What has happened to black families vol 72% illegitimacy rate

Originally Posted by Deuce King

Let's start with the head of the household which would be the black male for this statement provided.  The problems within our community for black males or even young black males are.........

1.  In route to or are in jail.

2..  Homosexuality.

3.  Dead before the age of 25.

Black women need to get their act together as well and STOP having kids at such an early age, and by so many different individuals as well.  As a woman once you have a kid or kids, especially by different dudes you decrease your chances of getting married or even being with a good dude later on in life. 
Homosexuality at #2

I'm not black, so I can't comment much on this thread, but I just wanted to say that you're a joke.
Originally Posted by Brolic Scholar

So now that we have the answers. What's the solution?

What are YOU going to do about it? All of you...

What am I doing?

I work at the local YMCA it's a poor community surrounding it, most of the members enrolled in the sports programs and camps are on financial aid (something like 52%). That's why I love working at the Y, we NEVER turn down anybody looking for help whether it be financially to participate in camps and sports or with feeding them. We give out something like 800 pounds of food a month to families. We promote health, responsibility, and unity in the community.

It's a great feeling working there for a couple of reasons. First off I was a camper since I was in 1st grade in a low income YMCA camp called Mayfair. My parents were paying about $20 a week and I would go swimming, on field trips to places all over the bay area. I had amazing leaders who I genuinely looked up to and thought, "wow, they're really cool. I wanna be like them." I know from experience that leaders and people working with kids make a difference. I was one of those low income kids looking up at them.

Now me being a sports coach/ref/rock climbing instructor I know I'm making a difference in their lives. I'll go out somewhere and randomly here a little voice yell "Coach Miguel!" Look down and see a player on my team or league.

I guess what I'm doing is being a role model to these kids. Not only is it a good thing for them but it also makes me feel good, as if I'm doing something right.
Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Originally Posted by Deuce King

Let's start with the head of the household which would be the black male for this statement provided.  The problems within our community for black males or even young black males are.........

1.  In route to or are in jail.

2..  Homosexuality.

3.  Dead before the age of 25.

Black women need to get their act together as well and STOP having kids at such an early age, and by so many different individuals as well.  As a woman once you have a kid or kids, especially by different dudes you decrease your chances of getting married or even being with a good dude later on in life. 
Homosexuality at #2

I'm not black, so I can't comment much on this thread, but I just wanted to say that you're a joke.
Idk about that. Homosexuality is pretty rampant out here in the A. Straight females heavily outweigh straight males and it's one of the reasons many dudes out here are more likely to get it in than settle down. Theoretically there will always be a woman there when the dude is ready to settle down because the numbers are such in our favor. But I've only lived here for 3+ years so I may be mistaken.
Originally Posted by youngdoc

Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Originally Posted by Deuce King

Let's start with the head of the household which would be the black male for this statement provided.  The problems within our community for black males or even young black males are.........

1.  In route to or are in jail.

2..  Homosexuality.

3.  Dead before the age of 25.

Black women need to get their act together as well and STOP having kids at such an early age, and by so many different individuals as well.  As a woman once you have a kid or kids, especially by different dudes you decrease your chances of getting married or even being with a good dude later on in life. 
Homosexuality at #2

I'm not black, so I can't comment much on this thread, but I just wanted to say that you're a joke.
Idk about that. Homosexuality is pretty rampant out here in the A. Straight females heavily outweigh straight males and it's one of the reasons many dudes out here are more likely to get it in than settle down. Theoretically there will always be a woman there when the dude is ready to settle down because the numbers are such in our favor. But I've only lived here for 3+ years so I may be mistaken.
You know you live in the gay black capitol of the country, right? And I HIGHLY doubt straight black females heavily outweigh straight black males. I live in San Francisco, and even with one of the largest homosexual communities in the U.S., there are far more heterosexual males than homosexuals.
Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Originally Posted by Deuce King

Let's start with the head of the household which would be the black male for this statement provided.  The problems within our community for black males or even young black males are.........

