What will happen to our generation when we get old?

No offense to you OP, but I feel like your pessimistic view on our generation is tied specifically to your current position in life.

You are a freshman in college, no?

Everyone in your class and generation currently is seeking a hedonistic lifestyle.  That's what college is for many, an escape from the morals and values taught at home.

While anyone can recognize the amount of time wasted with the internet and what not, the internet has increased the amount of scholarly information to the world as well.  Many are assuming the traditional model of college as we know it will slowly fade, just as an example. 

I believe your position on our generation will change over time, especially if you continue to fuel this introspective drive.
No offense to you OP, but I feel like your pessimistic view on our generation is tied specifically to your current position in life.

You are a freshman in college, no?

Everyone in your class and generation currently is seeking a hedonistic lifestyle.  That's what college is for many, an escape from the morals and values taught at home.

While anyone can recognize the amount of time wasted with the internet and what not, the internet has increased the amount of scholarly information to the world as well.  Many are assuming the traditional model of college as we know it will slowly fade, just as an example. 

I believe your position on our generation will change over time, especially if you continue to fuel this introspective drive.
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