What Grinds your Gears NT?

people talking while eating
people chewing loudly
people talking/texting while driving, while i'm in the car.
When people wear polos with basketball shorts.

Except for basketball coaches, they can get away with it.

Yes, I'm serious.
When people wear polos with basketball shorts.

Except for basketball coaches, they can get away with it.

Yes, I'm serious.
broads with fat butts that are stiff
women that are not dtf
warm weather
not enough milk for cereal
when windows bothers me about restarting after updating
the black crap around pictures on fb
having to sneak around the house because other old folks are sleeping and will get angry if you wake them even though its 6am in the morning
the fact that i wake up at 6AM in the morning
when i think i've applied a good amount of lotion to every part of my body & then realize i've missed a spot
rain during the summer
humidity during the summer
when thunderbird fails to retrieve my mail even though i know theres mail in my box
when fat people sit next to me on the bus and im pressed against them and the window
mysterious train traffic ahead
when they only show the same reruns over and over again
buying textbooks and then not using them
insects being around me
waiting more than five minutes for "fast food"
when i am forced to buy green monster since the store does not have any assault left
eating my mothers homemade "burgers"
people sitting right on top of me in a class even tho there are a lot of other seats available in the classroom
professors that have mandatory attendance
Adobe Flash
slow drivers
people that dont wash their dishes when their finished using them and just leave them in the sink
people not posting og pics in the post your desktop thread
beautiful women with ugly personalities
ugly women that are cocky and have never used a mirror before
size queens
when people buy me the wrong flavored item even thought i told them four to five times which flavor i would like
loud music past 12AM
when there is no hot water even though no one else is using the water
when people sneeze without covering their mouth
strange men that want to make conversation in the bathroom
the existence of phony people
when the dish network signal goes out while its raining
the fact that most "good" people are only good when it is convenient for them and when they can benefit/get slurped up for it
being labeled as "bad" or "evil" or "not human" just because i'm not as sensitive as other people are.
stupid **%$+@% that cry about bad relationships and then get into another one with the same type of dude
broads that like thugs and think they can change them
when the garbage man leaves the cans in the middle of the @$*@*%$ street
people that walk really slow like were not in manhattan
when people give me +%%% because most of the girls i like happen to be light skin
when people get "concerned" because of the amount of pron i watch
store owners that act like i really need to steal +%%% outta their old dusty store
when those damn employees ask me if i need help ask soon as i walk into the store & then stalk me until i get to the register
%@! kissers
when people use my printer to copy and don't replace the paper
loud small children that don't know how to behave
people taking the last Snapple in the fridge even thought they know it was mine and then get mad when i take a dollar from them
pointless arguments on sd
when people fall alseep with the television on
annoying old ladies that preach on the bus
dudes that wear flashy & expensive clothing while selling candy on the train
the arguments that people give about why gay marriage shouldn't be allowed
internet explorer
the price of ink toner

Originally Posted by LoveOfTheGame916


meh, reported
j/k, i wouldn't read what i wrote either, too long lulz
broads with fat butts that are stiff
women that are not dtf
warm weather
not enough milk for cereal
when windows bothers me about restarting after updating
the black crap around pictures on fb
having to sneak around the house because other old folks are sleeping and will get angry if you wake them even though its 6am in the morning
the fact that i wake up at 6AM in the morning
when i think i've applied a good amount of lotion to every part of my body & then realize i've missed a spot
rain during the summer
humidity during the summer
when thunderbird fails to retrieve my mail even though i know theres mail in my box
when fat people sit next to me on the bus and im pressed against them and the window
mysterious train traffic ahead
when they only show the same reruns over and over again
buying textbooks and then not using them
insects being around me
waiting more than five minutes for "fast food"
when i am forced to buy green monster since the store does not have any assault left
eating my mothers homemade "burgers"
people sitting right on top of me in a class even tho there are a lot of other seats available in the classroom
professors that have mandatory attendance
Adobe Flash
slow drivers
people that dont wash their dishes when their finished using them and just leave them in the sink
people not posting og pics in the post your desktop thread
beautiful women with ugly personalities
ugly women that are cocky and have never used a mirror before
size queens
when people buy me the wrong flavored item even thought i told them four to five times which flavor i would like
loud music past 12AM
when there is no hot water even though no one else is using the water
when people sneeze without covering their mouth
strange men that want to make conversation in the bathroom
the existence of phony people
when the dish network signal goes out while its raining
the fact that most "good" people are only good when it is convenient for them and when they can benefit/get slurped up for it
being labeled as "bad" or "evil" or "not human" just because i'm not as sensitive as other people are.
stupid **%$+@% that cry about bad relationships and then get into another one with the same type of dude
broads that like thugs and think they can change them
when the garbage man leaves the cans in the middle of the @$*@*%$ street
people that walk really slow like were not in manhattan
when people give me +%%% because most of the girls i like happen to be light skin
when people get "concerned" because of the amount of pron i watch
store owners that act like i really need to steal +%%% outta their old dusty store
when those damn employees ask me if i need help ask soon as i walk into the store & then stalk me until i get to the register
%@! kissers
when people use my printer to copy and don't replace the paper
loud small children that don't know how to behave
people taking the last Snapple in the fridge even thought they know it was mine and then get mad when i take a dollar from them
pointless arguments on sd
when people fall alseep with the television on
annoying old ladies that preach on the bus
dudes that wear flashy & expensive clothing while selling candy on the train
the arguments that people give about why gay marriage shouldn't be allowed
internet explorer
the price of ink toner

