What will happen to our generation when we get old?

Sep 2, 2010
(15-30 yr olds)
- we produce the largest carbon footprint out of any other age group
- We spend way more than we have (as stated in the 1/7 people lived in poverty thread) therefore our personal debt is extremely high
- we piss away countless hours on facebook, youtube, myspace ETC. and fill our brain cells with bull @%#+ knowledge that does not provide us with anything substantial.
- facebook has caused social interaction to become more superficial than ever imagined... How many of your "friends" are actually your friends?

I suppose I could go on, but you guys can see where I'm coming from.

I don't know what will happen to our generation when we get older (50-60 yrs).
I feel like our current generation has reached its peak in terms of widespread stupidity, ignorance, narcissism and laziness.
Why should our children have any reason to respect us?

In general I don't enjoy the same things that my peers do ( ie drinking/partying/smoking/facebook/wasting my time).
Personally, I like to analyze the trends that I see and lately I have seen so many things that make me cringe. (men and women stopping constantly to look at their reflections in a store window, people walking around with their heads down looking at a palm sized screen meanwhile immersing themselves into a world that is far removed from reality but yet they still walk around in the real world. I see women dressing in the most immodest of ways, I have literally seen girls walking around with their bras completely visible... Word to seinfeld. What kind of attention are these people looking for? what are people doing?

I am a social outcast, but do I not have valid reasons to be?

* I know this post is all over the place but I'm just ranting.

-breath of relief-
(15-30 yr olds)
- we produce the largest carbon footprint out of any other age group
- We spend way more than we have (as stated in the 1/7 people lived in poverty thread) therefore our personal debt is extremely high
- we piss away countless hours on facebook, youtube, myspace ETC. and fill our brain cells with bull @%#+ knowledge that does not provide us with anything substantial.
- facebook has caused social interaction to become more superficial than ever imagined... How many of your "friends" are actually your friends?

I suppose I could go on, but you guys can see where I'm coming from.

I don't know what will happen to our generation when we get older (50-60 yrs).
I feel like our current generation has reached its peak in terms of widespread stupidity, ignorance, narcissism and laziness.
Why should our children have any reason to respect us?

In general I don't enjoy the same things that my peers do ( ie drinking/partying/smoking/facebook/wasting my time).
Personally, I like to analyze the trends that I see and lately I have seen so many things that make me cringe. (men and women stopping constantly to look at their reflections in a store window, people walking around with their heads down looking at a palm sized screen meanwhile immersing themselves into a world that is far removed from reality but yet they still walk around in the real world. I see women dressing in the most immodest of ways, I have literally seen girls walking around with their bras completely visible... Word to seinfeld. What kind of attention are these people looking for? what are people doing?

I am a social outcast, but do I not have valid reasons to be?

* I know this post is all over the place but I'm just ranting.

-breath of relief-
Anti-social youngings that think the internet is the only way to handle business
Anti-social youngings that think the internet is the only way to handle business
It starts at 3:40 and on

Grandson: "Can we go to the zoo?"
Grandpa: "The zoo? What are you gay?"
Grandson: "Mom! Grandpa called me gay!"
Grandpa: "Don't tell on me #!%%*."
It starts at 3:40 and on

Grandson: "Can we go to the zoo?"
Grandpa: "The zoo? What are you gay?"
Grandson: "Mom! Grandpa called me gay!"
Grandpa: "Don't tell on me #!%%*."
Originally Posted by J23S

Anti-social youngings that think the internet is the only way to handle business
FTR, I am going to a party in 2 hrs.
I certainly don't classify myself as anti-social.

My body will be there and it may appear like I am enjoying myself. But in between the heated moments of dancing/talking to people I will feel my gut twisting and being contorted because in the back of my mind and in my conscious, I will be questioning whether or not this is the extent or purpose of my existence and the existence of others.
Obviously the purpose and extent of our existence is more than partying, but what purpose does it serve? While people are experiencing drought, floods and war questioning whether today will be their last day, we will remain lost in the illusion that life is eternal and therefore we will act incredibly reckless and stupid.
Originally Posted by J23S

Anti-social youngings that think the internet is the only way to handle business
FTR, I am going to a party in 2 hrs.
I certainly don't classify myself as anti-social.

My body will be there and it may appear like I am enjoying myself. But in between the heated moments of dancing/talking to people I will feel my gut twisting and being contorted because in the back of my mind and in my conscious, I will be questioning whether or not this is the extent or purpose of my existence and the existence of others.
Obviously the purpose and extent of our existence is more than partying, but what purpose does it serve? While people are experiencing drought, floods and war questioning whether today will be their last day, we will remain lost in the illusion that life is eternal and therefore we will act incredibly reckless and stupid.
We'll be telling our grand kids to go outside and play in the rubble and debris while we update our facebook pages.
We'll be telling our grand kids to go outside and play in the rubble and debris while we update our facebook pages.
ill bite.

(15-30 yr olds)
- we produce the largest carbon footprint out of any other age group

the singularity.  we straight.  technology will help us develop an answer to the problem of global warming, holes in the ozone layer, whatever.

- We spend way more than we have (as stated in the 1/7 people lived in poverty thread) therefore our personal debt is extremely high

speak for yourself.  i am taking the necessary mesaures to ensure that i am one of the 6 out of 7.  I exhibit (marginally) responsible financial planning so that I'm not destitute or financially dependent on my future children

- we piss away countless hours on facebook, youtube, myspace ETC. and fill our brain cells with bull @%#+ knowledge that does not provide us with anything substantial.

i dont participate in social networking websites.  i hardly visit youtube.  NT is my only online interactive guilty pleasure.  I use my BS knowlege to impress my friends when we watch Jeopardy.

