What phrases did your parents/grandparents use to say?


"Look at me like that again and you'll die BLIND!"

"I will beat you.... till you can't sit down"

"Snatch from me again and they'll be calling you righty/lefty (oposite of which ever hand did the act+"y")

"What, you got a respiratory problem?" (That was for every angry huff and puff a kid made

"Fix your face before I come fix it for you" (We weren't allowed to twist our faces up if she said something we didn't like. She ain'tplay that *%$#

"If you were actually stupid, I wouldn't even be mad right now" (For every bad grade or dumb thing I did

"3 times...3 times.. 3 times I went to the hospital. All I got was you 3 coloreds..
. It's not fair
... " (Inside joke always said in jest:had something to do with her white co worker having 3 well behaved white kids

Man.. mom was a trip.. I can't even remember half the *%$# off hand, but the lady was a riot to me
. I miss her a lot, but in a good way I guess
"You want something to cry about?" hahaha
The keeping out with the jones one posted earlier
money doesnt grow on trees
we are the rich not the poor- line from the bible my mom would say
"It ain't Christmas every day", usually after he said no to us asking for something: candy, shoes, etc.

Originally Posted by JWM

Originally Posted by Primavera Vills

I am NOT your [f]ing playmate - Mom

Play with me, I'll cave your [f]ing chest in - Mom
my mom use to tell me the same thing
me:: momma im hungry
mom:: hey hungry my name is momma nice to meet you
Mom talking about being scared - "You coulda sold me for a penny."

Mom talking about girls who gave it up - "I see she wasn't sadiddy, with the kitty."

Dad - "You must think I'm zipperhead Fred." (Meaning I could just open his head and put any old lie in there."
Grandma- "Only the strong survive"

Plan on getting it tatted somewhere on my body in memory of her.
Originally Posted by GolfAlphaBravoEcho

Mom talking about being scared - "You coulda sold me for a penny."

Mom talking about girls who gave it up - "I see she wasn't sadiddy, with the kitty."

Dad - "You must think I'm zipperhead Fred." (Meaning I could just open his head and put any old lie in there."

Sup G?

That reminds me, I almost got THEE @%*! knocked out of me the first time pops hit me with a... you must think I'm Boo Boothe Fool... like.... what... the %*!% is boo boo the fool?!? I still don't know and that was 4thgrade.....and he NEVER explained that %+*% neither! He still won't! He was dead serious and I was dying laughing
my g-ma always says "Nobody ever died from working too hard" if she asks me about work and i complain about hours. and my dad always says "i wasraised on that" if you talk about a specific vegetable or like traditional meal in general.
Originally Posted by Mycoldyourdone

Originally Posted by ellimaCecyoJ

Oh my gulai
Bahala ka
Ay susmariosep
Do you want dah belt?
Da muu-muu will get you, sigeh

ders a moomoo in yor closset
hoy close the light

hoy slow it down es to loud
grandparents quote:

whenever one of the kids would say something bad they'd say, "you're gonna die with a rat on your mouth."
Me: Can we go go out to eat?
Parents: Okay let's go out!!
Me: Ohh okay where are we going?
Parents: Outside in dah backyard!

Okay, not a phrase but they said this alot.
Grandma has a million phrases

"ain't got a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of"
"the worst thing to ever shhh behind a pair of shoes"
"busier than a cat covering up shhh"
"uglier than the law allows"
"quiet enough to hear a rat piss on cotton"
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