Originally Posted by LoveOfTheGame916


meh, reported
j/k, i wouldn't read what i wrote either, too long lulz
Originally Posted by politicsasusual

An unorganized music library i.e. missing covers, duplicates, no info or ID tags.


This and lazy people.
Originally Posted by politicsasusual

An unorganized music library i.e. missing covers, duplicates, no info or ID tags.


This and lazy people.
Originally Posted by whyhellothere

broads with fat butts that are stiff
women that are not dtf
warm weather
not enough milk for cereal
when windows bothers me about restarting after updating
the black crap around pictures on fb
having to sneak around the house because other old folks are sleeping and will get angry if you wake them even though its 6am in the morning
the fact that i wake up at 6AM in the morning
when i think i've applied a good amount of lotion to every part of my body & then realize i've missed a spot
rain during the summer
humidity during the summer
when thunderbird fails to retrieve my mail even though i know theres mail in my box
when fat people sit next to me on the bus and im pressed against them and the window
mysterious train traffic ahead
when they only show the same reruns over and over again
buying textbooks and then not using them
insects being around me
waiting more than five minutes for "fast food"
when i am forced to buy green monster since the store does not have any assault left
eating my mothers homemade "burgers"
people sitting right on top of me in a class even tho there are a lot of other seats available in the classroom
professors that have mandatory attendance
Adobe Flash
slow drivers
people that dont wash their dishes when their finished using them and just leave them in the sink
people not posting og pics in the post your desktop thread
beautiful women with ugly personalities
ugly women that are cocky and have never used a mirror before
size queens
when people buy me the wrong flavored item even thought i told them four to five times which flavor i would like
loud music past 12AM
when there is no hot water even though no one else is using the water
when people sneeze without covering their mouth
strange men that want to make conversation in the bathroom
the existence of phony people
when the dish network signal goes out while its raining
the fact that most "good" people are only good when it is convenient for them and when they can benefit/get slurped up for it
being labeled as "bad" or "evil" or "not human" just because i'm not as sensitive as other people are.
stupid **%$+@% that cry about bad relationships and then get into another one with the same type of dude
broads that like thugs and think they can change them
when the garbage man leaves the cans in the middle of the @$*@*%$ street
people that walk really slow like were not in manhattan
when people give me *!%# because most of the girls i like happen to be light skin
when people get "concerned" because of the amount of pron i watch
store owners that act like i really need to steal *!%# outta their old dusty store
when those damn employees ask me if i need help ask soon as i walk into the store & then stalk me until i get to the register
$!# kissers
when people use my printer to copy and don't replace the paper
loud small children that don't know how to behave
people taking the last snapple in the fridge even thought they know it was mine and then get mad when i take a dollar from them
pointless arguements on sd
when people fall alseep with the television on

