What has happened to black families vol 72% illegitimacy rate

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

so you gonna act like soul food doesn't exist?
Isn't that more a Southern thing than a black American thing? Maybe Cajun food is uniquely black American? But isn't that also from somewhere else? Again, I'm no expert on black culture, just what I've observed. 
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by cartune

If you dont have a stable home the race will fail period. No matter the hardships of the past the family must remain stable to recover.

The Jewish community figured it out

The Irish community figured it out

The Italian community figured it out

The Asian community figured it out

They all could have blamed "the system" one way or the other.
You said it yourself "If you dont have a stable home the race will fail period". They people you just listed came to America willingly, and were able to maintain their cultural traditions. Can you say the same for blacks that were FORCED to come to America? Didn't think so.

Great point.
Originally Posted by Mr Marcus

Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

You said it yourself "If you dont have a stable home the race will fail period". They people you just listed came to America willingly, and were able to maintain their cultural traditions. Can you say the same for blacks that were FORCED to come to America? Didn't think so.

Great point.

 No its not.

Yes we lost some of our African culture but White America dont act like Eurpoeans either. Becky cant trace her ancestor's culture from England either. 

Lost culture?

How about the fact that Black America is the most emulated culture in the world?

The mirror is heavy

Fact is the black family is broken because of black men & women. The solution is in the problem. 
Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by Mr Marcus

Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Great point.

 No its not.

Yes we lost some of our African culture but White America dont act like Eurpoeans either. Becky cant trace her ancestor's culture from England either. 

Lost culture?

How about the fact that Black America is the most emulated culture in the world?

The mirror is heavy

Fact is the black family is broken because of black men & women. The solution is in the problem. 
Can you expound on this thought? I think I know what you're getting at but I want to hear where you're coming from.
Rock n Roll, Jazz, this new thing called Hip hop, urban slang, etc. those influences show up all over the world. and is the most imitated.

Black America has a culture it has an identity. The whole world knows it
I would not dare post this statistic on Facebook... as much as I want to. hits too close to many people....
Originally Posted by cartune

Rock n Roll, Jazz, this new thing called Hip hop, urban slang, etc. those influences show up all over the world. and is the most imitated.

Black America has a culture it has an identity. The whole world knows it
I disagree. The point on music is moot since rock has definitely been dominated and revolutionized by white folk for the past 50 years. Jazz is dead. Yes, hiphop is alive and well, arguably, but it's such a small subculture in the grand scheme of things. Slang? Really?
I'd argue that French culture is the most emulated and revered in the world. Their food culture is considered the best and everyone tries to adapt French technique to other cultures dishes. They are home to the biggest fashion houses in the world. The French have given us Carmen and The Phantom of the Opera. In the world of literature, they have given us The Three Musketeers, Les Miserables, The Count of Monte Cristo, Twenty Thousand Leagues Under The Sea, and the list goes on... Photography, film, art... they're up there with having contribute the most to humanity.

I'm not denying that black American culture has an influence. Obviously it does. I just think it's an incredible leap to say it's the most emulated and imitated in the world. To me, it's pretty clearly not. There are many other much older cultures that have shaped the world far more than black American culture.
Originally Posted by Scientific Method

Originally Posted by Brolic Scholar

Q: What has happened to black families?

A: Ignorance and low self-esteem. No pride, no knowledge of self, no history and a media created "culture" that feeds the cycle of self-destructive behavior. I can't tell you the last time I allowed myself to be a part of the foolishness that portrays black America on TV. BET, TBS, etc. You show people they are inferior long enough and eventually they'll believe it. Add to that the music that dummies think is real life and

Black folks are much more connected to their music than most cultures and look at what we listen to. The music we listen to has other races calling themselves the n word like it's a good thing. Sad.

I agree, but I get called Uncle Tom or something on here a lot from people who always want to take the simplest explanation.

I have to agree with whoever mentioned condoms and black people seem to just not really mess with them. I have never been fully convinced we are any more promiscuous than other races, just very averted to methods of birth control.

I listen to rap music some, but I have the understanding that it is just entertainment and certainly don't let it define me or lead me to believe it's something I need to imitate or live "up" to.
My neice and nephew, both totally opposite. Our family is anything but hood, we're extra suburban out here on the good side of town, huge house, privileged all the way; certainly none of that "all my hommies are dead or in jail, didn't know where our next meal was coming from, moms was an addict," type tails you hear so often. For whatever reason though, both when they hit about 14 turned just ultra heathen. I can see, to some extent anyways, that type of lifestyle when that is all you've come from, all you've seen, but to go from being straight A students and have all the familial support and positive examples, to just straight deliquent for no reason is baffling. Matter of fact I woke up this morning to my neice cussing my mom out and trying to fight her, the police had to come and everything. Hopefully, my parents finally give up on her and all of my sister's spawn of Satan children and send them back to her or to a home or something.

