What phrases did your parents/grandparents use to say?

Sep 16, 2003
"Its hot as the dickens"
"Time to hit the sack, jack"

There's more but that's all I can think of right now.
"Back in my day..."
"Useless as **** on a bull"
"A willow switch was the answer to adhd"
"I remember when that (insert product here) was 5 cents on Saturdays"
why does everyones sayings seem like their grandparents/parents lives in the south....?


mines do
lol because more than likely they were. Mad people got grandparents in the south, especially Black folks.
"poo-tang-inah!" yeah i dont know how to spell it.
and "a'lah!" (like the angered Filipino version of "i told you so!")
Too many to list.

They use words like "heap" and "newmounia"


That's not what they really were saying, but that's how I remember it for some weird reason..
ano ka ba?

parang abnormal bata ka.

pu tang ina mo!!

excuse my spelling.
Oh my gulai
Bahala ka
Ay susmariosep
Do you want dah belt?
Da muu-muu will get you, sigeh
Get it together, buddy boy, or you're in for a ruuuuude awakening - Mom

I am NOT your [f]ing playmate - Mom

Play with me, I'll cave your [f]ing chest in - Mom

You [f]ers are gonna give me a nervous breakdown - Dad's mom

You obviously didn't think that thru - Dad

That boy's squeakin'!! - Dad [talkin' about my boy Mike who wore uniform pants that were too tight.....he said when he walked, his pants squeaked

A lot more...
when I used to complain about food, like dirt or something, my dad would say "you'll eat a shovel full of *%%@ before you die"

"colder than a witches tit"
goodness gracious
stars and garters
you ain't gonna make my blood pressure go up (i know what this means know, LOL SMH)
6 in one hand, half a dozen in the other
god willin
come hell or high water
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