1.  In route to or are in jail.

2..  Homosexuality.

3.  Dead before the age of 25.

Black women need to get their act together as well and STOP having kids at such an early age, and by so many different individuals as well.  As a woman once you have a kid or kids, especially by different dudes you decrease your chances of getting married or even being with a good dude later on in life. 
Homosexuality at #2

I'm not black, so I can't comment much on this thread, but I just wanted to say that you're a joke.

You should have stopped your comment right after the part in bold champ.  Since, like you said your not black therefore you really have no input on this matter or topic at hand, which makes YOU the joke.  Your on the outside looking in, we appreciate your vigor in wanting to participate in the matter though 

Like I was saying, many black women will tell you that from a numbers standpoint just within our community there are more women than males, which is true.  The numbers simply don't add up for black women out here.  That's even before the 3 issues I highlighted earlier, once you take those 3 into account it's pretty much bad news for alot of black women out here.  As black men we have options, lots of them.  Alot of men have the luxury of waiting to settle down if we choose to.
Do black folks really think people from the outside shouldn't have any input? If so, I'll stop here but the minority experience in the US is a shared one (each with different histories) but we have more in common with each other than with caucasian Americans. You can point a finger at slavery and say that "we won't understand" which is fine. I'm not trying to say I empathize with slavery because that would be untrue. I'm just saying, looking forward by pulling each other up is more beneficial than separating everyone into exclusive groups. Just saying.
Originally Posted by Deuce King

Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Originally Posted by Deuce King

Let's start with the head of the household which would be the black male for this statement provided.  The problems within our community for black males or even young black males are.........

1.  In route to or are in jail.

2..  Homosexuality.

3.  Dead before the age of 25.

Black women need to get their act together as well and STOP having kids at such an early age, and by so many different individuals as well.  As a woman once you have a kid or kids, especially by different dudes you decrease your chances of getting married or even being with a good dude later on in life. 
Homosexuality at #2

I'm not black, so I can't comment much on this thread, but I just wanted to say that you're a joke.

You should have stopped your comment right after the part in bold champ.  Since, like you said your not black therefore you really have no input on this matter or topic at hand, which makes YOU the joke.  Your on the outside looking in, we appreciate your vigor in wanting to participate in the matter though 

Like I was saying, many black women will tell you that from a numbers standpoint just within our community there are more women than males, which is true.  The numbers simply don't add up for black women out here.  That's even before the 3 issues I highlighted earlier, once you take those 3 into account it's pretty much bad news for alot of black women out here.  As black men we have options, lots of them.  Alot of men have the luxury of waiting to settle down if we choose to.
Once again a reason why black communities struggle.. You want to blame everything on the system but as soon as a non black person comments or tries to provide solutions in aide of the situation you tell him to butt out?
Grow up dude..Who are you to say you have ownership over all "black" issues? Whether you like it or not cultures in this country are all inter related.. Black tax dollars as well as white go into social programs that help struggling mothers of all races.. As far as I'm concerned it's an issue up for debate for all Americans..
Homosexuality in the black community is a main reason why black women can't find a good man?  Even if that held validity (which is comical to me), Who said black women can't look for a man outside of their race? Maybe they're looking for men in all the wrong places.. and buying into what their peers and community deem as an attractive choice rather than using their brains and having higher standards...
BTW, If anything, studies show that homosexual partners that adopt children provide equal if not better households for children than heterosexual ones..So slow down
the main factor holding black families in check are bad decisions.. as you slightly touched on later in your offering.. There are plenty of single men looking for a woman and if a woman gives it up too fast and is stuck with a dead beat daddy.. Then repeats the process..I think that's goes to show she's not very intelligent and does not exactly look out for the best interests of her children..  let's not just blame it on society.. she never had to open her legs, unprotected at that.. "the luxury of waiting" ? women must have children before 30 or something? or all the black men will be taken or in jail or gay? LMAO
Let's stop acting like black women don't deserve a burden of responsibility along with males who flee at the scent of responsibility...

