What Is Jail Like?


But yeah, I think the main misconception people are making is that that the jail experience is just like the prison experience.

In jail, there's a a greater sense of humanity, in the sense that most of the people are in there for misdemeanors or petty offenses, so they're not trying to start some stuff up because they know they're getting out sooner or later.  Also, as long as you treat everyone with respect, you shouldn't get bothered by anyone in your block.  Each block is usually broken down into huge dormitory type rooms with bunk beds, a single TV in the front, and showers and toilets in the back.  Outside of the recreation time to go outside, most heads will do push-ups, read the paper, play chess or checkers, or even read when they're not watching TV. 

You would expect a bunch of dudes in jail to be violent, but that's not the case for the most part.  In one of the upper corners of the blocks is a bird's nest of sorts, as far as surveillance to make sure nothing extreme or out of the ordinary goes down.

The key thing to remember is you want to make your time in there as short as possible.  If you act up or are having problems in your block, they'll put you in isolation, which is basically a whole block full of individual cells where you have nothing but a cold bed with a mat over it, and a latrine with a sink on top to handle your business.  I forgot to mention how the comissary works: Forms for the commissary are passed out periodically every week.  If someone you know came to visit and put some money on your books, you can use that to buy snacks, candy, stationary, and even an FM radio.  Outside of that, there's no interesting stuff to be had.  And the food is actually way better than you would expect.

But I digress.  After all, that's more or less the jail experience.  I'm positive prison is far more grimey.
I went to jail for being drunk in public. Was in there for like 10 hours. Wasn't too bad until this twacked out Charles Manson looking fiend came in still jacked up on horse tranquilizers or something. He was arrested for domestic violence. His ear was still bleeding and stuff. He just came in and laid down and slept like it was nothing
. I ended up just talking to this other cat who got a DUI. They ended up moving me into another cell with tons of phones so I spent the rest of my night calling all my friends so they could bail me out.

Edit-Yeah I had to take off my belt, shoes and socks while in there. I think it was because there was blood all over the shoes and socks though...
Jail is a very strange experience. You will never really be able to understand what it is like off a verbal description.
I have been to several different types of jails and have relatives who have been as far as you can go and still come back.
It is different everywhere you go, even city to city. There is no bigger prison system than TDC. Now when I say TDC I mean
Texas Department of Corrections,which is prison, city/county jails most of time are a less pleasurable experience than prison time.
My friend is currently in Federal Prison in Kentucky(Big Sandy).

He has been to multiple jails across the country since he is in the FEDS, but he said the place he is at now is NO JOKE.

He said he seen a man killed, raped, the whole 9. He said it is something like you would see in the movies.
Originally Posted by str8barre

Jail is a very strange experience. You will never really be able to understand what it is like off a verbal description.
I have been to several different types of jails and have relatives who have been as far as you can go and still come back.
It is different everywhere you go, even city to city. There is no bigger prison system than TDC. Now when I say TDC I mean
Texas Department of Corrections,which is prison, city/county jails most of time are a less pleasurable experience than prison time.
I feel you.  I've seen some dudes come out of TDC paranoid as far as their mental state, so I can only imagine what it's like to be in there for an extended period of time.  And on the flip side of things, being in Central Texas I've met guys who've been in and out of the local county jail like it had a revolving door, so it's always different wherever you go.
Flightposite wrote:

Can you tell me what you live like?
Can you tell me what that bed like, what's that cell like?
What's livin in hell like?
Tell me do you eat right? Do you even sleep right?
Yo, tell me what your life like
Tell me do you sleep nights, tell me what that life like?
Gettin no kites like, no flicks like
Make you wanna quit life

^ What Your Life Like from his first album is much better in terms of describing what prison is like.

matters what type of prison you going to, theres fedefral, upstate, counties, from my understanding upstate aint to bad you get your own tv, but ive only been to county jail and it was terrrible everyone in there said theyd rather be upstate, but if you upstate that means you doing a decent amount of time.
Both of my brothers were locked up in federal prisons. Oldest brothers has been locked up twice for a grand total of 12 years. I won't ask him about it and I doubt he would ever tell me.
- Thank You!

- I've been looking everywhere for that Behind the Booty - Fleece Johnson video (nh)

- comedy.
Originally Posted by r0yalty

Originally Posted by JosephSKC

Jail ain't bad. Prison is what you wanna worry about. Jail time is easy, but prison time just seems so much longer, probably because it is
I did 30 days in county for a DUI and didn't have any problems. Could be my intimidating stature (6'6", 230 lbs)
Or you might have scared them away from all those Domino's pizzas and men magazines that were sent to your house after Target got rid of you
That would've been funny if it actually happened. I was fired from target in May '08 for discount abuse, all that happened in December '07 as I'm sure you know. Dominos Pizza? They don't deliver here. Men magazines? I'd hardly call "Growers Supply" a mens magazine. Anything else?
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