What schools can i get into with a 2.1 as a transfer student?[pac10 NT'rs only]

Nov 27, 2007

i hate this cc crap. i wanna go to a nice 4 year like U of A, Oregon, any pac-10 school to be honest

what school can i get into?
Maybe you should take some easy transferable classes to boost your GPA...its going to be tough for you...if you're transferring out of state, it'llalso make the requirements a bit stricter.

BTW, unfortunately I'm at a WCC school
But the advice works justthe same.
I go to the UfoO and the minimum GPA for a transfer student is 2.25 and you need to have completed math 111 and two terms of a Language.
ASU (posting for ZoDogg)

it's gonna be very tough....well in terms of Pac10 schools obviously there aren't very many realistic options. if u can boost the GPA and then applysome other time i'd suggest doing that.
I would like to go to any pac10 school outside of california. so i guess pac 6 haha. i think i can get my gpa to a 2.3 after this semester
ASU would take you in a heart beat but you don't want to go there.

I'd try Arizona or Oregon
dfresh! i wanna go to u of a so badly. always wanted to. visited the campus last summer and i was blown away. loved it.
Originally Posted by Uter Zorker

Yeah try Arizona State if you're not worried about academics

Try U of A if you're not worried about a decent athletics program, or females, or basically anything else.
I'd probably say that you have a good chance of getting into any State School. As far as UC's, You would have to write a pretty good personal statementto maybe even get accepted to Santa Cruz.
I'd probably say that you have a good chance of getting into any State School. As far as UC's, You would have to write a pretty good personal statementto maybe even get accepted to Santa Cruz.
why transfer to a 4 year college
if you cant succeed at a community college
then wat makes you think you will succeed at a university
why transfer to a 4 year college
if you cant succeed at a community college
then wat makes you think you will succeed at a university

It can be done sometimes it can just be the atmosphere at CC Its pretty much like high school and for me it didnt seem like an actual college. I didnt really succeed there but had 2.8 and got into the UofO and finished winter term with a 3.7 GPA (3.3 cumlative(sp?)). Ill im saying is a change of attitude and scenery might really help.
Originally Posted by SWOBOYdeHTEEZY

Originally Posted by Uter Zorker

Yeah try Arizona State if you're not worried about academics

Try U of A if you're not worried about a decent athletics program, or females, or basically anything else.


I heard there's another pool party this weekend
^^ You know!! I did the exact same thing and im doing pretty well so I understand your situation and If you get that GPA to a 2.3 I hope to see you at Oregonhaha
Why don't you just move to the state you want to transfer to now (Oregon or Arizona) and go to a CC there? It will be a change of scenery for you, andwill get you away from your distractions (Home, High School friends). Furthermore, when you are ready to transfer after 2 years, you will pay resident tuitioninstead of non-resident tuition.
U of O ... when you apply, write a little paper sayin why your GPA is low... aka I made some bs up .. and i got in with a 2.1
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