What is some of the dumbest $!!+ you've ever done in anger?

almost pushed my cousin down the stairs cuz she cleaned my room
Punched and kicked numerous walls and put holes in them between 4th and 11th grade. This year (college freshman), my brother's friend jumped on my back soa slammed him into the wall and made a big hole.
  • picked up a chair and threw it through a door
  • I threw 3 picks in a row in Madden so I got up and punted a football into the ceiling and made a huge hole
  • punched many holes in walls
  • kicked through a door (still never got that fixed smh)
punched out a microwave window when i couldn't find a spatula while my pancakes were burning
through a metal skateboarding truck at my cousins head and busted it open (still haunts me to this day)
broke a couple of ps3 remotes over fifa 09
dont have much on me other than fights..... but one of my boys back in high school got dumped by his chic of oh maybe 3 mins? reality it was like 3 or 4 monthsdont really remember. He got so mad that he ran his car straight into a wall..... yyyeeeaaaaaaaa we just gave him then
A few years back I don't even remember why i was pissed but i threw my air conditioner remote against the wall. Smashed it up. Now everytime i get up toput the AC on/off I never forget lol. pretty dumb.
Originally Posted by SoleWoman

punched out two windows
punched out a glass mirror on campus
swung at my ex, missed (well i didnt miss persay...he just ducked real quick athletes ftw), and put a hole in the wall behind him
broke a few glass dishes
got into a physical fight with my stepdad over space jams
knocked a door off the hinges
broke the shutters on the pantry door by punching them in
punched my lil brother in the stomach and knocked the wind out of him
broke a few remotes and phones by throwing them
broke a guy's nose when he wouldnt leave me alone

i have calmed a lot since i have grown up. people started threatning me with assault charges and bootcamp. but whatever.
you the girl from true life: anger management?
i told my science teacher in junior high to %!+% off

did i mention she was a nun?
Originally Posted by AddictedToFreshKicks

  • picked up a chair and threw it through a door
  • I threw 3 picks in a row in Madden so I got up and punted a football into the ceiling and made a huge hole
  • punched many holes in walls
  • kicked through a door (still never got that fixed smh)
.. I could just imagine that man hahaha
Originally Posted by gentry187

I smashed my cousin!

Threw my controller at the ground after losing in Garbage of War 2.

Got pissed after failing a test, tried to kick the paper on the ground, and ended up kicking the wall, breaking my toe.
Screamed at my ex in front of everyone, her friends and my friends.
that has ruined our friendship till this day
*sigh* i remember back in junior college when i permanently ended a friendly relationship (one in which i was planning to step up) with one of the mostbeautiful and nicest girls i had known up until that point.

it was the last day of finals and i had failed microbiology AND physiology resulting in me being pulled from the waiting list of my school's nursingprogram (along with all the other colleges i was applying for). naturally i was pissed for having put myself in that position and i was snappy the entire day.

as i was leaving campus, i was halfway through the parking lot when an SUV behind me began honking its horn. i decide to take the passive approach at first andi began to speed up a bit, yet the honks continued on. i stop the car, roll down the window and start yelling profanities at this supposed douche, but then irealize that the driver is none other than my fantasy girlfriend. she rolls down her own window and sticks her head out, and she's in good spirits.she's got this big smile on her face looking so friendly on top of being so fine and she goes onto say how she was sorry about the honking. she was justtrying to flag me down because she wanted to know how i did in my classes. i still don't know why i did what i did up til this day and i wish it neverhappened, but even after knowing that it was her i STILL kept cussing her out. i really was that pissed.

in the end, this gorgeous latina chick who i had hoped to just take out for dinner one day gave me the cold shoulder up until she transferred out. i'd sayi saw her about 4 or 5 times in the next year walking around campus, but i had too much pride to straight up say i was sorry, nor did i even to attempt toexplain the reason i was in such a crummy mood that particular day.
i threw my controller against at the wall playing some idiot cheeser on nba 2k9

i also punched a hole in my door after i got into a arguement with my girl.
11 years old, I kicked a hole on the wall near my bedroom after I finished last in a 20-turn game in Mario Party. My brither, a couple of my friends, and Iplayed the whole game, and I finished last without any stars. My mom took away the N64 from me for a month after my tantrum happened.

Also in 5th grade,I threw a pencil at my teacher after complaining about one little math problem. Got my #+# suspended for 5 days.

Most of the things I've done out of anger were through some petty #%%+.
I have really done nothing bad when I'm angry. Just punching walls, but never hurt myself or the wall.

I have done some *%$$ messing around. We used to mess around downstairs in this little hall with like a little basketball hoop. So one time I was messingaround and ran after my brother who went into the bahroom and I juust kept running and it broke around the handle. My dad was hella pissed
Hmmm I punched a wall in high school during summer league.... i broke my hand, my coach was
my teammates were

My hand swelled up in like 3 minutes
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