not painting the entire picture there, big guy. A gambling addiction... THAT GOT HIS FATHER KILLED.

Some would definitely rather be charged with rape than have a gambling addiction that leads to the death of someone they love A LOT.

oh gosh big guy. stop it with that conspiracy crap. there is no evidence for that crap so that argument is stupid.

and my argument still stands unless you have some convincing evidence
You're not painting the entire picture there, big guy. A gambling addiction... THAT GOT HIS FATHER KILLED.

Some would definitely rather be charged with rape than have a gambling addiction that leads to the death of someone they love A LOT.
Proof this is not an urban legend?
86 pairs and countin:
No one brings up MJ's insane gambling addiction that got him suspended for 2 years at the peak of his game

i would rather have an addiction to gambling than be caught in a scenario like kobe's.

and if anybody answers differently, then you are messed up in the head.
You're not painting the entire picture there, big guy. A gambling addiction... THAT GOT HIS FATHER KILLED.

Some would definitely rather be charged with rape than have a gambling addiction that leads to the death of someone they love A LOT.

oh gosh big guy. stop it with that conspiracy crap. there is no evidence for that crap so that argument is stupid.

and my argument still stands unless you have some convincing evidence
Since evidence is important to you, then all we have are the facts, which is that Jordan has a gambling addiction (the link to his father'smurder was never proven, so it doesn't count) and that Kobe cheated on his wife (the rape was never proven).

Considering those two facts, I would definitely rather be known for cheating on my wife one time (that's all the evidence we have; just the one time, andgoing by the evidence is very important to you) than have an addiction to ANYTHING.
Considering those two facts, I would definitely rather be known for cheating on my wife one time (that's all the evidence we have; just the one time, and going by the evidence is very important to you) than have an addiction to ANYTHING.
Agree with everything you said, but it is what it is. People will generally use anything from the past that they can to discredit on court achievements.I've actually learned to appreciate the haters. makes everything sweeter
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