What will happen to our generation when we get old?

Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

ill bite.

(15-30 yr olds)
- we produce the largest carbon footprint out of any other age group

the singularity.  we straight.  technology will help us develop an answer to the problem of global warming, holes in the ozone layer, whatever.

- We spend way more than we have (as stated in the 1/7 people lived in poverty thread) therefore our personal debt is extremely high

speak for yourself.  i am taking the necessary mesaures to ensure that i am one of the 6 out of 7.  I exhibit (marginally) responsible financial planning so that I'm not destitute or financially dependent on my future children

- we piss away countless hours on facebook, youtube, myspace ETC. and fill our brain cells with bull @%#+ knowledge that does not provide us with anything substantial.

i dont participate in social networking websites.  i hardly visit youtube.  NT is my only online interactive guilty pleasure.  I use my BS knowlege to impress my friends when we watch Jeopardy.

- facebook has caused social interaction to become more superficial than ever imagined... How many of your "friends" are actually your friends?

anyone i consider a friend is a real friend (see response above).  i dont deal in virtua friends.

I suppose I could go on, but you guys can see where I'm coming from.

Why should our children have any reason to respect us?

I'm going to raise my children in a similar manner that my parents raised me and I turned out just fine.  I'm Asian.  Like many other Asian kids growing up in my generation, I got beat.  I'm going to beat my future kids if they act da fool, much like i was beaten when I was acting like an idiot.  Physical punishment will be a part of how I raise my children.

I am a social outcast, but do I not have valid reasons to be?

no.  you think you are better than your peers because you dont "give in" to these superficial activities or material wealth.  you try to justify your "difference" by calling your peers sheep or mindless zombies and talking down on the way they live their lives.  everyone is entitled to their own opinion, you included.  the reality is, you are probably a social outcast due to circumstances that may be out of your control (youre poor, not good lookin, have poor social skills, etc... etc...).  you try to make it seem like it was a choice to be different so that you dont feel bad about being a "loser"

no disrespect.  just callin it like i see it.

ill bite




We're all screwed!!!... 
That's fair to call me a loser, I see where you are coming from.
But I don't consider myself a loser by my standards or society's standards. I have many friends and I do interact with them. When I say I don't do drugs/party etc, I am speaking from 1st hand experience that it is a waste of time. I have done those things, but I can't help but feel that gut wrenching feeling as my body is torn between what I am doing and what I want to be doing.

When I say I am a social outcast, I am referring to my disposition in regards to everyone else's.
I feel like the masses don't understand the implications of their actions to the same extent others do.

BTW My intention was not to come off as better than or holier-than-thou in my 1st post, I simply felt a sense of frustration with the things that I have seen so I felt like ranting

* And I am glad that you don't choose to do the same stupid *%!+ that you see others doing, in that respect, I am on the same boat as you.
That's fair to call me a loser, I see where you are coming from.
But I don't consider myself a loser by my standards or society's standards. I have many friends and I do interact with them. When I say I don't do drugs/party etc, I am speaking from 1st hand experience that it is a waste of time. I have done those things, but I can't help but feel that gut wrenching feeling as my body is torn between what I am doing and what I want to be doing.

When I say I am a social outcast, I am referring to my disposition in regards to everyone else's.
I feel like the masses don't understand the implications of their actions to the same extent others do.

BTW My intention was not to come off as better than or holier-than-thou in my 1st post, I simply felt a sense of frustration with the things that I have seen so I felt like ranting

* And I am glad that you don't choose to do the same stupid *%!+ that you see others doing, in that respect, I am on the same boat as you.
Originally Posted by th1nk

That's fair to call me a loser, I see where you are coming from.
But I don't consider myself a loser by my standards or society's standards. I have many friends and I do interact with them. When I say I don't do drugs/party etc, I am speaking from 1st hand experience that it is a waste of time. I have done those things, but I can't help but feel that gut wrenching feeling as my body is torn between what I am doing and what I want to be doing.

When I say I am a social outcast, I am referring to my disposition in regards to everyone else's.
I feel like the masses don't understand the implications of their actions to the same extent others do.

