What has happened to black families vol 72% illegitimacy rate

I would also like to hear how the white man is responsible for this. Condoms are pretty ubiquitous. That is beyond a copout, especially given that in the 60s the number was in the mid 20s. That white man holding us down *!+* is old. We're not the only race that was ever oppressed either, just the only ones to never man up and overcome from it. Previous generations had less freedoms and opportunity than our current one and did more with it. Hell, it was a time when the National Guard had to escort negroes trying to go to school because they were facing opposition in the forms of racial epithet heckling, dogs, lynching, etc. They braved all of that because an education was that important, and in 2011 even with a black dude in the White House we got our males out there dropping out at over 50%, why?
No but the system is responsible for the degradation of the black female. They were once viewed as queens, now they are viewed as hyper sexualized semi-masculine sex machines. Black women surely don't control their images on the big screen do they? Yes it is up to the invividual to have control over their own actions but when you are fed the same nonsense year after year through all forms of media, you start believing the only purpose you (and people that look like you) have on this earth is to orgasm.

Again, it is a well though out system.

Maybe black dudes should stop getting off on disrespecting their sisters and mothers than. Again, I'm failing to see the influence of "the white man." I turn on the radio or BET and won't see or hear a white man at all but will get tons of misogyny. Hell, without saying any names, one of the posters who has posted in this thread is the FIRST person to pop into every thread talking bout, "I don't date black women no more, only white girls, my life is so much greater now. I have made it!"
I don't think it has anything to do with being black because everyone listens to "our music" there are just as many whites, Spanish, etc as there are blacks at concerts. The problem is that our trash is all over because we don't know how to act this goes back to not having stable homes.

Yet other races have 2 parents in the home a higher percentage of the time, along with a better appreciation for hard work and educations as the pillars of success and therefore are smart enough to recognize it as just entertainment and not an instruction manual on their own identity of how they should live their life. It's like a movie to them. To us, it's like real life.
Originally Posted by Brolic Scholar

So now that we have the answers. What's the solution?

What are YOU going to do about it? All of you...

Marry my baby momma and teach these youngins to use rubbers when they run through these harlots.

Glad to see that article addressed the issue of child support, though. Some of the amounts of money that these women are getting are ridiculous. And the fact that they have nothing to show for it is downright depressing.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

I know you all will discredit this but the system is created for us to fail (collectively). Yes it is an excuse. Some can still make it out and get the job done, but don't tell me that this method of legal slavery doesn't exist. But I am sure someone will say, "Stop crying/making excuses." Just know it isn't a fair system.

The white man making invisible female leg openers? 
No but the system is responsible for the degradation of the black female. They were once viewed as queens, now they are viewed as hyper sexualized semi-masculine sex machines. Black women surely don't control their images on the big screen do they? Yes it is up to the invividual to have control over their own actions but when you are fed the same nonsense year after year through all forms of media, you start believing the only purpose you (and people that look like you) have on this earth is to orgasm.

Again, it is a well though out system.

Wouldnt this undermine this "Well thought out system" ?


Fact is black folks gotta take responsibility for there own homes for god's sake. 

'It takes a village" 
Originally Posted by cartune

The cycle

No black families -------> Girls grow up searching for love in the wrong places (Sex & Babies) ----------> babies grow up. Mothers lose interest in the well being of their kids -------->

Kids grow up searching for love in the wrong places (Sex, Gangs, Drugs, Fast Money schemes, Role models in entertainment)
Love your kids teach your kids. Mentor young men and women. Its that simple. I swear.
What does Obama being the president have to do with anything? When has he every even addressed the black struggle? He doesn't touch that, he knows the seat he is in doesn't allow that.

Kids drop out of school because school is boring. School doesn't excite them. School isn't for them. (To them).

And the system being the reason why so many of us fail will never be old. Why you ask? Because the system was founded on racial inequality and the system remains based on racial inequality.

Again, I am not saying that it is impossible for black people to succeed. But I will say that there is not a level playing field.
Why do you all keep bringing up Obama as if he still isn't instructed to carry out the same agendas that ex-presidents had to carry out? Again, He does not acknowledge the black struggle.
Tldr all of it but definitely will read later.