It's actually the reason I am still a virgin. Extreme I know, but I think just seeing my sister and all of her kids, and overall just the pain and suffering from kids outside of marriage (child support as well, in fact getting put in jail for it because babby momma is mad) as well as being scared crapless of STDs, I don't know I have just abstained and yes by choice.
the both of yal sound to dumb to respond to...............
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

so you gonna act like soul food doesn't exist?

You mean that food that is made from circus grade meat, that is barely fit for a dog to eat?

It sends you to an early grave. Fact.
and here comes the self hate and non blacks who have no relation to the black community talking down or slick about the black community.
im sick and tired of black women playing the victim because they make bad decisions when dating they grow up without fathers so they dont know what a "good black man" is. And then they dont realize they messed up until they 30 with multiple kids by multiple men and working at McDonalds and got kids with names like Zenavia. Im sick and tired of black women antagonizing black men and the media doing the same thing and then black women wonder why black men date outside their race. Im out and around and related these type of women all the time being that you guys are on here im assuming yall are going by what yall see on the outside yall dont know whats really going on. These type of chicks want that "dboy" type of dude so they get with them get pregnant and the dude stop messing with them and now they all bitter and now they want some man to come and save them and dont no man want them so they run to the media and say there is no "good black men" around. These type of women are seriously intimidated when it comes to "good black men". Me being a black man that i feel is doing good for myself would say why would i marry a chick that has a kid and works at a fast food restaurant. But basically what im trying to say is there is no father in the house so the women dont know what type of man to look for so the they go off and get pregnant by losers and their kids grow up and do the same damn thing. I grew up with these same type of relatives lucky i did have my father around but the others didnt and they the same way got pregnant in their teens the kids dont look nothing like their fathers multiple kids by multiple fathers and they think its ok because there is no man around its mainly women so the situation is only getting worse as time goes on because my 15 year old cousin just had a baby a year ago and not even sure who that kids father is.

Sorry if im all over the place but im just typing as it comes to.
Originally Posted by JayPesoz

Originally Posted by cartune

The cycle

No black families -------> Girls grow up searching for love in the wrong places (Sex & Babies) ----------> babies grow up. Mothers lose interest in the well being of their kids -------->

Kids grow up searching for love in the wrong places (Sex, Gangs, Drugs, Fast Money schemes, Role models in entertainment)
Same guy who makes a song about "how to love" says *!%# !+@# get money the next sentence...

Do we see the problem here?� young kids buy that up.. not only boys and girls.. black men and women appreciate it and take it literally.. men think this is the way to live, women accept the lifestyle that comes with the culture..

The issue lies in a few places..

1)black people themselves..� men and women that bring children into the world with no plan or financial stability.. under educated.. BET and MTV don't teach life skills..
2)education system...OLD Jim Crow lives here... broken and never has addressed the fact that impoverished children are special needs, regardless of race (just so happens that a large percentage of AAs are that).. Imagine if all schools were created equal with the same funding.. and affluent families had to mix their kids with kids from low income homes.. hmmm we tried that and guess what started popping up.. bingo... private schools..
3)the media/community� mentioned above that portray athletes/entertainment as heroes and not the ones who actually deserve to be called that


forgot two things... black people and religion... in polls blacks are consistently identified as the most christian of all groups in this country.. how? I don't necessarily see it as a cause but it shows to me that hypocrisy is a crazy drug.  I truly feel that this statistic shows a slave mentality and lack of mental creativity.. How did Christianity reach all of these black people ?? let's think about that..

and to say having children out of wedlock is the problem is silly.. Marriage is an idea.. it's not the fact that the mother and father aren't married, it's the fact that they're not together and the father provides little to no financial support.. if marriage was the problem than white children would be screwed as well because divorce rates are sky high.. it has nothing to do with a happy marriage it's more about paternal involvement/support..

Just my thoughts man...
Regardless of race, why are people continuing to have kids when they are in no position to support them (stable family life or financially)?

Way too many birth control options out there. I dont get it.

Me personally, I'm there (financially at least) to support a child. I just don't want that now and have taken the necessary precautions in doing so. Why is that so hard for others??
Originally Posted by sloanboy

im sick and tired of black women playing the victim because they make bad decisions when dating they grow up without fathers so they dont know what a "good black man" is. And then they dont realize they messed up until they 30 with multiple kids by multiple men and working at McDonalds and got kids with names like Zenavia. Im sick and tired of black women antagonizing black men and the media doing the same thing and then black women wonder why black men date outside their race. Im out and around and related these type of women all the time being that you guys are on here im assuming yall are going by what yall see on the outside yall dont know whats really going on. These type of chicks want that "dboy" type of dude so they get with them get pregnant and the dude stop messing with them and now they all bitter and now they want some man to come and save them and dont no man want them so they run to the media and say there is no "good black men" around. These type of women are seriously intimidated when it comes to "good black men". Me being a black man that i feel is doing good for myself would say why would i marry a chick that has a kid and works at a fast food restaurant. But basically what im trying to say is there is no father in the house so the women dont know what type of man to look for so the they go off and get pregnant by losers and their kids grow up and do the same damn thing. I grew up with these same type of relatives lucky i did have my father around but the others didnt and they the same way got pregnant in their teens the kids dont look nothing like their fathers multiple kids by multiple fathers and they think its ok because there is no man around its mainly women so the situation is only getting worse as time goes on because my 15 year old cousin just had a baby a year ago and not even sure who that kids father is.

