What has happened to black families vol 72% illegitimacy rate

Sometimes I feel like we're cursed. The lack of a "Positive" father figure is messing up our children. The Two Outcomes: 1) Young black males not recognizing what a "real man" is. Not understanding how to raise a child & take care of family. 2) Black Women not picking a real man due to not having positive role models. Its a damn cycle. Unfortunately this generation of black youth are being raised by society and not by family. We have totally lost our identity.

We gotta stop blaming white folks for our problems. We gotta be accountable. We're our own worst enemies.
And, I guess we just forget about the grandparents who raised the 23-27 year olds and implanted that seed of the white man mentality.
Originally Posted by HankMoody

Mass media only infiltrates unguided minds. Parents/adult influence supersedes all.

The problem with that is what happens when the parents are unguided. 
When the parents have the kids at 15 16 and by the time there kids are 15 they have watched their parents go thru their 20s prob many diff men or women in and out of their life doing drugs and all other things that is what they are going to follow.
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

I get what you're saying DC...i really do but at what point do we just say "++## whats on TV" and take back control?  we cant wait for the images in the media to change...
How do we get control of our images on television? Realistically, we can't. Not until one of the multi millionaire/billionaire black moguls steps up (or a group of them step up and put their $ together) to get a black distribution label going. That is why so many people hate T. Perry because he has the resources but he keeps doing these damn minstrel shows.

But we can't really say F-TV because we can't convince people to not watch it. That isn't realistic at all man.
Originally Posted by THE ANOMOLIE

Sometimes I feel like we're cursed. The lack of a "Positive" father figure is messing up our children. The Two Outcomes: 1) Young black males not recognizing what a "real man" is. Not understanding how to raise a child & take care of family. 2) Black Women not picking a real man due to not having positive role models. Its a damn cycle. Unfortunately this generation of black youth are being raised by society and not by family. We have totally lost our identity.

We gotta stop blaming white folks for our problems. We gotta be accountable. We're our own worst enemies.
This bothers me the most about us as a culture. We are quick to pass the blame onto "the man", slavery and the media but do not do anything to put ourselves in a better situation.
The people that sit in the neighborhood on unemployment not looking for a job because they are getting "free money" so who wants to work when unemployment runs out they blame the white man or the Spanish because they cant find a job but who is gonna hire a bum that hasn't worked for 3 years and prob shows up to his interview with some beats by dre bumping lil wayne.  
Originally Posted by THE ANOMOLIE

We gotta stop blaming white folks for our problems. We gotta be accountable. We're our own worst enemies.
Again, you have no choice but to blame the system as to why and how we are how we currently are. We didn't chose to be here. We don't chose our images. We don't chose our crappy schools. We don't chose the fact that we are always told that, "Jesus will make everything better. Sorry, WHITE Jesus will make everything better." We didn't chose our circumstances man. We are our own worst enemy and it is because of how this whole place is set up.

Again, I am not saying that we should go in a corner and cry and not be the best we can be. But we have to know that this world isn't made with our interests in mind. It isn't made for us to succeed. We can still make it though. But the odds are always going to be against us. Walk around with a chip, use it as motivation!
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

I get what you're saying DC...i really do but at what point do we just say "++## whats on TV" and take back control?  we cant wait for the images in the media to change...
How do we get control of our images on television? Realistically, we can't. Not until one of the multi millionaire/billionaire black moguls steps up (or a group of them step up and put their $ together) to get a black distribution label going. That is why so many people hate T. Perry because he has the resources but he keeps doing these damn minstrel shows.

But we can't really say F-TV because we can't convince people to not watch it. That isn't realistic at all man.
Television isn't the problem the problem is not being able to distinguish between reality and entertainment. Just cause you see it on tv doesn't mean you have to portray that image. 
It's funny to me at this point. It's like you can just point out something about us and listen to people come up with excuses how it's white people's fault. Our future is beyond bleak. Literally everything that can be measured is trending negative and not better.
Originally Posted by Slicknick951

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

I get what you're saying DC...i really do but at what point do we just say "++## whats on TV" and take back control?  we cant wait for the images in the media to change...
How do we get control of our images on television? Realistically, we can't. Not until one of the multi millionaire/billionaire black moguls steps up (or a group of them step up and put their $ together) to get a black distribution label going. That is why so many people hate T. Perry because he has the resources but he keeps doing these damn minstrel shows.