Not to derail, but Brolic I feel you on how the media portrays minorities. I commented on a tyler perry clip on youtube about this like six months ago and to this day I occasionally get people saying I'm racist, I just don't understand or the worse..."some of us black people are really like this"

No self worth..smh
Originally Posted by Brolic Scholar

So now that we have the answers. What's the solution?

What are YOU going to do about it? All of you...

I dont have kids yet but when i do they will have both parent in the home and i plan on having a clear line of communication while still having authority in the household. My moms is very easy to talk to and i was able to tell her anything growing up but at the same time i knew if i bought a preg chick home it would be over for my +%%. I hope to have that relationship with my kids.
Obama encouraged black people to take responsibility for their own lives, raise their kids, stay in school, etc. and the "black community" got upset at him, to include Jesse Jackson saying he wanted to cut his nuts off. Because that success and overcoming +#%* requires action, requires introspection, it's much easier to have a chip on your shoulder and blame +!@@$+.

I don't get the Tyler Perry hate. His stuff is far less negative and stereotypical than rap and other black entertainment trends that get a huge pass. Madea was based off his own grandma. Okay, it's a funny old grandma who cusses, cracks jokes, and smokes weed. Nobody was mad when Eddie Murphy did it though. There still doesn't seem to be enough of an effort to do something about hip hop culture which promotes nothing conducive to real world success and the things it glorifies, or "hood" movies. I would be more concerned about them.
Originally Posted by Scientific Method

Maybe black dudes should stop getting off on disrespecting their sisters and mothers than. Again, I'm failing to see the influence of "the white man." I turn on the radio or BET and won't see or hear a white man at all but will get tons of misogyny. Hell, without saying any names, one of the posters who has posted in this thread is the FIRST person to pop into every thread talking bout, "I don't date black women no more, only white girls, my life is so much greater now. I have made it!"
Again, people do what they see done on television. They essentially do as they are told. That is the point of pop-culture, to promote intended behaviors.

You do understand who owns BET and Black Radio? It surely isn't a black man. Just because you see a black face on the screen doesn't mean it is he or she that is in charge of the AGENDA. You are missing that point, black people don't own the air-waves. He don't control our images on television and in music, we just essentially are the puppets.

And the whole, "White women as a trophy" idea is just a form of self hatred. Something else that was purposely taught and forced upon us.

I just think we tend to underestimate the power of mass media. It is a strong tool.
A lot of things have not changed in the black community/urban family household/etc. Threads like these have been made quite a lot on here since I've joined. It's highly unlikely for some of these stats to drastically change over a few years or even a decade. Come back in 25-50 years to see if there's any real substantial improvement.
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

A lot of things have not changed in the black community/urban family household/etc. Threads like these have been made quite a lot on here since I've joined. It's highly unlikely for some of these stats to drastically change over a few years or even a decade. Come back in 25-50 years to see if there's any real substantial improvement.

25-50 YEARS there will be more of a mixed population than there is already sooner or later the "pure white" race will be wiped out. 
Originally Posted by Scientific Method

Obama encouraged black people to take responsibility for their own lives, raise their kids, stay in school, etc. and the "black community" got upset at him, to include Jesse Jackson saying he wanted to cut his nuts off. Because that success and overcoming %$!+ requires action, requires introspection, it's much easier to have a chip on your shoulder and blame *#%$@#.
See this is where some people have it twisted. Kids in the hood don't give a damn about Obama making it. They aren't inspired by him. They don't want to be anything like him. Why? Because he is in an authoritative position. People in the hood HATE authority. They hate the police. They hate teachers and principals and crossing guards. They don't want to be Obama. I wish people would stop flinging that idea of Obama inspired Lil DeVaughn and DeMonta, etc. No, he does not inspire them. They don't give a damn about him.