- facebook has caused social interaction to become more superficial than ever imagined... How many of your "friends" are actually your friends?

anyone i consider a friend is a real friend (see response above).  i dont deal in virtua friends.

I suppose I could go on, but you guys can see where I'm coming from.

Why should our children have any reason to respect us?

I'm going to raise my children in a similar manner that my parents raised me and I turned out just fine.  I'm Asian.  Like many other Asian kids growing up in my generation, I got beat.  I'm going to beat my future kids if they act da fool, much like i was beaten when I was acting like an idiot.  Physical punishment will be a part of how I raise my children.

I am a social outcast, but do I not have valid reasons to be?

no.  you think you are better than your peers because you dont "give in" to these superficial activities or material wealth.  you try to justify your "difference" by calling your peers sheep or mindless zombies and talking down on the way they live their lives.  everyone is entitled to their own opinion, you included.  the reality is, you are probably a social outcast due to circumstances that may be out of your control (youre poor, not good lookin, have poor social skills, etc... etc...).  you try to make it seem like it was a choice to be different so that you dont feel bad about being a "loser"

no disrespect.  just callin it like i see it.

ill bite
ill bite.

(15-30 yr olds)
- we produce the largest carbon footprint out of any other age group

the singularity.  we straight.  technology will help us develop an answer to the problem of global warming, holes in the ozone layer, whatever.

- We spend way more than we have (as stated in the 1/7 people lived in poverty thread) therefore our personal debt is extremely high

speak for yourself.  i am taking the necessary mesaures to ensure that i am one of the 6 out of 7.  I exhibit (marginally) responsible financial planning so that I'm not destitute or financially dependent on my future children

- we piss away countless hours on facebook, youtube, myspace ETC. and fill our brain cells with bull @%#+ knowledge that does not provide us with anything substantial.

i dont participate in social networking websites.  i hardly visit youtube.  NT is my only online interactive guilty pleasure.  I use my BS knowlege to impress my friends when we watch Jeopardy.

- facebook has caused social interaction to become more superficial than ever imagined... How many of your "friends" are actually your friends?

anyone i consider a friend is a real friend (see response above).  i dont deal in virtua friends.

I suppose I could go on, but you guys can see where I'm coming from.

Why should our children have any reason to respect us?

I'm going to raise my children in a similar manner that my parents raised me and I turned out just fine.  I'm Asian.  Like many other Asian kids growing up in my generation, I got beat.  I'm going to beat my future kids if they act da fool, much like i was beaten when I was acting like an idiot.  Physical punishment will be a part of how I raise my children.

I am a social outcast, but do I not have valid reasons to be?

no.  you think you are better than your peers because you dont "give in" to these superficial activities or material wealth.  you try to justify your "difference" by calling your peers sheep or mindless zombies and talking down on the way they live their lives.  everyone is entitled to their own opinion, you included.  the reality is, you are probably a social outcast due to circumstances that may be out of your control (youre poor, not good lookin, have poor social skills, etc... etc...).  you try to make it seem like it was a choice to be different so that you dont feel bad about being a "loser"

no disrespect.  just callin it like i see it.

ill bite
Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

ill bite.

(15-30 yr olds)
- we produce the largest carbon footprint out of any other age group

the singularity.  we straight.  technology will help us develop an answer to the problem of global warming, holes in the ozone layer, whatever.

- We spend way more than we have (as stated in the 1/7 people lived in poverty thread) therefore our personal debt is extremely high

speak for yourself.  i am taking the necessary mesaures to ensure that i am one of the 6 out of 7.  I exhibit (marginally) responsible financial planning so that I'm not destitute or financially dependent on my future children

- we piss away countless hours on facebook, youtube, myspace ETC. and fill our brain cells with bull @%#+ knowledge that does not provide us with anything substantial.

i dont participate in social networking websites.  i hardly visit youtube.  NT is my only online interactive guilty pleasure.  I use my BS knowlege to impress my friends when we watch Jeopardy.

- facebook has caused social interaction to become more superficial than ever imagined... How many of your "friends" are actually your friends?

anyone i consider a friend is a real friend (see response above).  i dont deal in virtua friends.

I suppose I could go on, but you guys can see where I'm coming from.

Why should our children have any reason to respect us?

I'm going to raise my children in a similar manner that my parents raised me and I turned out just fine.  I'm Asian.  Like many other Asian kids growing up in my generation, I got beat.  I'm going to beat my future kids if they act da fool, much like i was beaten when I was acting like an idiot.  Physical punishment will be a part of how I raise my children.

I am a social outcast, but do I not have valid reasons to be?

no.  you think you are better than your peers because you dont "give in" to these superficial activities or material wealth.  you try to justify your "difference" by calling your peers sheep or mindless zombies and talking down on the way they live their lives.  everyone is entitled to their own opinion, you included.  the reality is, you are probably a social outcast due to circumstances that may be out of your control (youre poor, not good lookin, have poor social skills, etc... etc...).  you try to make it seem like it was a choice to be different so that you dont feel bad about being a "loser"

no disrespect.  just callin it like i see it.

ill bite




We're all screwed!!!... 
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