And Yes I'm part black so I guess I have "Input" on the matter... Unless Obama isn't black enough to comment.. then maybe I'm also on the "outside looking in... "

The ignorance is rampant..
Originally Posted by Boys Noize

Do black folks really think people from the outside shouldn't have any input? If so, I'll stop here but the minority experience in the US is a shared one (each with different histories) but we have more in common with each other than with caucasian Americans. You can point a finger at slavery and say that "we won't understand" which is fine. I'm not trying to say I empathize with slavery because that would be untrue. I'm just saying, looking forward by pulling each other up is more beneficial than separating everyone into exclusive groups. Just saying.

No , please ignore ignorance and the speech of 1 as the voice of the majority.. Part of the problem is when people make statements like the homie made..continue to comment .. the discourse is the way it is today because voices were at one point limited...
Off the top of my head I can think of 3 chicks, all college educated, all with decent common sense and intelligence, and they all have kids and no husbands (and never been married).  A lot of non-@#%!!#@ chicks nowadays want a baby, regardless of whether they have a husband or not.  
Do black folks really think people from the outside shouldn't have any input?
No that's not the case.  That individual laughed at the 3 issues I named but then said he's not black and said he can't comment on the matter.  I simply agreed with him.  


Homosexuality in the black community is a main reason why black women can't find a good man?  Even if that held validity (which is comical to me), Who said black women can't look for a man outside of their race? Maybe they're looking for men in all the wrong places.. and buying into what their peers and community deem as an attractive choice rather than using their brains and having higher standards...
Do me a favor champ, go ask a black women for yourself, especially depending on what city or area we are talking about and then report your latest findings to me and the rest of the board.  If and once you do that you will see what exactly I'm talking about.  Ask them about homosexuality and then ask them why they don't look for a man outside their race.  The truth of the matter is black women really don't have the option of looking outside of their race like black men do.  There's others points added onto that as well, but I will save that part for now. 
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

I have a question tho. Can a woman honestly raise a boy to be a man? Why/why not?
although i had 2 older brothers, and my dad was around till i was about 8...i would say yes. Its definitely not easy nor likely to occur in most boys, but yes. My Mom did it, 3 in total. I'll admit, both of my brothers F!!!d up and didnt fare out as well as i did, but that was do to our own choices and following what we know is right and wrong. But yes a woman can.

Originally Posted by Boys Noize

Do black folks really think people from the outside shouldn't have any input? If so, I'll stop here but the minority experience in the US is a shared one (each with different histories) but we have more in common with each other than with caucasian Americans. You can point a finger at slavery and say that "we won't understand" which is fine. I'm not trying to say I empathize with slavery because that would be untrue. I'm just saying, looking forward by pulling each other up is more beneficial than separating everyone into exclusive groups. Just saying.

Nobody who posted in this thread was a slave either so no need to apologize on that front, and yes they really do think nobody of any other race can have an opinion on anything regarding black people. Ludacris huh? It's not like the current approach has bought much success. But don't bother trying to relay the similarities between people of different races and their plights, black people think they have a monopoly on oppression and racism and nobody else gets it. That damn white man, he's controlling our every move. It's all his fault! +$*@ is disgraceful the amount of excuses.

And Deuce King surprisingly neglected to add that black men graduate at LESS than 50%, so that also affects the options to black women since they are not highly rated amongst other races of men as options. That leaves them almost no choice but to marry/date down, in fact the success gap between black females and black males is the largest such gap in any racial group.
Black men values $$$ more than being Educated..............

The Swag is in the bank account as opposed to who you are/ your brain

Originally Posted by Deuce King

Do black folks really think people from the outside shouldn't have any input?
No that's not the case.  That individual laughed at the 3 issues I named but then said he's not black and said he can't comment on the matter.  I simply agreed with him.  