BTW My intention was not to come off as better than or holier-than-thou in my 1st post, I simply felt a sense of frustration with the things that I have seen so I felt like ranting

* And I am glad that you don't choose to do the same stupid *%!+ that you see others doing, in that respect, I am on the same boat as you.
but i do.  i mean im older now, married, thinkin of startin a family, so i've slowed down quite a bit.  in my youth i would be out from wed-sun, every night til the sun came up, going to parties, doing copious amounts of drugs, tryin to hook up with chicks, basically living a hedonistic irresponsible life.  i dont regret it for a second.  these days my ideal friday night is having the wife go out with her girls so i can sit at home and play madden with my buddys, crackin open a bottle of jameson or two, and doing our best to finish a quad of fine california medicinal buds.  as superficial as that sounds, that brings me pleasure.  do i do "drugs" (buds) to escape reality? honestly? probably.  not because i hate reality.  in fact the contrary.  i love life.  i love where im at right now.  i love my job.  i love my wife.  financially i could be better but im not broke.  my family is healthy. whats there not to like?  that being said, i also like gettin faded, playin video games, and just not thinkin bout my day to day responsibilities. but i digress.

i am a consumer.  i knowingly create the largest carbon footprint that i possibly can because

a) i dont really care about future generations.  as long as i get mine, im straight (im selfish)
b) see response "a"  X a milion
c) i am confident that technological innovation will find an answer for all of these problems (my reference to the singularity)

you seem like a troubled soul, but i dont think you need to be.  you say that you are torn between what you are doing and what you want to be doing.  here is a simple solution.  DO WHAT YOU WANT TO DO.  you will feel a whole lot better.  you cant control what others are going to do, nor are you responsible for what others are going to do.  Do what makes you happy.  F all that other noise.  Its cliche to say it, but DO YOU.

Originally Posted by th1nk

That's fair to call me a loser, I see where you are coming from.
But I don't consider myself a loser by my standards or society's standards. I have many friends and I do interact with them. When I say I don't do drugs/party etc, I am speaking from 1st hand experience that it is a waste of time. I have done those things, but I can't help but feel that gut wrenching feeling as my body is torn between what I am doing and what I want to be doing.

When I say I am a social outcast, I am referring to my disposition in regards to everyone else's.
I feel like the masses don't understand the implications of their actions to the same extent others do.

BTW My intention was not to come off as better than or holier-than-thou in my 1st post, I simply felt a sense of frustration with the things that I have seen so I felt like ranting

* And I am glad that you don't choose to do the same stupid *%!+ that you see others doing, in that respect, I am on the same boat as you.
but i do.  i mean im older now, married, thinkin of startin a family, so i've slowed down quite a bit.  in my youth i would be out from wed-sun, every night til the sun came up, going to parties, doing copious amounts of drugs, tryin to hook up with chicks, basically living a hedonistic irresponsible life.  i dont regret it for a second.  these days my ideal friday night is having the wife go out with her girls so i can sit at home and play madden with my buddys, crackin open a bottle of jameson or two, and doing our best to finish a quad of fine california medicinal buds.  as superficial as that sounds, that brings me pleasure.  do i do "drugs" (buds) to escape reality? honestly? probably.  not because i hate reality.  in fact the contrary.  i love life.  i love where im at right now.  i love my job.  i love my wife.  financially i could be better but im not broke.  my family is healthy. whats there not to like?  that being said, i also like gettin faded, playin video games, and just not thinkin bout my day to day responsibilities. but i digress.

i am a consumer.  i knowingly create the largest carbon footprint that i possibly can because

a) i dont really care about future generations.  as long as i get mine, im straight (im selfish)
b) see response "a"  X a milion
c) i am confident that technological innovation will find an answer for all of these problems (my reference to the singularity)

you seem like a troubled soul, but i dont think you need to be.  you say that you are torn between what you are doing and what you want to be doing.  here is a simple solution.  DO WHAT YOU WANT TO DO.  you will feel a whole lot better.  you cant control what others are going to do, nor are you responsible for what others are going to do.  Do what makes you happy.  F all that other noise.  Its cliche to say it, but DO YOU.

Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

you seem like a troubled soul, but i dont think you need to be.  you say that you are torn between what you are doing and what you want to be doing.  here is a simple solution.  DO WHAT YOU WANT TO DO.  you will feel a whole lot better.  you cant control what others are going to do, nor are you responsible for what others are going to do.  Do what makes you happy.  F all that other noise.  Its cliche to say it, but DO YOU. 
Good advice.

My problem is that my weakness is women, I engage in some of the stupid #*!! listed above so I can be with pretty women. From my experience, most good looking women do all the stupid #*!! that I mentioned in my 1st post on a regular basis.

I have yet to find a beautiful girl who is mature and introspective.
Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

you seem like a troubled soul, but i dont think you need to be.  you say that you are torn between what you are doing and what you want to be doing.  here is a simple solution.  DO WHAT YOU WANT TO DO.  you will feel a whole lot better.  you cant control what others are going to do, nor are you responsible for what others are going to do.  Do what makes you happy.  F all that other noise.  Its cliche to say it, but DO YOU. 
Good advice.

