What Is Jail Like?

so...if i get arrested and thrown into jail for like DUI or somethin...and I'm listening to my ipod.

will they let me take my ipod in to listen?
Originally Posted by JosephSKC

Jail ain't bad. Prison is what you wanna worry about. Jail time is easy, but prison time just seems so much longer, probably because it is
I did 30 days in county for a DUI and didn't have any problems. Could be my intimidating stature (6'6", 230 lbs)
why the %*%@ did you get 30 days? you hit a car or something? And what state are you in...
Originally Posted by Truballa101

so...if i get arrested and thrown into jail for like DUI or somethin...and I'm listening to my ipod.

will they let me take my ipod in to listen?

I'm gonna leave it at that.
Anyways, got a DUI a few months ago and was in my own cell at campus for a couple hours then went downtown and
The people there weren't bad but god damn i felt like going crazy. Just the fact that you are LOCKED up and cannot leave and the guards treat you like %!%+ is +@#@%%...NEVER gonna go back, i don't know how i'd deal with it...10 hours was enough for me
Originally Posted by PJ and Bompton

Anyways, got a DUI a few months ago and was in my own cell at campus for a couple hours then went downtown and
The people there weren't bad but god damn i felt like going crazy. Just the fact that you are LOCKED up and cannot leave and the guards treat you like %!%+ is +@#@%%...NEVER gonna go back, i don't know how i'd deal with it...10 hours was enough for me
Pretty much, man.  Like the dude a page or so said before, you can tell how many dudes who replied to this post know nothing about what the inside is really like.  Just like anywhere else in life, real recognizes real.  If people feel like they can play you and punk you, you better believe you're going to do it.  And even then, you have to be looking extra funny for dudes to think you're just that soft. 

All in all, the biggest conflict you have is that internal conflict, like those long nights you want to be with your girl or the days you just want to be hanging out with your partners and loved ones.  It's no secret being stuck in a cell for so much time can eventually break a person's spirit, and ultimately alter their temperament.

And as for that WSHH clip: They should show that to all those young dudes in the juvenile detention centers doing stupid stuff.  I guarantee they'll think twice about things after seeing that.
my boy was in jail for a few months, dude is 5'5 at the most so i thought he was going to get checked but he said he didnt. He was telling me funny stories about him playing basketball and the few crazy people in there. He did make some friends in there

Its not a place I would like to be though
^^^ Watch this documentary.. Its a couple years old but I liked it. It gives you some perspective.

That Dude Pistol Pete now rocks with Fat Joe and Terror Squad.
jail sucks, eff that place.

nasty food, nasty jail clothes, and just being confined was enough for me to not eff up again.

i seen alot of people i knew inside though so it was fun and jokes to an extent but it gets boring after a while.

appreciate your freedom.
Jusr watched that whole documentary.. good vid... Rikers is willllddd though dam... I would never wanna be in there.. but yea that is the difference between Jail and Prison... Rikers is prison but my county jail is nothing to worry about... you are put in cells with people of similar crimes.. violent offenders are kept seperate... so in county violence is kept to a minimum
been in a holding cell over night twice, once for the chron and once for suspended license (didnt find the chron

the first time was sooo grimey. it was during the summer and i was wearing my s.perry boat shoes with no socks when they caught me. you have to take your shoelaces out your shoes when they keep you there, and you cant take the laces off the boat shoes. I was forced to spend the night in that small %!! cell with no shoes or socks
at least my dude was with me
Originally Posted by marionthebarberian

Originally Posted by Cicero Avenue Dopeman

Prison, is way better than jail. More freedom


I remember the first time I went in to the county jail here in Dallas, these 2 white dudes tried to punk me out for my sandwich. My fellow hispanic's had my back.
Originally Posted by TheCalculator

Originally Posted by marionthebarberian

Originally Posted by Cicero Avenue Dopeman

Prison, is way better than jail. More freedom


I remember the first time I went in to the county jail here in Dallas, these 2 white dudes tried to punk me out for my sandwich. My fellow hispanic's had my back.

when i went in i had the
look on my face because i got put in with all the mexicans because of my last name, im white and puerto rican but look straight white.  everyone was cool with me though we were just crackin jokes most of the time, but my inital reaction was, damn im sure going to fit in here well.
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