Homosexuality in the black community is a main reason why black women can't find a good man?  Even if that held validity (which is comical to me), Who said black women can't look for a man outside of their race? Maybe they're looking for men in all the wrong places.. and buying into what their peers and community deem as an attractive choice rather than using their brains and having higher standards...
Do me a favor champ, go ask a black women for yourself, especially depending on what city or area we are talking about and then report your latest findings to me and the rest of the board.  If and once you do that you will see what exactly I'm talking about.  Ask them about homosexuality and then ask them why they don't look for a man outside their race.  The truth of the matter is black women really don't have the option of looking outside of their race like black men do.  There's others points added onto that as well, but I will save that part for now. 

So you never stated he was on the outside looking IN? let's reexamine our posts before we backtrack, edit and cower under scrutiny...
Honestly, people that make excuses are just allowing the cycle to continue.... Hold people accountable.. nobody is forcing these women to multiply with deadbeats...

Also big guy I did you a favor.. spoke to a few black women...I live with one btw.. none stated that homosexuality was a reason that black women can't find a good man to breed with... Nice try though and next time you assume I don't speak to black people go ahead and leave your judgements at the door..If one day I'm black as you possibly I'll be able to research a little further... 
So you live in Atlanta with a large gay male population? So what, that leaves black women to only have a child with a loser?  How about using a condom?
What about celibacy? Who forcing these people to engage in unprotected sex?

So gay guys are stealing all of the good black men from the women? I still think that's a poor excuse for bad family planning and irresponsible behavior, but please keep making excuses for them and I'm sure It'll all get better soon

and yes go ahead and save your "better points" for never
Originally Posted by gambit215

Black men values $$$ more than being Educated..............

The Swag is in the bank account as opposed to who you are/ your brain


Now if I didn't have a keen sense of history I would say that the statement made is somewhat true. But to neglect years of psychological abuse inflicted upon blacks the world over would be a disservice to those who know clearly the fight at hand. However, if an educated black man so happens to possess an attribute such as swagger along with an innate conceptualization of cognition then your point is invalid. To value money over education would be a byproduct of the environment and the social constraints that prevent one from being fully engaged in a system that values positive traits over so called negative traits. Look at the situation holistically instead of breaking it down into segments structured around race, which ultimately provides a limited view when trying to access the situation minus the personal bias. It was no mere coincidence that the Bell Curve was created to justify racism, with its Pseudo-Science jargon on the difference in IQ within different races. You don’t' merely, "blame the man," but you take into consideration the entire gamut before arriving at a conclusion based on factors that are more complex than just knowing when to put on a condom, or even abstaining from sex altogether.
damn now we have to be celibate?

definitely time for black women to start looking outside the race if they feel there aren't any decent black men...

i honestly have no idea why we are so loyal to black men...think its mostly out of fear
Originally Posted by gllahone84

Fear of what?

something different...what your friends/family will say

that men of another race would even find you attractive enough to date
So you never stated he was on the outside looking IN? let's reexamine our posts before we backtrack, edit and cower under scrutiny...

First off, he is on the outside looking in, that's a fact, doesn't mean he can't partake in the topic however.  Secondly, as a black man I stated 3 issues that pertain to this topic at hand.  That person tried to laugh off one of my points, he should have at least asked for my rationale behind that point instead of trying to speak on a matter that he even himself admitted that maybe he should not have been commenting on due to his race.  It would be no different than me entering a thread where the topic was about the illegitmacy rate within the white community and laughing off a white person's comment regarding the matter and then saying I'm not white.  How would I know or how can I determine what's truly affecting one's community if I'm truly not apart of it. 

definitely time for black women to start looking outside the race if they feel there aren't any decent black men...

Come on now, WE all know that's not happening.

i honestly have no idea why we are so loyal to black men...think its mostly out of fear

That's not it
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