My problem is that my weakness is women, I engage in some of the stupid #*!! listed above so I can be with pretty women. From my experience, most good looking women do all the stupid #*!! that I mentioned in my 1st post on a regular basis.

I have yet to find a beautiful girl who is mature and introspective.
You're only looking at the bad right now. There is alot of good in out generation. Tolarance and new ideas are at an all time high. I completly get what ure saying, stuff is not looking that good right now, but there is some good out there. It wouldn't be a bad idea if you would hangout with more like minded people also if you stopped judging ppl and start to get to know people
You're only looking at the bad right now. There is alot of good in out generation. Tolarance and new ideas are at an all time high. I completly get what ure saying, stuff is not looking that good right now, but there is some good out there. It wouldn't be a bad idea if you would hangout with more like minded people also if you stopped judging ppl and start to get to know people
You're only looking at the bad right now. There is alot of good in out generation. Tolarance and new ideas are at an all time high. I completly get what ure saying, stuff is not looking that good right now, but there is some good out there. It wouldn't be a bad idea if you would hangout with more like minded people also if you stopped judging ppl and start to get to know people
You're only looking at the bad right now. There is alot of good in out generation. Tolarance and new ideas are at an all time high. I completly get what ure saying, stuff is not looking that good right now, but there is some good out there. It wouldn't be a bad idea if you would hangout with more like minded people also if you stopped judging ppl and start to get to know people
2011 we all gotta live it up just in case.........($# really go down.

matter fact we should start plannin for a mega NT summit.
2011 we all gotta live it up just in case.........($# really go down.

matter fact we should start plannin for a mega NT summit.
Originally Posted by Al Audi

2011 we all gotta live it up just in case.........(&#$# really go down.

matter fact we should start plannin for a mega NT summit.
The time has come...
Originally Posted by Al Audi

2011 we all gotta live it up just in case.........(&#$# really go down.

matter fact we should start plannin for a mega NT summit.
The time has come...
"i am not like my peers, you see. they waste their time on trivialities like parties and facebook and losing their virginity, and i do productive, world-changing things like make threads on niketalk."
"i am not like my peers, you see. they waste their time on trivialities like parties and facebook and losing their virginity, and i do productive, world-changing things like make threads on niketalk."
Really what your going thru is trivial and honestly what'll happen is we all die like generations before us. Dont worry about it now. Youre wastin time. RIP.
Really what your going thru is trivial and honestly what'll happen is we all die like generations before us. Dont worry about it now. Youre wastin time. RIP.
Originally Posted by th1nk

That's fair to call me a loser, I see where you are coming from.
But I don't consider myself a loser by my standards or society's standards. I have many friends and I do interact with them. When I say I don't do drugs/party etc, I am speaking from 1st hand experience that it is a waste of time. I have done those things, but I can't help but feel that gut wrenching feeling as my body is torn between what I am doing and what I want to be doing.

When I say I am a social outcast, I am referring to my disposition in regards to everyone else's.
I feel like the masses don't understand the implications of their actions to the same extent others do.

BTW My intention was not to come off as better than or holier-than-thou in my 1st post, I simply felt a sense of frustration with the things that I have seen so I felt like ranting

* And I am glad that you don't choose to do the same stupid *%!+ that you see others doing, in that respect, I am on the same boat as you.

you mad?

i understand where you're coming from, though. i just don't see the point in sharing this with people who, quite frankly, couldn't care less.

but yeah. like the other guy said, from your post, i understand that you're just a mad loser. no hate. just an observation. 
Originally Posted by th1nk

That's fair to call me a loser, I see where you are coming from.
But I don't consider myself a loser by my standards or society's standards. I have many friends and I do interact with them. When I say I don't do drugs/party etc, I am speaking from 1st hand experience that it is a waste of time. I have done those things, but I can't help but feel that gut wrenching feeling as my body is torn between what I am doing and what I want to be doing.

When I say I am a social outcast, I am referring to my disposition in regards to everyone else's.
I feel like the masses don't understand the implications of their actions to the same extent others do.

BTW My intention was not to come off as better than or holier-than-thou in my 1st post, I simply felt a sense of frustration with the things that I have seen so I felt like ranting

* And I am glad that you don't choose to do the same stupid *%!+ that you see others doing, in that respect, I am on the same boat as you.

you mad?

i understand where you're coming from, though. i just don't see the point in sharing this with people who, quite frankly, couldn't care less.

but yeah. like the other guy said, from your post, i understand that you're just a mad loser. no hate. just an observation. 
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