Originally Posted by whyhellothere

broads with fat butts that are stiff
women that are not dtf
warm weather
not enough milk for cereal
when windows bothers me about restarting after updating
the black crap around pictures on fb
having to sneak around the house because other old folks are sleeping and will get angry if you wake them even though its 6am in the morning
the fact that i wake up at 6AM in the morning
when i think i've applied a good amount of lotion to every part of my body & then realize i've missed a spot
rain during the summer
humidity during the summer
when thunderbird fails to retrieve my mail even though i know theres mail in my box
when fat people sit next to me on the bus and im pressed against them and the window
mysterious train traffic ahead
when they only show the same reruns over and over again
buying textbooks and then not using them
insects being around me
waiting more than five minutes for "fast food"
when i am forced to buy green monster since the store does not have any assault left
eating my mothers homemade "burgers"
people sitting right on top of me in a class even tho there are a lot of other seats available in the classroom
professors that have mandatory attendance
Adobe Flash
slow drivers
people that dont wash their dishes when their finished using them and just leave them in the sink
people not posting og pics in the post your desktop thread
beautiful women with ugly personalities
ugly women that are cocky and have never used a mirror before
size queens
when people buy me the wrong flavored item even thought i told them four to five times which flavor i would like
loud music past 12AM
when there is no hot water even though no one else is using the water
when people sneeze without covering their mouth
strange men that want to make conversation in the bathroom
the existence of phony people
when the dish network signal goes out while its raining
the fact that most "good" people are only good when it is convenient for them and when they can benefit/get slurped up for it
being labeled as "bad" or "evil" or "not human" just because i'm not as sensitive as other people are.
stupid **%$+@% that cry about bad relationships and then get into another one with the same type of dude
broads that like thugs and think they can change them
when the garbage man leaves the cans in the middle of the @$*@*%$ street
people that walk really slow like were not in manhattan
when people give me *!%# because most of the girls i like happen to be light skin
when people get "concerned" because of the amount of pron i watch
store owners that act like i really need to steal *!%# outta their old dusty store
when those damn employees ask me if i need help ask soon as i walk into the store & then stalk me until i get to the register
$!# kissers
when people use my printer to copy and don't replace the paper
loud small children that don't know how to behave
people taking the last snapple in the fridge even thought they know it was mine and then get mad when i take a dollar from them
pointless arguements on sd
when people fall alseep with the television on

Typing a long post on NT then realizing your not signed in
People who like their own stuff on FB. I know you like, you posted it d-bag
People who like depressing statuses on FB " My Grandpa just went to the er" " ________ likes this"
Not finding the droids I'm looking for
People who take COD waaay to serious
When you show somebody something in a magazine and they start turning pages
Typing a long post on NT then realizing your not signed in
People who like their own stuff on FB. I know you like, you posted it d-bag
People who like depressing statuses on FB " My Grandpa just went to the er" " ________ likes this"
Not finding the droids I'm looking for
People who take COD waaay to serious
When you show somebody something in a magazine and they start turning pages
Def the gym one.  People leave towels and dumbbells on a bench....there are minimal benches people are you still using it? did you forget? PUT YOUR $%^& BACK

And when someone says "that is hilarious" or "wow that's funny" but doesn't laugh.....like your acknowledging that it is funny why? if you didn't laugh then it's not funny.  No need to say "that is really funny" and not laugh...that means it's not funny.  So just don't say anything.  Or at least muster up a fake laugh.   
Def the gym one.  People leave towels and dumbbells on a bench....there are minimal benches people are you still using it? did you forget? PUT YOUR $%^& BACK

And when someone says "that is hilarious" or "wow that's funny" but doesn't laugh.....like your acknowledging that it is funny why? if you didn't laugh then it's not funny.  No need to say "that is really funny" and not laugh...that means it's not funny.  So just don't say anything.  Or at least muster up a fake laugh.   
Originally Posted by domc03

people that say "can i ask you a question"
the way my pop's chews his food (you'd think he was raised by wolves)
Midwest Weather

idk know why this is so funny to me

Originally Posted by domc03

people that say "can i ask you a question"
the way my pop's chews his food (you'd think he was raised by wolves)
Midwest Weather

idk know why this is so funny to me

little mixed girls with mothers who don't know how to do their hair...i wanted to pull this lady to the side so bad one day in church but i know there was no polite way to do so...poor child out there looking crazy you can tell she tried but just gave up

when i know what someone wants but they beat around the bush asking/saying what it is...i just play dumb to make them uncomfortable

when i order a milkshake and they tell me the machine is broke...
little mixed girls with mothers who don't know how to do their hair...i wanted to pull this lady to the side so bad one day in church but i know there was no polite way to do so...poor child out there looking crazy you can tell she tried but just gave up

when i know what someone wants but they beat around the bush asking/saying what it is...i just play dumb to make them uncomfortable

when i order a milkshake and they tell me the machine is broke...
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