What Grinds your Gears NT?

This thread is almost two years old.

when people don't own up to responsibility .....even worse, when they try to shift it your way.....no way holmes....ur not slick, i have enough on my plate.....
hair in bath tub

driving 30 mph in fast lane

ppl not washing hands

when my dog sheds hair all over all my jackets
Might be a good bump...

I hate people who can't chew their food though. Going out to eat and a table close to you all you hear is munch munch slurp whatever. Then you look at them and they eat like jab a the hut.

Really rustles my jimmies
When i wake up to prepare a good breakfast, sit down and turn on sports center and it goes right to commercial. Happens every morning.
Females with underarm odor
Deadbeat fathers
Grown men wearing skinny jeans with matching bright colored shoes
Fat people wearing skinny jeans
people who dont keep their dogs on leashes 

people who dont pick up their dogs ****

people who dont watch their kids..

yesterday i was at target and this fat mexican lady had about 5 kids all under 10 running around while she was looking at makeup..

i was in a town that is really snobby and to be frank they dont really like brown folk..this place is full of older rich white folk.

so this old lady walks by and sees these kids all playing with the fingernail polish on the floor and taking stuff off of shelves, she looks at them as looks around and yells out "who's kids are these??" this is out of control, then the lady comes out of the aisle and she grabs them..and the old lady starts telling her that people work hard to stack those shelves and w/e and the lady is ashamed..i saw the kids later in another part of the store doing the same ish..
When your trying to turn onto the main road but stop because there is a car comming- and then tey put theyr blinker at the last minute and turn right into the street your on. I hate that ****
- Fast food spots that f*** my order up.
- Warm and/or cheap beer. When I go to people's cribs, I bring them Heineken/Newcastle/Stella/etc. So when I throw a get-together at my spot, don't bring no damn Keystone or 4Loko to my function! :smh:
- When people come to a damn complete stop before turning onto a side-road. You put the signal on & slow down AS YOU APPROACH IT, moron!
- Fake designer clothes/Jordans/foams.
- Girls that beg you to eat the box, but don't give dome. Nah *****, it's a 2-way street.
- When people try to get you to hate somebody just cause they do. It's happened to me in the workplace & outside of it. If they never stole money from me or threatened my life, I got no problem with em.
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People who aren't patient, ie; honking you're horn at once 3 seconds after the light turns green
 @ patience. how about paying attention to the road? if i give you a few seconds at the light and you still dont go, im gonna beep you.

and for you to take it personally is just childish on your part.
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:lol:  @ patience. how about paying attention to the road? if i give you a few seconds at the light and you still dont go, im gonna beep you.

and for you to take it personally is just childish on your part.

you must not be a patient person
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