But we can't really say F-TV because we can't convince people to not watch it. That isn't realistic at all man.
Television isn't the problem the problem is not being able to distinguish between reality and entertainment. Just cause you see it on tv doesn't mean you have to portray that image. 


OP what was your previous SN? I'm getting SuperAntigen/AmazingMr.Fox vibes from you
Originally Posted by Slicknick951

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

A lot of things have not changed in the black community/urban family household/etc. Threads like these have been made quite a lot on here since I've joined. It's highly unlikely for some of these stats to drastically change over a few years or even a decade. Come back in 25-50 years to see if there's any real substantial improvement.
25-50 YEARS there will be more of a mixed population than there is already sooner or later the "pure white" race will be wiped out. 
You can still look at the stats though. The lack of  white ppl doesn't have much to do with it. There's still gonna be black ppl. More of a mixed population will most likely not change the problem between the haves and have nots.
Originally Posted by Scientific Method

It's funny to me at this point. It's like you can just point out something about us and listen to people come up with excuses how it's white people's fault. Our future is beyond bleak. Literally everything that can be measured is trending negative and not better.

I love my people but this is one reason why i cant stand us as a culture 
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Originally Posted by Slicknick951

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

A lot of things have not changed in the black community/urban family household/etc. Threads like these have been made quite a lot on here since I've joined. It's highly unlikely for some of these stats to drastically change over a few years or even a decade. Come back in 25-50 years to see if there's any real substantial improvement.
25-50 YEARS there will be more of a mixed population than there is already sooner or later the "pure white" race will be wiped out. 
You can still look at the stats though. The lack of  white ppl doesn't have much to do with it. There's still gonna be black ppl. More of a mixed population will most likely not change the problem between the haves and have nots.

at that point the have-nots cant blame the white then they are gonna blame the light colored people.
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by Slicknick951

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

I get what you're saying DC...i really do but at what point do we just say "++## whats on TV" and take back control?  we cant wait for the images in the media to change...
How do we get control of our images on television? Realistically, we can't. Not until one of the multi millionaire/billionaire black moguls steps up (or a group of them step up and put their $ together) to get a black distribution label going. That is why so many people hate T. Perry because he has the resources but he keeps doing these damn minstrel shows.

But we can't really say F-TV because we can't convince people to not watch it. That isn't realistic at all man.
Television isn't the problem the problem is not being able to distinguish between reality and entertainment. Just cause you see it on tv doesn't mean you have to portray that image. 


OP what was your previous SN? I'm getting SuperAntigen/AmazingMr.Fox vibes from you

way off. IIRC, I didn't much care for either of those fellows.
Originally Posted by Scientific Method

It's funny to me at this point. It's like you can just point out something about us and listen to people come up with excuses how it's white people's fault. Our future is beyond bleak. Literally everything that can be measured is trending negative and not better.
I just don't understand how you can ignore how we got to this point. We didn't chose to be in this state. We used what was shoved down our throats. The drugs, the "entertainment." We created our culture from the images we are fed. And please stop using the terms, "The white man." I never once used it. I prefer the system. Which is obviously against us. So you can call it an excuse if you want but it is reality. The world was not created with people of color in mind.

Television isn't the problem the problem is not being able to distinguish between reality and entertainment. Just cause you see it on tv doesn't mean you have to portray that image. 
Agreed but people don't understand the difference between the two. Anytime me and my folks play Battlefield/COD, I always say, "It is funny to think that someone SOMEWHERE doesn't understand that this isn't reality." So yea, people need some sort of training for that. I don't know what humans think sometime.
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

I have a question tho. Can a woman honestly raise a boy to be a man? Why/why not?
I would say no. I mean look around Gallery Place to see so many failed attempts at that.

But the can do the best she can do to be a good mother but she can't teach him how to be a man. Mothers are the nurturing portion of parenting, fathers are usually the opposite. I said usually, of course we have exceptions and we have many mothers that are far from nurturing. A boy needs to see someone that looks like him as an example how to learn how this world works. Sorry but someone with a vagina certainly SHOULDN'T be the only one doing that.
Originally Posted by Slicknick951

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Originally Posted by Slicknick951

25-50 YEARS there will be more of a mixed population than there is already sooner or later the "pure white" race will be wiped out. 
You can still look at the stats though. The lack of  white ppl doesn't have much to do with it. There's still gonna be black ppl. More of a mixed population will most likely not change the problem between the haves and have nots.
at that point the have-nots cant blame the white then they are gonna blame the light colored people.
Oh that's your point. I'm not really getting sucked in to these other arguments since they're all just dealing with rhetoric. We all know how they got here, we all know who put them there, we all know how and why it happened, we all know what's currently being done ton continue the same cycle, and we all know what should be done. It just comes down to doing it.