Now people that are already on the right path or those possibly teetering between the good/evil life, yea I can see him being an inspiration. But those that need the most help, no Obama isn't who they are looking up to. Remember that these are the same people that don't even understand that getting a face tat diminishes their chances of going corporate, so why would they be inspired by a man that went to college and wears a suit and hangs around people that don't look like them. No.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by Scientific Method

Obama encouraged black people to take responsibility for their own lives, raise their kids, stay in school, etc. and the "black community" got upset at him, to include Jesse Jackson saying he wanted to cut his nuts off. Because that success and overcoming %$!+ requires action, requires introspection, it's much easier to have a chip on your shoulder and blame *#%$@#.
See this is where some people have it twisted. Kids in the hood don't give a damn about Obama making it. They aren't inspired by him. They don't want to be anything like him. Why? Because he is in an authoritative position. People in the hood HATE authority. They hate the police. They hate teachers and principals and crossing guards. They don't want to be Obama. I wish people would stop flinging that idea of Obama inspired Lil DeVaughn and DeMonta, etc. No, he does not inspire them. They don't give a damn about him.

Now people that are already on the right path or those possibly teetering between the good/evil life, yea I can see him being an inspiration. But those that need the most help, no Obama isn't who they are looking up to. Remember that these are the same people that don't even understand that getting a face tat diminishes their chances of going corporate, so why would they be inspired by a man that went to college and wears a suit and hangs around people that don't look like them. No.

Again goes back to the music nwa .... the police but at the same time its still not only the blacks in England and all over the world when they have riots and it has nothing to do with peoples color. Humans have always went against authority its like 2nd nature at this point 
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by Scientific Method

Maybe black dudes should stop getting off on disrespecting their sisters and mothers than. Again, I'm failing to see the influence of "the white man." I turn on the radio or BET and won't see or hear a white man at all but will get tons of misogyny. Hell, without saying any names, one of the posters who has posted in this thread is the FIRST person to pop into every thread talking bout, "I don't date black women no more, only white girls, my life is so much greater now. I have made it!"
Again, people do what they see done on television. They essentially do as they are told. That is the point of pop-culture, to promote intended behaviors.

You do understand who owns BET and Black Radio? It surely isn't a black man. Just because you see a black face on the screen doesn't mean it is he or she that is in charge of the AGENDA. You are missing that point, black people don't own the air-waves. He don't control our images on television and in music, we just essentially are the puppets.

And the whole, "White women as a trophy" idea is just a form of self hatred. Something else that was purposely taught and forced upon us.

I just think we tend to underestimate the power of mass media. It is a strong tool.

So what, do you think if not for the influence of white people, black music and tv would be more positive? Like Debra L Lee, CEO of BET and a black woman btw, wants to put on something educational and inspirational to the community and some white guy says "No! Put on more of that ebonics jibba jabba jive you people love so much." Give me a break. If you think you're just a puppet being toyed with and directed by "the white man," that's fine but the quicker people realize it isn't true and just go for it, the better.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

I know you all will discredit this but the system is created for us to fail (collectively). Yes it is an excuse. Some can still make it out and get the job done, but don't tell me that this method of legal slavery doesn't exist. But I am sure someone will say, "Stop crying/making excuses." Just know it isn't a fair system.

The white man making invisible female leg openers? 
No but the system is responsible for the degradation of the black female. They were once viewed as queens, now they are viewed as hyper sexualized semi-masculine sex machines. Black women surely don't control their images on the big screen do they? Yes it is up to the invividual to have control over their own actions but when you are fed the same nonsense year after year through all forms of media, you start believing the only purpose you (and people that look like you) have on this earth is to orgasm.

Again, it is a well though out system.
You mean to tell me that black girls just aint MASS?
I kid, I kid. I for one love the black woman. I'm Mexican btw. I can also tell you the ones I've dealt with aint "easy". If you go to the club looking for love you're coming home broke or with a ho. Simple as that.

