!!!! What the hell did Kanye West just do!!!?

Originally Posted by shoepacalypse

Originally Posted by His diabolical Majesty

LMFAO beyonce won best vid. Now kanye got pie all over his face.

What Kanye did was just him having the balls to say wat he feel and do as he please. So he isnt the mistreal show shuck and jive yes sir no sir yes massa as u say massa black man. We already new that and fans already new that. For years african amricans who do this is seen this way. He wont be the first wont be the last. Only ppl getting uptight about it are the fans who have prejudice and illmannared preconcieved notions about him and african americans in general. You think ppl on blogs callin him porch moneky !%#$ etc had the mindset of martin luther king or jfk then all of a sudden views on a entire race of ppl changed because of a lame a#$ video awards show... lol.

I dont know whats worst ppl that believe this or the ppl who actually are online stating it. Plus ppl say he disrespected her. 1st why does he need to respect her what does he owe her. He got up and spoke his mind nuttin more nuttin less. Aint like he physically assaulted her pushed her out the way said she sucked and was a talented hack who success is because of a country with majority whites. Then said its clear u suck and beyonce talent wise is light yrs ahead of you.

he didnt even say she had a bad video or that she is a bad artist infact he gave her props. All he said was that he thinks beyonce has the better video. i dont see how stating that makes him a bad or evil person. especially considering none of u or the bloggers no him or even met the man. Making a judgement about a person just on opinions or actions is guess what... PREJUDICE. So he losses some fans who are prejudice ignorant racist or whatever... apparently he doesnt care. He felt his opinion and what he had to say is more important then the views and thoughts of ppl who feel act that way.

The funny thing is those same ppl are probably ppl who if obama was making a speech and some1 did something like this and even worst made derrogative comments about the man. Ppl would come up with eery excuse to say it wasnt that bad or justify it.... Oops wait a minute that has already happen.

I stopped reading at this statement. Being a fellow musician, you already have a default respect for anybody else who makes music, so this article isautomatically void in my eyes.
Are you serious /b/?

You're trying to develop a raid for destroying Kanye West? Because he #+@%$%% interjected on TAYLOR SWIFTS #+@%$%% speech?

First off, Kanye is an egomaniac. You are not gonna do #%#% to him, he does not give a @!#+ he will continue to live and be a %*@!@+$. Sure, I admit he is abig #%%!#+# but what the @!#+ /b/, Beyonce > Taylor #%#% anyway. If I had a bigger ego, I wouldn't let music legends of our generation get #%#% on by#+@%$%% no namer country singers whos #+@%$%% best friends are ALL DISNEY STARS.

2. Taylor swift, Why the @!#+ do you give a @!#+? Are you all #+@%$%% secret taylor swift %+*!!$*? Do you love her because your #+@%$%% sister listens to herall the time?

She's a no namer %!%%, who's a #+@%$%% country singer and rides off disneys fame. Get the @!#+ over it, if this little $@%$$ won because of littleteenage girls voting for her then I would have said something too. The other nominees were MUCH more deserving.

3. What the @!#+? This isn't even big, yet it's everywhere on /b/. I said "oh, that was funny" when it happened. It's not raidworthy, itsnot ANYTHING worthy. You already all know kanye is a little ego freak and you're kind of all overreacting.

#+@%$%% teenagers

taken from one of the threads...dude has a point
Originally Posted by shoepacalypse

Originally Posted by xxxoverridexxx

Originally Posted by icykicks79

I dont see anything wrong with that... KANYE is still the best.

yea nothing wrong with interrupting a 16 yr old girl from winning one of her first awards and getting interrupted by a $**%%.

Lets see you work at something your whole life and then some dude coming up and saying what youve just accomplished in the past few years is irrelevant in front of the whole world.

some dude coming up and saying what youve just accomplished in the past few years is irrelevant in front of the whole world

Damn what kinda tv do you have(imma need to get that model) U have a tv that outputs different words/events than what is being broadcasted. Imma need one of those for football betting purposes(making me a winner ftw) Cause i didnt hear him say she was irrelevant at all. matter of fact i didnt hear him say anything disrespectfull or demeaning about her or her music.

And if she worked hard all her life and strived just to be on a lame a#$ video show and recieve a moon man. Kanye itterupting her speech is the least of her worries.
damn can't see how anyone can defend Kanye right now. I guess the riders can and always will.
truth of the matter, kanye west see's the world in black and white. In his world taylor swift winning the award was another way mtv kept the black mandown. Right before his site went down he gave a shout out to serena williams. Black and white...
Originally Posted by Koopa2410

Originally Posted by icykicks79

I dont see anything wrong with that... KANYE is still the best.
dude......are you ******ed?
. get off his crotch. taylor swift > kanye. anyday.

taylor swift better than kanye? I'm replacing your stupidity with fruit by the foot
Originally Posted by blacklion23

Staged? I don't think so. Reason. MTV made Kanye look worse by giving Beyonce the vid of the year award. What's funny about that is if Beyonce won vid of the year, why didn't she win female vid of the year? Makes no sense. They gave B the award to make Ye look stupid.

the fans vote for vid of the year..
There's times to speak your mind on a matter, but this was executed very poorly by Kanye. There's many interviews after the show where he couldexpressed his feelings on whatever he would feel, but to do it during this little girl's moment was straight disrespectful.

I love Kanye as an artist, but this was dirty. I'm going to give him reasonable doubt and assume he was ON something.
Originally Posted by shoepacalypse

And if she worked hard all her life and strived just to be on a lame a#$ video show and recieve a moon man. Kanye itterupting her speech is the least of her worries.
First off, I don't know what you were trying to do with all those colors, but you did it wrong.

An artist wanting to be recognized for their music is a bad thing?
Let me see youwin a moon man.

And how are you gonna use that as your argument to defend Kanye when that dude went
bonkers last time he got passed up?
Topic/Question: What the hell did Kanye West just do!!!?

Answer: Make middle America hate black ppl even more....
Originally Posted by JFMartiMcDandruff

Originally Posted by blacklion23

Staged? I don't think so. Reason. MTV made Kanye look worse by giving Beyonce the vid of the year award. What's funny about that is if Beyonce won vid of the year, why didn't she win female vid of the year? Makes no sense. They gave B the award to make Ye look stupid.
nah, ye made MTV make B win the award.

Ummm, I think that's what I said. If Ye didn't do what he did, B would not have won. How do you win for overall vid but not for female vid?
Originally Posted by Lrrr

#+@%$%% teenagers

taken from one of the threads...dude has a point
You should quote all that nonsense before you start looking like an idiot.
19 pages of people crying about Kanye's actions and how it reflects on an average black person? **** with this trash.
Originally Posted by HarlemKickDiva

Topic/Question: What the hell did Kanye West just do!!!?

Answer: Make middle America hate black ppl even more....

The ppl in Middle America who hate black ppl already do/did to begin with...an event like this is just a lame excuse for them to feel their hate is"justified"
Originally Posted by Lrrr

She's a no namer %!%%, who's a #+@%$%% country singer and rides off disneys fame. Get the @!#+ over it, if this little $@%$$ won because of little teenage girls voting for her then I would have said something too. The other nominees were MUCH more deserving.

1. She is not from disney

2. Fans don't vote for that award

so relax
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