What haircut do you get? vol. whiteboys

Jul 5, 2006
Yea i said it im white, and i'm going down to the barbershop tomorrow, and im thinking i wanna switch up my cut a little, i usually get a 2-1 fade, but ifeel like getting something a little longer, its cold and i aint feeling it. Help a fellow nt'er out.
I get a 1 into a 2 shadow fade with a line up...but I never eff with white barbershops
I usually get a cesar which is a number 1 or 2 really low but i wanted to try something new when i lost my hair in a bet. so i got a hawk check it out,

by the way all the girls love it.
Originally Posted by Mr Anleu

I usually get a cesar which is a number 1 or 2 really low but i wanted to try something new when i lost my hair in a bet. so i got a hawk check it out,

See herbs........

Since when did it become normal for people to wear mohawks. I never understood how this is normal man, haks should be rocked by....... social rejects orpunks not hype beasts, why P.Diddy why

Originally Posted by Been Here

Originally Posted by Mr Anleu

I usually get a cesar which is a number 1 or 2 really low but i wanted to try something new when i lost my hair in a bet. so i got a hawk check it out,

See herbs........

Since when did it become normal for people to wear mohawks. I never understood how this is normal man, haks should be rocked by....... social rejects or punks not hype beasts, why P.Diddy why


hater. I think he's rockin it nice..looks good to me.
My opinion > yours
end of story.
if i have short hair i get a 1 all even. i am growing it out now. i have also had a mullet...
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