Sorry if im all over the place but im just typing as it comes to.
Make it plain my brotha. These black chicks get ran through by the thugs and d-boys in high school - mid 20's but want to look my way to take care of her and her kids. I ain't captain kirk nor captain save a %+%.
^^ So what? If that d-boy, college boy or choir boy got that black woman, he should take responsibility. As far as her making or expecting you to take of the child, I've never heard of that.
Originally Posted by cartune

Rock n Roll, Jazz, this new thing called Hip hop, urban slang, etc. those influences show up all over the world. and is the most imitated.

Black America has a culture it has an identity. The whole world knows it

Cartune has a point...but it doesn't lead him where I think he should be taking it...
I Think the better conclusion is:

"Everybody wanna be a *****, but don't nobody wanna be a *****"
This is a troubling problem. No longer does our community value the institution of marriage. Hell, that is evident by the crazy obscure comments that we see on this very board. The ridiculous "man is not meant to be monogamous" and "Marriage is no longer necessary" comments that we read everyday on here is proof that there is a serious problem going on.

I believe that for whatever reason (albeit movies, music, neighborhood influences, etc...) the African American culture devalues the role of a family today. I, for one, believe that it is a complete cop out to blame any form of entertainment on the effects of what happens to you in real life. However, I would be naive if I didn't acknowledge that it does have ''some'' effect.

As far as solutions, we need to focus on the truths about family. And the truth is, that family, both back andin day and now, is VITAL. Look at every important (not necessarily famous, but important) person that has impactedyour life. Whether it is a businessman/woman, politician, physician, attorney, clergyman, teacher, etc..., they all will mostly represent a strong familial structure. Me being new to my career and work force, I cant help to notice that all, and I mean ALL, of my superiors are married and have families. Now, of course, no marriage or family is perfect, and some may in facthave there share of side pieces and what not, but that foundation and structure of family is still present.

I am totally convinced that successis tied 100% to having structure and balance in one's life. That is exactly what family represents. We as African Americans used to understand that. Its the exact reason that we were able to overcome some of the most trying times in our Country's history. Now we just have to get back to that. And it starts by opening our eyes, and realizing that regardless what we may hear or see on TV, Internet, magazines, etc..., NOTHING is stronger than the family bond. Once we fix our mindset to focus back on family and its structure, we will also see increase of success in our communities. Killing the two birds with the proverbial stone, if you will. Just my $.02...
Originally Posted by Brolic Scholar

So now that we have the answers. What's the solution?

What are YOU going to do about it? All of you...


i teach and also coach. ive learned that when dealing with "urban" children its at times less about stressing academic instruction and more of life instruction. a lot starts with being a genuine role model
Originally Posted by bruza

Regardless of race, why are people continuing to have kids when they are in no position to support them (stable family life or financially)?

Way too many birth control options out there. I dont get it.

Me personally, I'm there (financially at least) to support a child. I just don't want that now and have taken the necessary precautions in doing so. Why is that so hard for others??

I have no idea
Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by Mr Marcus

Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Great point.

 No its not.

Yes we lost some of our African culture but White America dont act like Eurpoeans either. Becky cant trace her ancestor's culture from England either. 
Are you serious? If Becky's last name is O'Reilly, Moretti, or Ivanov she can easily go back and research the history, cultural traditions, and customs of her ancestors that came from either Ireland, Italy, or Russia.

Are you really telling me that Demarcus Johnson can go and do the same thing?
Originally Posted by krazy88s

^^ So what? If that d-boy, college boy or choir boy got that black woman, he should take responsibility. As far as her making or expecting you to take of the child, I've never heard of that.

yea but the AVERAGE NOT ALL black women who get pregnant at a young age its usually by some guy who was irresponsible in the first place so what make you think he is gonna change after she gets pregnant thats what im saying.......
Let's start with the head of the household which would be the black male for this statement provided.  The problems within our community for black males or even young black males are.........

1.  In route to or are in jail.

2..  Homosexuality.

3.  Dead before the age of 25.

Black women need to get their act together as well and STOP having kids at such an early age, and by so many different individuals as well.  As a woman once you have a kid or kids, especially by different dudes you decrease your chances of getting married or even being with a good dude later on in life. 
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