What is your type of girl? vol. Team Scene

Apr 25, 2005
So NT, What's your type?




and the classic:

girls who are chill who don't always need to go to the club to have a good time.  girls who don't feel the need to have a million facebook friends and post every place they checked into.  i like pretty girls but not super fine cause those types are usually a mess. i usually go for mixed chicks but everyone in minneapolis is mixed.
  as long as she's cool, not fat and decent looking i'm good. an appreciation for tattoos and cars is a plus.
girls who are chill who don't always need to go to the club to have a good time.  girls who don't feel the need to have a million facebook friends and post every place they checked into.  i like pretty girls but not super fine cause those types are usually a mess. i usually go for mixed chicks but everyone in minneapolis is mixed.
  as long as she's cool, not fat and decent looking i'm good. an appreciation for tattoos and cars is a plus.
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