What if Tim Tebow was gay?

Sep 1, 2011
Realtalk this guy has an amazing influence on people and is constantly praised for being the perfect human.  If he was gay it would make the world a better place.  He's already a great athlete, christian, virgin?, and now if he came out the closet.
 People would have no choice but to respect him.  He would really bring so many people together it would be insane. 

Think about the 2 sides it would bring together

jocks/bullies vs. gays/weird kids
christians vs. gays
athletes vs gays

Crazy thought.  Kinda like that guy on the movie Valentines Day

Just a random thought the other day. 
Its funny...hes so famous now that if he lost his virginity to a random skeezer he'd lose all that respect he built up...so he HAS to stay a virgin now if he wants to stay in the public eye...

but the longer he stays a virgin, especially as a professional american athlete, the more the gay rumors will pile up.
Originally Posted by sillyputty

Its funny...hes so famous now that if he lost his virginity to a random skeezer he'd lose all that respect he built up...so he HAS to stay a virgin now if he wants to stay in the public eye...

but the longer he stays a virgin, especially as a professional american athlete, the more the gay rumors will pile up.
Yeah pretty much.  All he has to do is get married tho.

It's funny you posted this, cause I was thinking that exact question while scanning the cesspools
known as the "Not ashamed to admit I'm Christian" and "Why I'm a persecuted for not accepting Gays"
Something about Tebow screams I like penis, I can't really put my finger on it but I've been told I have impeccable gaydar so be on the look out.
 I'm like the Dexter of homosexuality, I know how to spot em.
Originally Posted by Peep Game

It's funny you posted this, cause I was thinking that exact question while scanning the cesspools
known as the "Not ashamed to admit I'm Christian" and "Why I'm a persecuted for not accepting Gays"
Seriously he would shatter some peoples minds and beliefs to the point they would change or hate him for showing them the light.

I'm sure there's a christian pastor that loves Tebow and hates gays.  then BAM!

I'm sure there's a high school QB that idolizes Tebow and hates gays. then BAM!

how would these people react? They would have no choice but to be open to his lifestyle and respect him. Which could change their personal beliefs

Originally Posted by MonStar1

Originally Posted by Peep Game

It's funny you posted this, cause I was thinking that exact question while scanning the cesspools
known as the "Not ashamed to admit I'm Christian" and "Why I'm a persecuted for not accepting Gays"
Seriously he would shatter some peoples minds and beliefs to the point they would change or hate him for showing them the light.

I'm sure there's a christian pastor that loves Tebow and hates gays.  then BAM!

I'm sure there's a high school QB that idolizes Tebow and hates gays. then BAM!

how would these people react? They would have no choice but to be open to his lifestyle and respect him. Which could change their personal beliefs

gay asian and muslim, 

that should be a good minority
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Something about Tebow screams I like penis, I can't really put my finger on it but I've been told I have impeccable gaydar so be on the look out.
 I'm like the Dexter of homosexuality, I know how to spot em.

Buddy is gay... And if he isn't, He does a damn good impersonation
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Something about Tebow screams I like penis, I can't really put my finger on it but I've been told I have impeccable gaydar so be on the look out.
 I'm like the Dexter of homosexuality, I know how to spot em.

^^^It would definitely confuse/contradict loads of people's mindsets.

"He believes in god, b b b but he's gay"

"He's gay, b b b but he believes in god"

"I confusioned"
It'd be hilarious. I'd love to see the hypocrites come out the woodwork.

Gay rumors will pile up until he gets married.
Originally Posted by JD214

I would stop being a fan of Tebow if he was gay.

I got my eye on you, you may have fooled everybody else JD but you aint fooling me
Originally Posted by MonStar1

Originally Posted by Peep Game

It's funny you posted this, cause I was thinking that exact question while scanning the cesspools
known as the "Not ashamed to admit I'm Christian" and "Why I'm a persecuted for not accepting Gays"
Seriously he would shatter some peoples minds and beliefs to the point they would change or hate him for showing them the light.

I'm sure there's a christian pastor that loves Tebow and hates gays.  then BAM!

I'm sure there's a high school QB that idolizes Tebow and hates gays. then BAM!

how would these people react? They would have no choice but to be open to his lifestyle and respect him. Which could change their personal beliefs

Or they would claim they've been duped by the devil/sin and immediately forget about their past feelings of Tebow. It would be a massive surprise for a lot of devout Christians, but let's not pretend there's going to be an immediate acceptance of homosexuality just because Tebow comes out. If people can turn on their own family members after they come out of the closet, what's to stop them from doing it to Tebow?
That's not to say it's guaranteed people would turn on him, but a lot of his fans are Christians first, then fans of Tebow second. I don't think he's swaying the minds of a majority of those people. 
Uncle Rico??

No way. lol

Seriously though, I wouldn't shocked. Gays are the main ones in the church.
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