This whole blame white ppl thing isn't the sole problem. Just because there will be less white ppl or no white ppl doesn't mean there won't be a group of ppl trying to oppress another group. It's not about who they're blaming it's about that they are doing it in the first place.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by THE ANOMOLIE

We gotta stop blaming white folks for our problems. We gotta be accountable. We're our own worst enemies.
Again, you have no choice but to blame the system as to why and how we are how we currently are. We didn't chose to be here. We don't chose our images. We don't chose our crappy schools. We don't chose the fact that we are always told that, "Jesus will make everything better. Sorry, WHITE Jesus will make everything better." We didn't chose our circumstances man. We are our own worst enemy and it is because of how this whole place is set up.

Again, I am not saying that we should go in a corner and cry and not be the best we can be. But we have to know that this world isn't made with our interests in mind. It isn't made for us to succeed. We can still make it though. But the odds are always going to be against us. Walk around with a chip, use it as motivation!
I hear ya but we gotta recognize right from wrong. Having a family use to mean something to black folks back in the day. I do believe our culture is being dictated by TV (Society).I had a professor tell me during my undergraduate years: That this generation of blacks are in slavery and don't know it. (Past) Physically we were beaten and tied up...Now its more of us being mentally in slavery (Low self-esteem, Misguided, Easily manipulated by others...etc...). It's insidious.

I am motivated to be different.Some people have certain stereotype about us black men. LET'S BEAT THE STEREOTYPE FELLAS!!! I love it when most people think I'm an athlete. And when I tell them I'm a therapist their like
Originally Posted by tim teufel

Can't worry about what others do,better yourself and stop the cycle within.
No fun if the homies can't get none. I want all of my people to shine man. I am concerned about them all. Bettering myself is helping others better themselves. Like my man KG said, It isn't just about me/you man. It is about US.
DC the same system gave us The Cosby Show (which a large sum of black people rejected because it wasnt "realistic"

The same system put a black familly in the White House

The same system made the highest paid person in HOLLYWOOD a black man

What exactly is the system's objective? Is it not rational to assume that the system isnt as powerful as you think and individuals are just making dumb decisions?

If you dont have a stable home the race will fail period. No matter the hardships of the past the family must remain stable to recover.

The Jewish community figured it out

The Irish community figured it out

The Italian community figured it out

The Asian community figured it out

They all could have blamed "the system" one way or the other.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

I have a question tho. Can a woman honestly raise a boy to be a man? Why/why not?
I would say no. I mean look around Gallery Place to see so many failed attempts at that.

But the can do the best she can do to be a good mother but she can't teach him how to be a man. Mothers are the nurturing portion of parenting, fathers are usually the opposite. I said usually, of course we have exceptions and we have many mothers that are far from nurturing. A boy needs to see someone that looks like him as an example how to learn how this world works. Sorry but someone with a vagina certainly SHOULDN'T be the only one doing that.

so what is a grown male that has his !*%% together in all aspects of his life?
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Originally Posted by Slicknick951

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

You can still look at the stats though. The lack of  white ppl doesn't have much to do with it. There's still gonna be black ppl. More of a mixed population will most likely not change the problem between the haves and have nots.
at that point the have-nots cant blame the white then they are gonna blame the light colored people.
Oh that's your point. I'm not really getting sucked in to these other arguments since they're all just dealing with rhetoric. We all know how they got here, we all know who put them there, we all know how and why it happened, we all know what's currently being done ton continue the same cycle, and we all know what should be done. It just comes down to doing it.

This whole blame white ppl thing isn't the sole problem. Just because there will be less white ppl or no white ppl doesn't mean there won't be a group of ppl trying to oppress another group. It's not about who they're blaming it's about that they are doing it in the first place.

I Agree 100% 
It's no accident that us black people are in the condition that we're in. It is the DIRECT result of a [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]carefully calculated propaganda campaign of Black inferiority/ white superiority[/color] that's been promoted by those in power (WHITE PEOPLE) since the colonial era.

Making suggestions about what we need to do in order to rectify our situation, without knowing the root cause of our problem is pointless.
It's like suggesting someone take NyQuil for a brain tumor. LEARN YOUR HISTORY.
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