I'm waiting to knock one up but before I do so I gotta make sure WE both on the same page before I ruin my life with some crazed baby mama.
The F authority, F government, F college, F whatever is not the way. How do you show this to the youth? Show them examples of regular success (professors, lawyers, docotrs etc.) and how they got there. Someone like Ben Carson needs to be known to every young black kid. Show them the path. Education is the only true path I see. It's difficult and life is unfair but sacrifice needs to be stressed.
Originally Posted by Scientific Method

So what, do you think if not for the influence of white people, black music and tv would be more positive? Like Debra L Lee, CEO of BET and a black woman btw, wants to put on something educational and inspirational to the community and some white guy says "No! Put on more of that ebonics jibba jabba jive you people love so much." Give me a break. If you think you're just a puppet being toyed with and directed by "the white man," that's fine but the quicker people realize it isn't true and just go for it, the better.
I don't know what it would be honestly. I am not about to sit here and proclaim the "what if." I have no idea.

Honestly, the situation you presented is exactly what happens though. Nobody wants to see the educational stuff. Nobody wants to watch those things. Low ratings. The ratings come from the ignorant material, so yes the big wigs want ratings so they put on the ignorant behavior. There is no break to give you, that is what happens.

I am not calling myself a puppet. I am calling those entertainers that carry out the agenda of degrading the black soul the puppets.
Originally Posted by Brolic Scholar

So now that we have the answers. What's the solution?

What are YOU going to do about it? All of you...


people like us who 'know better' need to step up...

i used to volunteer back at school but now that i'm home i haven't found time...

the last two weeks i've been thinking about ways to start volunteering w/young girls...

i thought about GS but thats not really the group i wanna reach...

I get what you're saying DC...i really do but at what point do we just say "#%%* whats on TV" and take back control?  we cant wait for the images in the media to change...

I don't get the Tyler Perry hate. His stuff is far less negative and stereotypical than rap and other black entertainment trends that get a huge pass. Madea was based off his own grandma. Okay, it's a funny old grandma who cusses, cracks jokes, and smokes weed. Nobody was mad when Eddie Murphy did it though. There still doesn't seem to be enough of an effort to do something about hip hop culture which promotes nothing conducive to real world success and the things it glorifies, or "hood" movies. I would be more concerned about them.

i'll try to word this as best i can cuz i dont feel like typing to much but I honestly believe the Tyler Perry hate is because a man is pushing this Christian agenda i guess to black women and for whatever reason black men dont like that. I get the good guy is usually light skin while the bad guy is usually dark skin and that kind of stuff. Most don't question hip hop cuz its the ideas/views/feelings of men and men feel they can relate to that but let black women really relate to some Tyler Perry @+!% blk men have a fit. Of course there are blk women who don't rock w/him but I here it way more from men.  @+!% like Precious is what millions of girls go through/have gone through OF EVERY RACE but most dont see that.  They just saw TP's name and a fat dark skin chick and
at. For Colored girls...exact same thing...a lot of the plots in his other movies...the same.

But Boyz N Da Hood is a classic. Menace II Society. Classic. When its a story based on a woman's experience its generally pushed aside by men. I think thats a large problem in the community also. The black female experience is often ignored and when its brought up the woman bringing it up is attacked as a feminist or lonely or ugly (as if that matters). Men want a supportive woman but generally ignore whats its like to be a black woman. We're at the bottom of the totem pole in almost everything. I honestly believe black people or community oriented. The whole "it takes a village" thing. You have women who have never had that consistent/POSITIVE male in their life so of course they know to interact properly with men when they start to get that attention. Hope that makes sense

I have a question tho. Can a woman honestly raise a boy to be a man? Why/why not?
Originally Posted by HankMoody

The F authority, F government, F college, F whatever is not the way. How do you show this to the youth? Show them examples of regular success (professors, lawyers, docotrs etc.) and how they got there. Someone like Ben Carson needs to be known to every young black kid. Show them the path. Education is the only true path I see. It's difficult and life is unfair but sacrifice needs to be stressed.
Yep, show these little dudes that being successful doesn't mean you have to be a corny poindexter type dude. Show them that they can do anything they see done outside of their hood. Bring them around your successful friends and show them that you came from the same neighborhoods they came from. Good point.

Originally Posted by HankMoody

Mass media only infiltrates unguided minds. Parents/adult influence supersedes all.
Yep, but if the parents are only 23-27 and influenced by the mass media and are unguided minds themselves, it creates that vicious cycle we are speaking of. The ball is already rolling man.
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